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Taem wea Jesus Born Go Kasem Taem Hem Dae

Taem wea Jesus Born Go Kasem Taem Hem Dae

Angel Gabriel hem kam long wanfala naes gele wea nem bilong hem Mary. Hem talem Mary hao hem bae garem wanfala pikinini wea bae rul olsem king for olowe. Datfala pikinini, Jesus, hem born long haos bilong olketa animal, and olketa shepherd visitim hem. Bihaen, wanfala star leadim samfala man from East go long datfala young pikinini. Iumi bae lane abaotem hu nao mekem olketa lukim datfala star, and hao nao Jesus hem stap sef taem pipol trae for killim hem dae.

Then, taem Jesus hem 12 year, hem story witim olketa teacher insaed long temple. Eitin year bihaen, Jesus hem baptaes and hem startim waka for preach and teach abaotem kingdom, wea datwan hem waka wea God sendem hem long earth for duim. For helpem hem long disfala waka, Jesus chusim 12-fala man for kamap olketa aposol bilong hem.

Jesus duim plande mirakol tu. Hem feedim plande thousand pipol witim tu-thri smol fish and samfala bred. Hem healim olketa wea sik and mekem olketa wea dae finis laef bak tu. Then, iumi bae lane abaotem plande samting wea happen long Jesus long lastfala day long laef bilong hem, and hao olketa killim hem dae. Jesus preach for samting olsem thri and haf year, so PART 6 hem story abaotem olketa samting wea happen insaed long 34 year.




Angel Visitim Mary

Hem talem wanfala message from God: Mary bae garem wanfala baby wea bae king for olowe.


Jesus Born Insaed Haos Bilong Olketa Animal

Why nao wanfala baby wea bae king long future born long haos for feedim olketa animal?


Star Leadim Olketa Man

Hu nao leadim olketa man wea studyim olketa star go long Jesus? Maet bae iu sapraes long ansa.


Young Jesus Long Temple

Wanem Jesus duim mekem olketa teacher long temple for sapraes.


John Baptaesim Jesus

John hem bin baptaesim olketa wea sin, but Jesus no enitaem sin. Why nao John baptaesim hem?


Jesus Mekem Temple Hem Klin

Love wea Jesus showimaot mekem hem kros.


Witim Woman long Well

Hao nao wata wea Jesus laek givim long datfala woman bae mekem hem no thirsty moa?


Jesus Teach Long Maunten

Lanem wise toktok from Sermon long Maunten.


Jesus Mekem Olketa wea Dae for Laef Bak

Jesus iusim paoa bilong God taem hem talem tufala simpol toktok and mekem laef bak dota bilong Jairus.


Jesus Feedim Plande Pipol

Taem Jesus feedim staka thousand pipol long mirakol wei, wanem important point nao hem pruvim?


Hem Lovem Olketa Pikinini

Jesus teachim olketa aposol hao olketa savve lanem staka samting from olketa pikinini taem olketa lukluk long wei bilong olketa


Wei wea Jesus Hem Teach

Taem Jesus storyim tokpiksa bilong Samaritan wea showimaot love, diswan hem example long wei bilong Jesus for teach wea hem iusim staka taem.


Jesus Healim Olketa wea Sik

Wanem gud samting nao Jesus kasem from olketa mirakol wea hem duim?


Jesus Kam Olsem King

Staka pipol hapi long hem, bat no evriwan hapi.


Long Maunten Bilong Olives

Jesus storyim long fofala aposol bilong hem olketa samting wea gohed for happen long taem bilong iumi.


Long Wanfala Rum Antap

Why nao Jesus talem olketa disaepol for kaikaim disfala spesol kaikai evri year?


Jesus Long Garden

Why nao Judas givim go Jesus witim wanfala kiss?


Olketa Killim Dae Jesus

Taem hem klosap for dae long post, hem mekem promis abaotem paradaes.