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Waswe, Pipol wea Duim Nogud Samting Savve Change?

Waswe, Pipol wea Duim Nogud Samting Savve Change?

HEM bae naes tumas sapos evriwan duim gud samting, iaman?— Bat no eniwan duim olketa gud samting evritaem. Waswe, iu savve why nao samfala taem iumi evriwan duim olketa nogud samting, nomata sapos iumi laek for duim gud samting?— Hem bikos iumi evriwan garem sin taem iumi born. Bat samfala pipol duim staka barava nogud samting. Olketa heitim nara pipol and min for spoelem olketa. Waswe, iu ting olketa savve change and lane for duim gud samting?—

Lukim man long disfala piksa wea standap saed long kaleko bilong olketa wea sutim Stephen. Saul nao Hebrew nem bilong hem, and Paul hem Roman nem bilong hem. Hem hapi long wei wea olketa killim dae Stephen, wea hem wanfala disaepol bilong datfala Nambawan Teacher. Iumi laek faendaot why nao Saul duim kaen nogud samting hia.

Saul joinim wanfala sekson bilong Jew religion wea olketa kolem olketa Pharisee. Olketa Pharisee garem Word bilong God, bat olketa barava followim olketa teaching bilong samfala leader bilong olketa. Diswan mekem Saul for duim olketa nogud samting.

Taem olketa arrestim Stephen long Jerusalem, Saul long there tu. Olketa tekem Stephen long kot, wea samfala Pharisee tu judge insaed. Nomata olketa talem olketa nogud samting abaotem Stephen, hem nating fraet. Hem no fraet for tok and witness long olketa judge abaotem Jehovah God and Jesus.

Bat olketa judge hia no laek herem samting hem talem. Olketa savve finis long staka samting abaotem Jesus. Tru nao, no longtaem go nomoa, olketa killim dae Jesus! Bat bihaen, Jehovah tekem Jesus go bak long heven. Winim wei for changem wei bilong olketa, olketa judge faet againstim olketa disaepol bilong Jesus.

Olketa judge grabim Stephen and tekem hem go aotsaed long taon. Olketa hitim hem strong tumas wea mekem hem foldaon long graon and olketa sutim hem witim olketa ston. And, olsem iu lukim long piksa, Saul standap klosap and lukluk. Hem tingse hem stret nomoa for killim dae Stephen.

Why nao Saul tingse hem stret for killim dae Stephen?

Waswe, iu savve why nao Saul garem diskaen tingting?— For full laef bilong hem, Saul hem wanfala Pharisee, and hem bilivim olketa teaching bilong olketa Pharisee hem stret. From hem tinghae long olketa Pharisee, hem followim example bilong olketa.—Acts 7:54-60.

Wanem nao Saul duim bihaen Stephen hem dae?— Hem trae for killim dae evri disaepol bilong Jesus! Hem go insaed haos bilong olketa and kasholem olketa man and woman. Then hem torowem olketa go insaed prison. Plande disaepol mas ranawe from Jerusalem, bat olketa no stop for preach abaotem Jesus.—Acts 8:1-4.

Diswan mekem Saul barava heitim olketa disaepol bilong Jesus. So hem go long Hae Priest Caiaphas and Caiaphas givim paoa long Saul for arrestim olketa Christian long taon bilong Damascus. Saul laek tekem olketa olsem prisoner go long Jerusalem for panisim olketa. Bat taem hem gogo for Damascus, wanfala spesol samting happen.

Hu nao story kam long Saul, and wanem nao Hem sendem Saul for duim?

Wanfala laet shaen kamaot from heven, and wanfala voice hem sei: “Saul, Saul, why nao iu persecutim mi?” Jesus nao tok kam from heven! From datfala laet hem braet tumas hem mekem Saul blind, and pipol wea go witim Saul mas leadim hem go long Damascus.

