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Onepa 2

The Flood to the Deliverance From Egypt

The Flood to the Deliverance From Egypt

Omanu va supuluka Ketande va kala lika ecelãla. Pole, vokuenda kuotembo, etendelo liomanu lieya oku livokiya calua. Eci papita 352 kanyamo noke Lietande, kilu lieve kueya oku citiwa ulume umue. Onduko yaye Avirahama. Yehova wa likuminyile okuti Avirahama oka cita omõla ulume o tukuiwa hati, Isake. Ohuminyo yaco yeya oku tẽlisiwa muẽle. Pokati komãla vavali va Isake, Suku wa nõlelepo Yakoba.

Yakoba wa kuata eci ci soka 12 komãla valume kuenda omãla vakãi. Omãla 10 va Yakoba, va kuatela manjavo Yosefe ukuse kuenje vo landisa ndupika Kegito. Noke Fareo weya oku lingisa Yosefe osoma yinene Kegito. Eci vofeka mueya onjala yalua, Yosefe wa seteka vamanjaye oco a kũlĩhĩse ovitima viavo nda via pongoloka. Vokuenda kuoloneke, epata liosi lia Yosefe okuti va Isareli, lieya oku ilukila Kegito. Ovina evi via pita noke yeci ci soka 290 kanyamo okupisa kotembo Avirahama a citiwa.

Vokuenda kuanyamo a soka 215 ana eya oku kuamamo, va Isareli va kala kofeka Yegito. Eci Yosefe a fa va Isareli va linga apika kofeka yaco. Vokuenda kuotembo kueya oku citiwa Mose kuenje Yehova wo nõla oco a yovole va Isareli kupika waco. Ci soka 857 kanyamo atiamẽla kesapulo liaco, lia lomboluiwa vonepa YAVALI.




Olukongolo Luatete

When you see a rainbow, what should it remind you of?


Omanu va Tunga Osapalalo ya Lepa

God was not pleased, and the punishment he gave still affects people today.


Avirahama wa Linga Ekamba Lia Suku

Why did Abraham leave his comfortable home to spend the rest of his life living in tents?


Suku wa Seteka Ekolelo Lia Avirahama

Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac?


Ukãi wa Lote wa Vanja Konyima

What she did can teach us a valuable lesson.


Isake wa Kuela Ukãi wa Sunguluka

What made Rebekah such a good wife? Her beauty, or something else?


Omãla Volonjamba Okuti ka va Lisetãhalele

Their father, Isaac, loved Esau more, but their mother, Rebekah, loved Jacob more.


Yakoba wa Endele ko Harane

Jacob married Leah first even though he was in love with Rachel.


Epata Lia Yakoba

Are the 12 tribes of Israel named after Jacob’s 12 sons?


Dina wa Kuata Ovitangi

It all started with the wrong friends.


Yosefe wa Suvukiwile la Vamanjaye

What could make some of them want to kill their own brother?


Yosefe wa Kapiwa Vokayike

He is sent there, not because he broke the law, but because he did what was right.


Olonjoi Via Fareo

The seven cows and seven heads of grain have something in common.


Yosefe wa Seteka Vamanjaye

How can he know whether they have really changed from the time that they sold him as a slave?


Epata Lia Yakoba Lia Ilukila Kegito

Why are the members of Jacob’s family called Israelites instead of Jacobites?


Yovi wa Lekisa Ekolelo ku Suku

Job lost his wealth, his health, and all his children. Was God punishing him?


Osoma Yimue Yĩvi ya Vialele Kegito

Why did he tell his people to kill all the Israelite baby boys?


Ndomo Mose a Popeliwa

His mother finds a way around the law that all Israelite baby boys should be killed.


Esunga Lieci Mose a Tilila

Moses thought he was ready to save the Israelites when he was 40 years old, but he wasn’t.


Ocisapa ca Taima

Using a series of miracles, God tells Moses that the time has come for Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.