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Wata Distroem Wanfala World—Waswe, Bae Datwan Happen Moa?

Wata Distroem Wanfala World—Waswe, Bae Datwan Happen Moa?

WASWE, enitaem iu herem eniwan storyim end bilong world?— Distaem plande pipol storyim datwan. Long tingting bilong samfala, world bae end long war wea olketa man iusim olketa nuclear bomb. Waswe, iu ting God bae distroem earth and skae witim olketa star wea luk naes tumas?—

Olsem iumi lanem finis, Bible story abaotem end bilong world. Bible sei “world . . . hem gogo for finis.” (1 John 2:17) Waswe, iu tingse end bilong world hem minim earth bae distroe?— Nomoa, Bible sei God wakem earth “for pipol stap long hem,” so hem laekem for pipol stap long earth and for hapi. (Isaiah 45:18) Psalm 37:29 hem sei: “Olketa wea raeteous bae kasem earth olsem present, and olketa bae stap olowe long hem.” From datwan, Bible talem tu hao disfala earth bae stap for olowe.—Psalm 104:5; Ecclesiastes 1:4.

So sapos end bilong world no minim earth bae distroe, wanem nao hem minim?— Iumi savve kasem ansa sapos iumi lukluk gud long samting wea happen long taem bilong Noah. Bible hem sei: “World bilong datfala taem hem finis evribit taem bigfala wata kavarem earth.”—2 Peter 3:6.

Waswe, eniwan stap laef bihaen Flood hem finisim datfala world long taem bilong Noah?— Bible talem hao God “keepim Noah, wanfala man wea preach abaotem raeteous fasin, for stap sef witim nara sevenfala pipol taem hem mekem flood kam long wanfala world wea fulap witim pipol wea no followim God.”—2 Peter 2:5.

Wanem world nao distroe long taem bilong Noah?

So, wanem nao datfala world wea end? Waswe, earth nao hem distroe, or nogud pipol?— Bible sei hem “world wea fulap witim pipol wea no followim God.” And datfala sem verse hem sei Noah hem “wanfala man wea preach.” Long tingting bilong iu, wanem nao hem preachim?— Noah warnim pipol abaotem end bilong “world bilong datfala taem.”

Taem Jesus story abaotem datfala big Flood, hem talem olketa disaepol abaotem samting wea pipol duim taem end hem barava klosap. Hem sei long olketa: “Bifor long flood, [pipol] kaikai and drink, olketa man marit and givim olketa woman for marit, go kasem taem wea Noah hem go insaed long ark; and olketa nating lisin go kasem taem flood hem kam and swipim olketa go.” Then Jesus sei pipol bae duim olketa sem samting hia bifor world distaem hem end.—Matthew 24:37-39.

Toktok bilong Jesus showim hao iumi savve lanem olketa important samting from wanem pipol duim bifor long Flood. From iumi readim finis Chapter 10 long disfala buk, waswe, iu rememberim wanem nao olketa pipol hia duim?— Samfala man duim olketa raf samting and spoelem pipol wea no strong. Bat Jesus talem hao staka nara pipol no lisin taem God sendem Noah for preach long olketa.

So, gogo, Jehovah talem Noah Hem bae mekem kamap wanfala flood for distroem nogud pipol. Datfala wata bae kavarem full earth, nomata olketa maunten tu. Jehovah talem Noah for buildim wanfala big ark. Hem olsem wanfala big longfala box olsem iu lukim long piksa long page 238.

God talem Noah for buildim bigfala ark wea fitim hem and famili and staka animal for stap sef insaed. Noah and famili bilong hem barava waka hard. Olketa katem olketa barava big tree, and start for buildim datfala ark. From hem big tumas hem tekem staka year for buildim datfala ark.

Waswe, iu rememberim wanem moa Noah hem duim insaed olketa year wea hem buildim ark?— Hem preach long pipol, and warnim olketa abaotem Flood wea bae kam. Waswe, eniwan lisin? Nomoa nao, famili bilong Noah nomoa lisin. Pipol busy tumas for duim olketa nara samting. Waswe, iu rememberim wanem Jesus sei olketa duim?— Olketa busy for kaikai, drink, and marit. Olketa tingse olketa gud pipol nomoa, and olketa no markem taem for lisin long Noah. So iumi lukim wanem nao happen long olketa.