Thrifala day bihaen Jesus showim hemseleva insaed wanfala vision long Ananias, wanfala disaepol bilong hem wea stap long Damascus. Jesus talem Ananias for go lukim Saul, for mekem hem lukluk moa, and for story witim hem. Taem Ananias story witim hem, Saul acceptim olketa tru samting abaotem Jesus. Hem savve lukluk moa. Hem changem full laef bilong hem, and hem kamap man wea faithful for servem God.—Acts 9:1-22.

Waswe, iu minim nao why Saul duim olketa nogud samting bifor?— Hem bikos olketa teachim hem olketa samting wea no stret. Hem followim pipol wea no faithful long God. And hem joinim wanfala grup wea tingim idea bilong olketa man olsem moa important winim Bible. Bat why nao Saul changem laef bilong hem and start for duim gud samting, nomata olketa nara Pharisee gohed faet againstim God?— Hem bikos Saul no les long truth. So taem hem lanem wanem hem stret, hem redi for obeyim trufala teaching.

Saul kamap hu nao bihaen hem change?— Ia, hem nao aposol Paul, wanfala aposol bilong Jesus. And remember, Paul raetem plande buk bilong Bible winim eni nara man.

Staka pipol stap wea savve change, olsem Saul. Bat hem no isi bikos samwan stap wea waka hard tumas for mekem pipol duim olketa nogud samting. Waswe, iu savve hu nao datwan?— Jesus story abaotem hem taem Jesus showim hemseleva long Saul long road wea go for Damascus. Long there Jesus story long Saul from heven and sei: ‘Mi sendem iu for openem eye bilong pipol, for tanem olketa from dark go long laet and from rul bilong Satan go long God.’—Acts 26:17, 18.

So Satan nao trae for mekem evriwan for duim olketa nogud samting. Waswe, samfala taem iu faendem hem hard for duim stret samting?— Iumi evriwan nao olsem. Satan mekem hem hard. Bat nara reason stap why hem no evritaem isi for duim stret samting. Waswe, iu savve long datfala reason?— Hem bikos taem iumi born iumi garem sin.

Disfala sin nao staka taem mekem hem isi for iumi duim rong samting winim wei for duim stret samting. So, wanem nao iumi need for duim?— Ia, iumi mas barava trae hard for duim stret samting. Taem iumi duim datwan, iumi savve Jesus wea lovem iumi bae helpem iumi.

Taem Jesus stap long earth, hem showim hao hem lovem pipol wea bifor, olketa duim nogud samting bat then olketa change. Hem minim hao hem no isi for olketa change. Olsem example, samfala woman sleep witim staka man. Diswan hem nogud. Bible kolem olketa woman olsem olketa jury.

Why nao Jesus forgivim disfala woman wea duim olketa nogud samting?

Wantaem, wanfala jury woman herem story abaotem Jesus, and hem go long haos bilong wanfala Pharisee wea Jesus stap. Hem pourim oil long leg bilong Jesus and from krae bilong hem tuwetem leg bilong Jesus, hem draem datwan witim hair bilong hem. Hem sorre tumas for olketa sin bilong hem, so Jesus forgivim hem. Bat datfala Pharisee tingse Jesus shud no forgivim hem.—Luke 7:36-50.

Waswe, iu savve wanem nao Jesus talem long samfala Pharisee?— Hem sei long olketa: “Olketa jury bae go firstaem long iufala insaed long kingdom bilong God.” (Matthew 21:31) Jesus sei olsem bikos olketa jury garem faith long hem and changem olketa nogud wei bilong olketa. Bat olketa Pharisee gohed duim olketa nogud samting long olketa disaepol bilong Jesus.

So taem Bible showim hao samting iumi duim hem nogud, iumi shud willing for change. And taem iumi lanem samting Jehovah laekem iumi for duim, iumi shud barava willing for duim datwan. Sapos olsem, Jehovah bae hapi long iumi and givim iumi laef olowe.

For helpem iumi for no duim nogud samting, iumi readim tugeta Psalm 119:9-11; Proverbs 3:5-7; and 12:15.