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المراجع مدرجة بحسب الفصل

المراجع مدرجة بحسب الفصل

المراجع مدرجة بحسب الفصل

الفصل ١

by James Barr,‎ 1973,‎ p.‎ 120.‎ The Bible in the Modern World,‎ 1.‎

1987,‎ Vol.‎ 2,‎ p.‎ 194.‎ The New Encyclopædia Britannica,‎ 2.‎

by Solomon Goldman,‎ 1948,‎ p.‎ 219.‎ The Book of Books: An Introduction,‎ 3.‎

p.‎ 222.‎ The Book of Books: An Introduction,‎ 4.‎

Vol.‎ 48,‎ No.‎ 26,‎ February 7,‎ 1983,‎ p.‎ 5527.‎ Federal Register,‎ 5.‎

1912,‎ Vol.‎ 1,‎ pp.‎ 86-91.‎ Chadman’s Cyclopedia of Law,‎ 6.‎

الفصل ٢

edited by James B.‎ Pritchard,‎ 1969,‎ pp.‎ vi,‎ xii,‎ xiii,‎ xiv.‎ Ancient Near Eastern Texts,‎ 1.‎

edited by Moses Hadas and Thomas Suits,‎ 1961,‎ p.‎ 227(.‎ Latin Selections,‎‏) 44 by Tacitus,‎ Book XV.‎ 39,‎ The Annals,‎ 2.‎

edited by S.‎ L.‎ Greenslade,‎ 1963,‎ Vol.‎ 3,‎ p.‎ 476.‎ The Cambridge History of the Bible,‎ 3.‎

by Sir Frederic Kenyon,‎ 1958,‎ p.‎ 50.‎ Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts,‎ 4.‎

p.‎ 79.‎ Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts,‎ 5.‎

by Norman K.‎ Gottwald,‎ 1959,‎ p.‎ 40.‎ A Light to the Nations,‎ 6.‎

by Millar Burrows,‎ 1955,‎ pp.‎ 303,‎ 304.‎ The Dead Sea Scrolls,‎ 7.‎

edited by Frank Moore Cross and Shemaryahu Talmon,‎ 1975,‎ pp.‎ 276,‎ 277.‎ Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text,‎ 8.‎

by W.‎ O.‎ E.‎ Oesterley and Theodore H.‎ Robinson,‎ 1958,‎ p.‎ 21.‎ An Introduction to the Books of the Old Testament,‎ 9.‎

p.‎ 55.‎ Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts,‎ 10.‎

الفصل ٣

by Margaret Deanesly,‎ 1920,‎ p.‎ 24.‎ The Lollard Bible and Other Medieval Biblical Versions,‎ 1.‎

p.‎ 227.‎ The Lollard Bible,‎ 2.‎

pp.‎ 30-33.‎ The Lollard Bible,‎ 3.‎

p.‎ 36.‎ The Lollard Bible,‎ 4.‎

p.‎ 48.‎ The Lollard Bible,‎ 5.‎

pp.‎ 295,‎ 296.‎ The Lollard Bible,‎ 6.‎

p.‎ 328.‎ The Lollard Bible,‎ 7.‎

by A.‎ Gordon Kinder,‎ p.‎ 16.‎ Casiodoro de Reina,‎ Spanish Reformer of the Sixteenth Century,‎ ‏;130 by John Foxe,‎ 1873,‎ p.‎ The History of Christian Martyrdom,‎ 8.‎

by Edward J.‎ Ciuba,‎ 1974,‎ p.‎ viii.‎ ‏?Who Do You Say That I Am 9.‎

by Hans Eberhard Mayer,‎ translated by John Gillingham,‎ 1978,‎ p.‎ 44.‎ The Crusades,‎ 10.‎

by Edith Firoozi and Ira N.‎ Klein,‎ 1966,‎ Vol.‎ IX,‎ p.‎ 732.‎ The Universal History of the World,‎ 11.‎

by Joel Dorman Steele and Esther Baker Steele,‎ 1883,‎ pp.‎ 428,‎ 429.‎ A Brief History of Ancient,‎ Mediæval,‎ and Modern Peoples,‎ 12.‎

by Orlando E.‎ Costas,‎ 1974,‎ p.‎ 245.‎ The Church and Its Mission: A Shattering Critique From the Third World,‎ 13.‎

by Norman Hill and Doniver A.‎ Lund,‎ 1958,‎ p.‎ 5.‎ If the Churches Want World Peace,‎ 14.‎