Bihaen Noah and famili go insaed long ark, Jehovah satem door. Pipol wea stap aotsaed long ark still ting Flood bae no kam. Bat seknomoa, hem start for rain! Hem no smol rain nomoa. Hem bigfala rain! Gogo, wata hia kamap olsem olketa big river wea mek noise tumas. Hem aotem olketa big tree and rolim olketa big ston olsem olketa smol ston nomoa. Wanem nao happen long pipol wea stap aotsaed long ark?— Jesus hem sei: “Flood hem kam and swipim olketa go.” Evri pipol wea stap aotsaed long ark dae. Why nao olsem?— Olsem Jesus talem, “olketa nating lisin”!—Matthew 24:39; Genesis 6:5-7.

Why nao iumi shud no evritaem tingim nomoa for garem hapitaem?

Remember hao Jesus sei samting wea happen long pipol hia hem wanfala warning for iumi distaem. Wanem leson nao iumi savve lanem?— Reason why God distroem pipol hia hem bikos olketa nogud tumas, and bikos olketa busy tumas and no markem taem for lane abaotem God and wanem bae hem duim. Iumi mas careful mekem iumi no olsem olketa, iaman?—

Long tingting bilong iu, waswe, God bae iusim flood for distroem moa disfala world?— Nomoa, God promis for no duim moa datwan. Hem sei: “Mi putim rainbow bilong mi long cloud, and hem mas olsem wanfala saen.” Jehovah sei datfala rainbow hem bae wanfala saen for showimaot hao “no enitaem moa bae wata hem kamap big olsem for finisim evri man and animal.”—Genesis 9:11-17.

So iumi savve sure hao God bae no iusim wanfala flood moa for distroem disfala world. Bat olsem iumi lanem finis, Bible hem story abaotem end bilong world. Taem God distroem disfala world, hu nao bae stap laef?— Waswe, bae hem pipol wea no interest for lane abaotem God bikos olketa interest tumas long olketa nara samting? Waswe, bae hem olketa wea no studyim Bible bikos olketa busy tumas? Wanem nao tingting bilong iu?—

Iumi laek stap midolwan pipol wea God bae sevem, iaman?— Hem bae naes tumas sapos famili bilong iumi hem olsem famili bilong Noah mekem God savve sevem iumi evriwan, iaman?— For iumi stap laef taem disfala world hem finis, iumi need for minim wei wea God bae distroem world and mekem kamap raeteous niu world bilong hem. Hao nao bae hem duim diswan?

Bible ansarem datwan for iumi long Daniel chapter 2, verse 44. Disfala scripture storyim taem wea iumi stap long hem distaem and hem sei: “Long taem bilong olketa king hia God bilong heven bae startim wanfala kingdom [wea minim gavman] wea bae nating savve finis. And bae no eni nara pipol tekova long datfala kingdom. Diswan bae smasem and finisim evri kingdom hia, and hem nomoa bae stap for olowe.”

Waswe, iu minim datwan?— Bible sei gavman bilong God bae distroem evri gavman bilong man long earth. Why nao olsem?— Bikos olketa no obeyim Man wea God markem for King. And hu nao datwan?— Ia, hem Jesus Christ!

Jesus Christ, King wea God chusim bae distroem disfala world long Armageddon

Jehovah God garem right for disaedem wanem gavman nao shud rul, and hem chusim Son bilong hem, Jesus, for King. Klosap nao Ruler wea God chusim, Jesus Christ, bae lead for distroem evri gavman bilong disfala world. Long Revelation chapter 19, verse 11 go kasem 16, Bible storyim taem wea bae hem duim diswan, olsem piksa hia showimaot. Bible kolem disfala war bilong God for distroem evri gavman bilong disfala world, Armageddon.

God sei Kingdom bilong hem bae distroem olketa gavman bilong olketa man. Bat waswe, hem askem iumi for distroem olketa gavman?— Nomoa, Bible sei Armageddon hem “war bilong bigfala day bilong God Olmaeti.” (Revelation 16:14, 16) Tru nao, Armageddon hem war bilong God, and hem iusim Jesus Christ for leadim olketa angel long heven long datfala faet. Waswe, war bilong Armageddon klosap for kam nao? Iumi lukim hao nao iumi savve faendaot.

Iumi read abaotem taem wea God bae finisim evri nogud pipol and sevem pipol wea servem hem, long Proverbs 2:21, 22; Isaiah 26:20, 21; Jeremiah 25:31-33; and Matthew 24:21, 22.