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Why Iumi Shud Lovem Jesus

Why Iumi Shud Lovem Jesus

TINGIM sapos iu insaed wanfala ship wea klosap for sink. Waswe, iu laekem samwan for sevem iu?— Waswe sapos samwan willing for dae for sevem iu?— Datwan nao samting wea Jesus duim. Olsem iumi lanem long Chapter 37, hem givim laef bilong hem olsem wanfala ransom mekem iumi savve sev.

Hem tru, Jesus no sevem iumi from wei for draon. Hem sevem iumi from wanem? Waswe, iu remember?— From sin and dae wea iumi evriwan kasem from Adam. Nomata samfala pipol duim olketa barava nogud samting, Jesus dae for olketa tu. Waswe, bae iu willing for mekem laef bilong iu stap long danger for trae sevem pipol olsem wea duim olketa nogud samting?—

Bible hem sei: “Hem hard tumas for eniwan dae for man wea raeteous; tru nao, maet samwan willing for dae for gudfala man.” Nomata olsem, Bible explainim hao Jesus “dae for olketa wea no followim God.” Datwan minim pipol wea barava no servem God tu! Bible sei moa: “Taem iumi sinner yet [still duim olketa nogud samting], Christ hem dae for iumi.”—Romans 5:6-8.

Waswe, iu savve tingim wanfala aposol wea bifor hem duim olketa barava nogud samting?— Datfala aposol hem raet olsem: “Christ Jesus kam long world for sevem olketa sinner. Mi nao main wan long olketa hia.” Aposol wea talem datfala toktok hem Paul. Hem talem hao bifor, “hem no tingting gud” and hem gohed for duim olketa ‘nogud samting.’—1 Timothy 1:15; Titus 3:3.

Tingim bigfala love bilong God wea muvim hem for sendem Son bilong hem for dae for pipol wea duim olketa nogud samting! Plis tekem Bible bilong iu and readim diswan long John chapter 3, verse 16. Hem sei olsem: “God lovem world tumas dastawe hem givim only Son wea hemseleva nao wakem, mekem evriwan wea showimaot faith long hem no need for dae bat kasem laef olowe.”

Olketa wanem samting nao Jesus safa long hem taem hem sakrifaesim laef bilong hem for iumi?

Jesus showim hao hem garem sem love for iumi wea Dadi bilong hem tu garem. Maet iu remember hao long Chapter 30, iumi read abaotem samfala samting wea Jesus safa long hem long naet wea olketa arrestim hem. Olketa tekem hem go long haos bilong Hae Priest Caiaphas, wea olketa kotem Hem. Olketa tekem kam olketa man wea talem olketa laea samting abaotem Jesus, and pipol hitim hem. Datfala taem nao Peter laea for sei hem no savve long Jesus. Iumi tingim sapos iumi stap long there and savve lukim samfala nara samting wea happen.

Hem morning nao. Jesus nating sleep for full naet. From kot long naet hem no stret wan, olketa priest kwiktaem hipimap Sanhedrin, wea datwan hem hae kot bilong olketa Jew, and kotem hem moa. Olketa talem moa hao Jesus duim olketa nogud samting againstim God.

Olketa priest talem for olketa taemap Jesus, and olketa leadim hem go long Pilate, governor bilong Rome. Olketa talem Pilate: ‘Jesus againstim gavman. Hem shud dae.’ Bat Pilate luksavve hao olketa priest laea. So Pilate talem olketa: ‘Disfala man no duim eni rong samting. Mi bae letem hem go free.’ Bat olketa priest and nara pipol singaot and sei: ‘Nomoa! Killim hem dae!’

