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God Start for Wakem Samting

God Start for Wakem Samting

EVRI gudfala samting wea iumi garem hem kam from God. Hem wakem sun or givim iumi laet long daytaem, and moon and olketa star for givim iumi lelebet laet long naet. And God wakem earth for iumi stap insaed.

Bat sun, moon, and olketa star olketa no firstfala samting wea God wakem. Waswe, iu savve wanem nao first samting? Firstaem God wakem olketa spirit olsem hemseleva. Iumi no savve lukim olketa spirit hia, olsem iumi no savve lukim God tu. Bible hem kolem olketa spirit hia angel. God wakem olketa angel for stap witim hem long heven.

Firstfala angel wea God wakem hem barava spesol. Hem nao firstfala Son bilong God, and hem waka witim Father bilong hem. Hem helpem God for wakem evri nara samting. Hem helpem God for wakem sun, moon, olketa star, and earth bilong iumi tu.

Earth hem luk hao long datfala taem? Firstaem, no eniwan fit for stap long earth. No eni samting stap bat wata nomoa long evri ples. Bat God laekem pipol for stap long earth. So hem start for redyim evri samting for iumi. Wanem nao hem duim?

First samting earth needim hem laet. So God mekem laet from sun for shaen long earth. Hem mekem naet and day. Bihaen God mekem graon for kamap hae winim wata.

Firstaem no eni samting stap long graon. Hem luk olsem piksa wea iu lukim long hia. No eni flaoa or tree or animal. No eni fish stap long sea tu. God garem bigfala waka yet for mekem earth kamap naesfala ples for olketa animal and pipol for stap insaed.