الفصل ٤

Second edition,‎ 1976,‎ p.‎ xlii.‎ The International Critical Commentary—A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Genesis,‎ ‏;255 by John Urquhart,‎ 1895,‎ pp.‎ 254,‎ The Inspiration & Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures,‎ 1.‎

1911,‎ Vol.‎ xi,‎ pp.‎ 580,‎ 581.‎ Encyclopædia Britannica,‎ 2.‎

by S.‎ R.‎ Driver,‎ 1898,‎ p.‎ 154.‎ An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament,‎ ‏;263 pp.‎ 262,‎ The Inspiration & Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures,‎ 3.‎

by Richard Elliott Friedman,‎ 1987,‎ p.‎ 52.‎ ‏?Who Wrote the Bible 4.‎

1971,‎ Vol.‎ 13,‎ p.‎ 264.‎ Encyclopædia Judaica,‎ 5.‎

by Gleason L.‎ Archer,‎ Jr.‎,‎ 1974,‎ p.‎ 107.‎ A Survey of Old Testament Introduction,‎ 6.‎

pp.‎ 258,‎ 259.‎ The Inspiration & Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures,‎ 7.‎

edited by James B.‎ Pritchard,‎ 1969,‎ p.‎ 313.‎ Ancient Near Eastern Texts,‎ 8.‎

May/June 1985,‎ pp.‎ 74,‎ 75,‎ 77.‎ Biblical Archaeology Review,‎ 9.‎

by Gaalyah Cornfeld,‎ 1976,‎ p.‎ 99.‎ Archaeology of the Bible: Book by Book,‎ 10.‎

by Kathleen M.‎ Kenyon,‎ 1978,‎ p.‎ 97.‎ The Bible and Recent Archaeology,‎ 11.‎

p.‎ 177.‎ Archaeology of the Bible: Book by Book,‎ 12.‎

p.‎ 177.‎ Archaeology of the Bible: Book by Book,‎ 13.‎

edited by J.‎ Philip Hyatt,‎ 1956,‎ p.‎ 297.‎ The Bible in Modern Scholarship,‎ 14.‎

by John Garstang,‎ 1948,‎ pp.‎ 135,‎ 141,‎ 146,‎ 186.‎ The Story of Jericho,‎ 15.‎

1967,‎ p.‎ 28.‎ Archaeological Discoveries in the Holy Land,‎ ‏;750 1980,‎ Part 2,‎ pp.‎ 749,‎ The Illustrated Bible Dictionary,‎ 16.‎

January/February 1988,‎ p.‎ 54.‎ Biblical Archaeology Review,‎ 17.‎

by Yohanan Aharoni,‎ 1979,‎ p.‎ 98.‎ The Land of the Bible—A Historical Geography,‎ 18.‎

p.‎ 98.‎ The Land of the Bible,‎ 19.‎

edited by James I.‎ Packer,‎ Merrill C.‎ Tenney,‎ and William White,‎ Jr.‎,‎ 1982,‎ p.‎ 69.‎ The World of the Old Testament,‎ 20.‎