Bihaen, Pilate trae moa for talem pipol hem bae letem Jesus go free. Bat olketa priest mekem pipol for singaot and sei: ‘Sapos iu letem hem go, iu againstim gavman tu! Killim hem dae!’ Pipol hia mekem bigfala noise tumas. Waswe, iu savve wanem nao Pilate duim?—

Hem duim wanem olketa laekem. First samting hem duim, hem talem olketa for whipim Jesus. Then hem givim hem go long olketa soldia for killim hem dae. Olketa putim wanfala crown wea garem olketa sharp nila long hed bilong Jesus, and mekfani long hem long wei for baodaon front long hem. Then olketa givim Jesus wanfala big post for hem karem and leadim hem go aotsaed long taon go long ples olketa kolem Skull Place. Long there nao olketa nilam hand and leg bilong Jesus long datfala post. Then olketa standimap datfala post mekem Jesus hange long hem. Blood kamaot from body bilong hem. Hem barava feel pain tumas.

Jesus no dae stretawe. Hem hange nomoa long datfala post. Olketa chief priest mekfani long hem. And pipol wea go pas long datfala ples sei: “Sapos iu wanfala son bilong God, kam daon from datfala post!” Bat Jesus savve long samting wea Dadi bilong hem sendem hem kam for duim. Hem savve hem mas givim perfect laef bilong hem mekem iumi savve garem chance for kasem laef olowe. Gogo, long samting olsem thri klok long datfala aftanun, Jesus singaot big go long Dadi bilong hem and hem dae.—Matthew 26:36–27:50; Mark 15:1; Luke 22:39–23:46; John 18:1–19:30.

Jesus hem difren tumas from Adam! Adam nating lovem God. Hem no obeyim God. And hem no showimaot love for iumi tu. From hem sin, iumi evriwan born witim sin. Bat Jesus showimaot love for God and iumi. Hem evritaem obeyim God. And hem givim laef bilong hem mekem hem savve finisim nogud samting wea Adam duim long iumi.

Wanem nao iumi savve duim for showimaot iumi lovem Jesus?

Waswe, iu tinghae long nambawan samting wea Jesus duim?— Taem iu prea long God, waswe, iu sei thankiu long hem for givim iumi Son bilong hem?— Aposol Paul tinghae long samting Christ duim for hem. Paul talem hao Son bilong God ‘lovem hem and givim hemseleva for hem.’ (Galatians 2:20) Jesus dae for iu and mi tu. Hem givim perfect laef bilong hem mekem iumi savve kasem laef olowe! Datwan hem strongfala reason why iumi shud lovem Jesus.

Aposol Paul hem raet olsem long olketa Christian long taon bilong Corinth: “Love bilong Christ mekem iumi for duim samting.” Love bilong Christ shud mekem iumi for duim wanem samting? Wanem nao tingting bilong iu?— Lukim ansa bilong Paul: “Christ dae for evriwan mekem olketa bae stap laef for Hem. Olketa shud no stap laef for mekem olketa seleva hapi.”—Italic raeting hem bilong mifala; 2 Corinthians 5:14, 15, New Life Version.

Waswe, iu savve tingim samfala wei wea iu savve showimaot hao iu iusim laef bilong iu for mekem Christ hapi?— Wanfala wei, hem for talem nara pipol wanem iu lanem abaotem hem. Or tingim diswan: Maet iu stap seleva, so mami or dadi bilong iu no savve lukim samting iu duim, and no eni nara man tu savve lukim iu. Waswe, bae iu lukluk long olketa television program or maet lukim olketa samting long Internet wea iu savve bae no mekem Jesus hapi?— No forgetim hao Jesus hem laef distaem, and hem savve lukim evri samting wea iumi duim!

Hu nao savve lukim evri samting wea iumi duim?

Narafala reason why iumi shud lovem Jesus hem bikos iumi laek for followim Jehovah. Jesus hem sei: “Father lovem mi.” Waswe, iu savve why nao hem lovem Jesus and why nao iumi tu shud lovem Jesus?— Bikos Jesus hem willing for dae mekem hem duim samting God laekem. (John 10:17) So iumi duim samting wea Bible talem: “Followim wei bilong God, olsem olketa pikinini wea hem lovem, and gohed for wakabaot long love, olsem Christ tu hem lovem iufala and givim hemseleva for iufala.”—Ephesians 5:1, 2.

For helpem iumi tinghae long Jesus and samting hem duim for iumi, plis readim John 3:35; 15:9, 10; and 1 John 5:11, 12.