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Tunde Koku Lulikiwa Kuoluali Toke Ketande

Tunde Koku Lulikiwa Kuoluali Toke Ketande

Ilu kuenda ongongo via tunda pi? Ekumbi, osãi, olombungululu, kuenda ovina vikuavo vi kasi vongongo vieya ndati? Embimbiliya, lieca atambululo ocili. Olio li popia okuti ovina viaco via lulikiwa la Suku. Elivulu lilo, kefetikilo li lombolola asapulo Embimbiliya atiamẽla kovina via lulikiwa.

Suku tete wa lulika omanu vakuetimba liespiritu ndeli liaye. Omanu vaco va tukuiwa hati, ovangelo. Pole, ongongo ya lulikiwa oco mu tunge omanu va kasi letimba ndeli lietu. Suku wa lulika ulume lukãi. Olonduko viavo Adama la Eva kuenje wa va kapa vocumbo cimue ceposo. Omo okuti ovo ka va pokuile Kokuaye, va pumba esumũlũho liavo lioku kala lomuenyo.

Tunde koku lulikiwa kua Adama toke koku iya kuetande, pa pita eci ci soka 1.656 kanyamo. Vokuenda kuanyamo aco, kilu lieve kua kala omanu valua olondingaĩvi. Kilu kua kalavo oviluvo viespiritu vina ka viletiwe okuti Satana kuenda ovangelo vaye vãvi. Kilu lieve kua kala omunu umue o tukuiwa hati Kaini kuenda omanu vakuavo vãvi oku kongelamo ovindululu. Pole, kilu lieve kua kalavo omanu vamue olondingesunga ndeci, Havele, Enoke kuenda Noha. Vonepa YATETE, tuka lilongisa eci catiamẽla komanu vaco kuenda ovolandu akuavo.




Suku o Fetika Oku Lulika Ovina

The Genesis story of creation is understandable and fascinating—even to young children.


Ocumbo Cimue Ceposo

According to Genesis, God made the garden of Eden a very special place. God wants the whole earth to be just like that beautiful garden.


Ulume Watete Kuenda Ukãi Watete

God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the garden of Eden. They became the first married couple.


Esunga Lieci va Pumbila Ocitumãlo Cavo

The Bible book of Genesis tells us how the original paradise was lost.


Efetikilo Liomuenyo Umue wa Tĩla

Outside the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve faced many problems. If only they had obeyed God, life would have been happy for them and their children.


Omõla Umue Ukuesunga Kuenda Ondingaĩvi

The story of Cain and Abel, as recorded in Genesis, teaches us about the kind of people we should be—and what attitudes to change before it’s too late.


Ulume Umue Ukuotõi

The example of Enoch shows that you can do what is right, even if people all around you do what is bad.


Ovindululu Kilu Lieve

Genesis chapter 6 tells about giants who hurt people. Those giants, called Nephilim, were children of the fallen angels who left heaven and lived as humans.


Noha wa Tunga Ocimbaluku

Noah and his family survived the Flood because they obeyed God even though others would not listen.


Etande Linene

People laughed at Noah’s warning message. But they were not laughing when the flood waters fell from heaven! Learn how Noah’s ark saved Noah, his family, and many animals.