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Job Hem Faithful Long God

Job Hem Faithful Long God

WASWE, iu feel sorre long disfala sik man? Nem bilong hem Job, disfala woman hem waef bilong hem. Waswe, iu savve wanem nao hem talem long Job? ‘Cursim God and dae.’ Bae iumi lukim why nao hem talem disfala toktok, and why nao Job hem safa fogud.

Job hem wanfala faithful man wea obeyim Jehovah. Hem stap long land bilong Uz, wea klosap long Caʹnaan. Jehovah barava lovem Job, bat wanfala man nao heitim hem. Waswe, iu savve hu?

Hem Satan nao. Remember, Satan hem nogud angel wea heitim Jehovah. Hem mekem Adam and Eve for no obeyim Jehovah, and hem tingse hem savve mekem evriwan tu for no obeyim Jehovah. Bat waswe, hem fit for duim olsem? Nomoa. Tingim plande faithful man and woman wea iumi lane abaotem finis. Waswe, iu savve rememberim nem bilong olketa?

Bihaen Jacob and Joseph dae long Egypt, Job nao faithful long Jehovah winim evri nara man long earth. Jehovah laek for talem long Satan hao hem no fit for mekem evriwan kamap nogud, so hem sei: ‘Lukim Job. Lukim hao hem barava faithful long mi.’

Satan hem sei: ‘Hem faithful bikos iu blessim hem and hem garem plande gudfala samting. Bat sapos iu tekem evri samting hia from hem, hem bae cursim iu.’

So Jehovah sei: ‘Gohed. Tekem evri samting. Duim eni nogud samting wea iu want for duim long Job. Iumi bae lukim sapos hem bae cursim mi. Bat iu mas no killim hem dae.’

Firstaem, Satan mekem samfala man stealim olketa buluka and camel bilong Job, and olketa sheep bilong hem dae. Then hem killim dae 10-fala pikinini bilong Job long wanfala cyclone. Then, Satan mekem Job kasem wanfala barava nogud sik. Job hem safa fogud. Dastawe waef bilong Job talem hem: ‘Cursim God and dae.’ Bat Job nating duim datwan. And tu, thrifala giaman fren kam and talem hem hao hem wanfala nogud man bifor. Bat Job hem faithful.

Diswan mekem Jehovah hapi fogud, and hem blessim Job bihaen, olsem iu lukim long piksa. Hem healim hem from sik. Job garem moa 10-fala naesfala pikinini, and plande moa animal winim bifor.

Waswe, iu bae faithful long Jehovah evritaem olsem Job? Sapos iu olsem, God bae blessim iu tu. Iu bae fit for stap olowe taem disfala full earth luk naes moa olsem garden bilong Eden.