September/October 1987,‎ pp.‎ 45,‎ 46.‎ Biblical Archaeology Review,‎ ‏;132-137 by John J.‎ Bimson,‎ 1981,‎ pp.‎ 22-27,‎ 110-115,‎ Redating the Exodus and Conquest,‎ 21.‎

by William Foxwell Albright,‎ 1964,‎ pp.‎ 294-296.‎ History,‎ Archaeology,‎ and Christian Humanism,‎ 22.‎

pp.‎ 294-296.‎ History,‎ Archaeology,‎ and Christian Humanism,‎ 23.‎

الفصل ٥

by Albert Schweitzer,‎ 1968,‎ pp.‎ 174,‎ 186,‎ 226.‎ The Quest of the Historical Jesus,‎ 1.‎

by Kenneth Scott Latourette,‎ 1959,‎ p.‎ 51.‎ The Nineteenth Century in Europe—The Protestant and Eastern Churches,‎ ‏;24 by James Peter,‎ 1965,‎ p.‎ Finding the Historical Jesus,‎ ‏;157 p.‎ The Quest of the Historical Jesus,‎ 2.‎

Introduction,‎ translation,‎ and notes by Raymond E.‎ Brown,‎ 1966,‎ Vol.‎ 29,‎ pp.‎ XXI,‎ XXII.‎ The Anchor Bible,‎ The Gospel According to John,‎ 3.‎

by Michael Grant,‎ 1977,‎ p.‎ 180.‎ Jesus—An Historian’s Review of the Gospels,‎ 4.‎

by C.‎ S.‎ Mann,‎ 1986,‎ Vol.‎ 27,‎ p.‎ 76.‎ The Anchor Bible,‎ Mark—A New Translation With Introduction and Commentary,‎ ‏;387 by William Foxwell Albright,‎ 1957,‎ pp.‎ 383,‎ From the Stone Age to Christianity,‎ 5.‎

by Gary R.‎ Habermas,‎ 1984,‎ p.‎ 40.‎ Ancient Evidence for the Life of Jesus,‎ 6.‎

by John Warwick Montgomery,‎ 1969,‎ p.‎ 51.‎ ‏?Where Is History Going 7.‎

by Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland,‎ 1987,‎ p.‎ 81.‎ The Text of the New Testament,‎ 8.‎

p.‎ 181.‎ The Text of the New Testament,‎ 9.‎

by Josephus,‎ Book XVIII.‎ 116 )Loeb edition,‎ 1969,‎ Vol.‎ IX,‎ p.‎ 81(.‎ Jewish Antiquities,‎ 10.‎

Book XX.‎ 200 )pp.‎ 495,‎ 497(.‎ Jewish Antiquities,‎ 11.‎

by Tacitus,‎ Book XV.‎ 44 )Loeb edition,‎ 1981,‎ Vol.‎ V,‎ p.‎ 283(.‎ The Annals,‎ 12.‎

by Suetonius,‎ Book V,‎ chap.‎ XXV )Loeb edition,‎ 1924,‎ Vol.‎ 2,‎ p.‎ 53(.‎ The Lives of the Caesars,‎ 13.‎

edited by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson,‎ Vol.‎ 1,‎ p.‎ 175(.‎ The Ante-Nicene Fathers,‎ by Justin Martyr )published in The First Apology of Justin,‎ 14.‎

Vol.‎ 1,‎ p.‎ 179.‎ The Ante-Nicene Fathers,‎ 15.‎

May/June 1982,‎ pp.‎ 30,‎ 31.‎ Biblical Archaeological Review,‎ 16.‎

1983,‎ p.‎ 294.‎ The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology,‎ 17.‎

by G.‎ Ernest Wright,‎ 1957,‎ p.‎ 249.‎ Biblical Archaeology,‎ 18.‎

pp.‎ 199,‎ 200.‎ Jesus—An Historian’s Review of the Gospels,‎ 19.‎

p.‎ 203.‎ Jesus—An Historian’s Review of the Gospels,‎ 20.‎

by Ezra P.‎ Gould,‎ 1975,‎ p.‎ xliii.‎ The International Critical Commentary—A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to St.‎ Mark,‎ 21.‎

p.‎ 52.‎ The Quest of the Historical Jesus,‎ 22.‎

by Timothy P.‎ Weber,‎ 1979,‎ pp.‎ 36,‎ 37.‎ Living in the Shadow of the Second Coming,‎ 23.‎

