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Help Fo Teens An Young Adults

Try check out how da Bible can help teenagers an young adults deal wit all da kine stuff dat can come up wit growing up.

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Try Learn Da Bible Wit Somebody

Learn da Bible by talking story wit yoa own Bible teacha fo free.

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Talk about da Bible, o learn some moa about Witnesses Fo Jehovah.

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Learn wea we meet an how we show Jehovah love an aloha. Anybody can come an no need pay notting.


I Wen Bag From Religion

Tom wen like believe in God, but he neva like how religion wuz doin da same stuff ova an ova an neva mean nottin. How learnin da Bible wen help him fo find hope?

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Witnesses fo Jehovah—Who Us?

Us guys come from plenny differen kine place and speak all kine language, but we stay all on da same page. Da main ting we like do is sho respeck fo Jehovah, da one who wen make da Bible an all tings. We goin try hard fo copy Jesus Christ our leada, an we stay proud fo be Christians. All us guys no mind spend time teach oddas bout da Bible an God’s Government. Cuz we do dat, talk bout Jehovah an his government, we take on da name Witnesses fo Jehovah.

Check out da site. Go read da Bible online. Learn moa about us and our beliefs.


Two of Jehovah's Witnesses preaching to a man in a rice paddy.