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Mutamba 7

Jesus’ Resurrection to Paul’s Imprisonment

Jesus’ Resurrection to Paul’s Imprisonment

Yesu ua sangukile, ha litangua lia mu citatu fume ha ku-tsa ceni. Mu litangua lize ua lisoluele lutanu ku vandongesi veni. Ua tualeleho ku lisolola kuli vakevo mu matangua 40. Kaha Yesu ua londele muilu, oku vandongesi veni va na mu tala. Mu nima ya matangua likumi Njambi ua muaniene sipilitu santu hali vakua ku kava Yesu va kele na ku lavelela mu Yelusalema.

Kaha ku lutue lua ntsimbu, vitozi va Njambi va hakele vapostolo mu kamenga, vunoni kangelo ua va patuilemo. Ndongesi ua lizina Setefanu, va mu asele mavue kuli vitozi, noho ua tsile. Vunoni, tu ka lilongesa vati Yesu ua hanguile umo ua vaze vitozi ku mu puisa ngamba yeni ua ku lifuila, u va sanene honi nguavo kapostolo Paulu. Kaha mu nima ya miaka itatu na vingonde 6 fume ha kutsa ca Yesu, Njambi ua tumine kapostolo Petulu ku ka ambuluila umo kati kaYundeya ua lizina Koloneliu na vakua ndzivo yeni.

Mu nima ya miaka 13, Paulu ua putukile vungendzi vueni vua katete vua ku ambulula. Kaha Timoteo ua lipandakanene kuli Paulu mu vungendzi vueni vua mu civali. Tu ka lilongesa vati Paulu na vakuavo vendele neni, va hitile mu vi ntsimbu via vingi via ndzolela omo lia ku pangela Njambi. Mu ku sulumuina, Paulu va mu sokele mu kamenga ku Loma. Mu nima ya miaka ivali va mu patuilemo, vunoni va mu sokele naua mu kamenga kaha va mu tsihile. Mizimbu ya mu MUTAMBA 7 ya ambatele miaka 32.




Jesus Is Alive

After an angel rolls the stone away from Jesus’ tomb, the soldiers on guard there are shocked at what they see inside.


Into a Locked Room

Why do Jesus’ disciples not recognize him after he is resurrected?


Jesus Returns to Heaven

Before Jesus ascends into the sky, he gives his disciples one last command.


Waiting in Jerusalem

Why did Jesus pour out holy spirit on the disciples at Pentecost?


Set Free From Prison

The Jewish religious leaders put the apostles in prison to stop their preaching, but God has something else in mind.


Stephen Is Stoned

While he is being executed, Stephen offers an extraordinary prayer.


On the Road to Damascus

A blinding light and a voice from heaven change Saul’s life.


Peter Visits Cornelius

Does God view people of any one race or nation as better than those of any other?


Timothy​—Paul’s New Helper

Timothy left home to join Paul on an exciting preaching trip.


A Boy Who Fell Asleep

Eutychus fell asleep during Paul’s first talk, but not during his second talk. What happened between the two talks was nothing short of miraculous.


Shipwrecked on an Island

Just when all seems to be lost, Paul receives a message from God that gives him hope.


Paul in Rome

How can Paul do his work as an apostle while he’s a prisoner?