الفصل ٦

1952,‎ Vol.‎ 35,‎ pp.‎ 488-497(.‎ Great Books of the Western World,‎ published in) Of Miracles by David Hume,‎ Sect.‎ X,‎ An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding,‎ 1.‎

November 1986,‎ p.‎ 34.‎ Discover,‎ 2.‎

by Nigel Calder,‎ 1979,‎ p.‎ 40.‎ Einstein’s Universe,‎ 3.‎

February 1987,‎ p.‎ 67.‎ Discover,‎ 4.‎

February 1987,‎ p.‎ 70.‎ Discover,‎ 5.‎

by Dr.‎ William A.‎ Nolan,‎ 1974,‎ pp.‎ 88,‎ 89,‎ 218,‎ 219,‎ 230,‎ 231.‎ Healing: A Doctor in Search of a Miracle,‎ 6.‎

Vol.‎ 1,‎ p.‎ 253(.‎ The Ante-Nicene Fathers,‎ by Justin Martyr,‎ chap.‎ CVIII )published in Dialogue With Trypho,‎ 7.‎

by Sir W.‎ M.‎ Ramsay,‎ 1915,‎ p.‎ 222.‎ The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament,‎ 8.‎

by David Gooding,‎ 1987,‎ p.‎ 15.‎ According to Luke—A new exposition of the Third Gospel,‎ 9.‎

الفصل ٨

1987,‎ Vol.‎ 7,‎ p.‎ 13.‎ Compton’s Encyclopedia,‎ 1.‎

Grolier,‎ Inc.‎(,‎ 1967,‎ pp.‎ 213,‎ 214.‎) The Book of Popular Science 2.‎

by Robert Jastrow,‎ 1978,‎ p.‎ 14.‎ God and the Astronomers,‎ 3.‎

by Freeman Dyson,‎ 1979,‎ pp.‎ 250,‎ 251.‎ Disturbing the Universe,‎ 4.‎

‎ October 10,‎ 1983,‎ p.‎ 71.‎,‏Medical World News 5.‎

Vol.‎ 6,‎ 1967,‎ p.‎ 252.‎ New Catholic Encyclopedia,‎ 6.‎

by Francis Hitching,‎ 1982,‎ p.‎ 19.‎ The Neck of the Giraffe,‎ 7.‎

p.‎ 61.‎ The Neck of the Giraffe,‎ 8.‎

1987,‎ Vol.‎ 12,‎ p.‎ 245.‎ The World Book Encyclopedia,‎ 9.‎

by Michael Denton,‎ 1986,‎ pp.‎ 249,‎ 250.‎ Evolution: A Theory in Crisis,‎ 10.‎

p.‎ 137.‎ The Neck of the Giraffe,‎ 11.‎

p.‎ 355.‎ Evolution: A Theory in Crisis,‎ 12.‎

p.‎ 75.‎ Evolution: A Theory in Crisis,‎ 13.‎

1987,‎ Vol.‎ 25,‎ p.‎ 124.‎ The New Encyclopædia Britannica,‎ 14.‎

edited by Claus Jürgen Frank,‎ 1980,‎ p.‎ 87.‎ Wonders of Nature,‎ 15.‎

1987,‎ Vol.‎ 9,‎ p.‎ 505.‎ The New Encyclopædia Britannica,‎ 16.‎

by Ronald H.‎ Bailey,‎ 1982,‎ p.‎ 7.‎ Planet Earth—Glacier,‎ 17.‎

May 1960,‎ p.‎ 71.‎ Scientific American,‎ 18.‎

by Windsor Chorlton,‎ 1983,‎ pp.‎ 54,‎ 55,‎ 57.‎ Planet Earth—Ice Ages,‎ 19.‎

December 1977,‎ p.‎ 134.‎ Biblical Archaeologist,‎ 20.‎

by John C.‎ Whitcomb,‎ Jr.‎ and Henry M.‎ Morris,‎ 1967,‎ p.‎ xvii.‎ The Genesis Flood,‎ 21.‎

الفصل ٩

Revised edition,‎ edited by Avraham Negev,‎ 1986,‎ p.‎ 199.‎ The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land,‎ 1.‎

‎ by William Foxwell Albright,‎ 1954,‎ p.‎ 546.‎,(‏1932-1952‏) The Bible After Twenty Years of Archaeology 2.‎

by J.‎ W.‎ McGarvey,‎ 1880,‎ p.‎ 529.‎ Lands of the Bible,‎ 3.‎

1952,‎ p.‎ 43(.‎ Great Books of the Western World,‎ Book I.‎ 191,‎ Vol.‎ 6 )published in The History of Herodotus,‎ 4.‎

by Raymond Philip Dougherty,‎ 1929,‎ p.‎ 179.‎ Nabonidus and Belshazzar,‎ 5.‎

edited by James B.‎ Pritchard,‎ 1969,‎ p.‎ 306.‎ Ancient Near Eastern Texts,‎ 6.‎

by H.‎ G.‎ Wells,‎ 1943,‎ p.‎ 149.‎ Pocket History of the World,‎ 7.‎

1977 edition,‎ Vol.‎ 8,‎ p.‎ 482.‎ The Encyclopedia Americana,‎ 8.‎

by James A.‎ Montgomery,‎ p.‎ 3.‎ The International Critical Commentary—A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel,‎ 9.‎

edited by Edward F.‎ Campbell,‎ Jr.‎,‎ and David Noel Freedman,‎ Vol.‎ III,‎ 1970,‎ p.‎ 242.‎ The Biblical Archaeologist Reader,‎ 10.‎

pp.‎ 183-185.‎ Nabonidus and Belshazzar,‎ 11.‎

الفصل ١٠

by Ruth Leger Sivard,‎ p.‎ 28.‎ World Military and Social Expenditures 1987-88,‎ 1.‎

June 1988,‎ p.‎ 18.‎ UN Chronicle,‎ 2.‎

The Hunger Project edition,‎ 1985,‎ p.‎ 11.‎ Ending Hunger: An Idea Whose Time Has Come,‎ 3.‎

p.‎ 7.‎ Ending Hunger,‎ 4.‎

Proceedings of the International School of Physics,‎ “Enrico Fermi,‎” 1983,‎ p.‎ 598.‎ Earthquakes: Observation,‎ Theory and Interpretation,‎ 5.‎

December 30,‎ 1988,‎ p.‎ A6.‎ The New York Times,‎ ‏;603 p.‎ Earthquakes,‎ 6.‎

1984,‎ Vol.‎ 10,‎ p.‎ 207.‎ The World Book Encyclopedia,‎ 7.‎

May 1988,‎ p.‎ 9.‎ World Health,‎ 8.‎

November 13,‎ 1988,‎ p.‎ 12.‎ The German Tribune,‎ ‏;8 July 1988,‎ p.‎ World Health,‎ 9.‎

November 1986,‎ p.‎ 6.‎ World Health,‎ 10.‎

February 2,‎ 1988,‎ p.‎ 13.‎ The Medical Post,‎ 11.‎

الفصل ١٢

February 25,‎ 1987,‎ p.‎ 34.‎ The Boston Globe,‎ 1.‎

July 1986,‎ p.‎ 26.‎ Changing Times,‎ 2.‎

London(,‎ December 14,‎ 1987,‎ p.‎ 12.‎) The Times 3.‎

May 1988,‎ pp.‎ 558-561.‎ American Journal of Psychiatry,‎ 4.‎

October 1988,‎ pp.‎ 38,‎ 39.‎ Psychology Today,‎ 5.‎

edited by Harold and Margaret Feldman,‎ 1985,‎ p.‎ 255.‎ Current Controversies in Marriage and Family,‎ 6.‎

April 1987,‎ p.‎ 58.‎ Ladies’ Home Journal,‎ 7.‎

p.‎ 42.‎ Current Controversies in Marriage and Family,‎ 8.‎