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Hu Nao Michael, Datfala Chief Angel?

Hu Nao Michael, Datfala Chief Angel?

NO STAKA taem nao Bible storyim datfala angel wea garem nem Michael. Bat taem hem storyim hem, evritaem Michael hem duim samting. Long buk bilong Daniel, Michael hem faetem olketa wicked angel; long leta bilong Jude, hem raoa witim Satan, and long Revelation, hem war againstim Devil and olketa demon bilong hem. Wei wea Michael defendim rul bilong Jehovah and faetem olketa enemy bilong God, hem fitim mining bilong nem bilong hem, wea datwan hem, “Hu Nao Olsem God?” Bat hu nao Michael?

Samfala taem, pipol savve iusim tufala nem for sem man. Olsem example, long Bible, nara nem bilong Jacob hem Israel, and nara nem bilong aposol Peter hem Simon. (Genesis 49:1, 2; Matthew 10:2) Olsem tu, Bible showimaot hao Michael hem nara nem for Jesus Christ, bifor and bihaen hem stap long earth. Iumi tingim samfala reason from Bible for why iumi savve talem datwan.

Chief Angel. Word bilong God storyim Michael “datfala chief angel.” (Jude 9) Lukim wei wea Bible kolem hem datfala chief angel. Diswan showimaot hao only wanfala angel olsem hem stap. Tru nao, no enitaem Bible talem datfala toktok “chief angel” long wei wea mekem man tingse olketa narafala chief angel stap tu. And tu, Bible storyim wei wea Jesus garem position olsem chief angel. Long 1 Thessalonians 4:16 hem sei olsem abaotem Lord Jesus Christ wea resurrect: “Lord bae kam daon from heven witim wanfala strong singaot, witim voice bilong chief angel.” So Bible talem hao voice bilong Jesus hem voice bilong chief angel. So disfala scripture showimaot hao Jesus nao Michael, datfala chief angel.

Leader Bilong Army. Bible talem hao “Michael and olketa angel bilong hem faet againstim datfala big snek . . . and olketa angel bilong hem.” (Revelation 12:7) So Michael hem Leader bilong wanfala army bilong olketa angel wea faithful. Revelation storyim tu wei wea Jesus hem Leader bilong wanfala army bilong olketa angel wea faithful. (Revelation 19:14-16) And aposol Paul storyim “datfala Lord Jesus” and “olketa strongfala angel bilong hem.” (2 Thessalonians 1:7) So Bible storyim Michael and “olketa angel bilong hem,” and tu, Jesus and “olketa angel bilong hem.” (Matthew 13:41; 16:27; 24:31; 1 Peter 3:22) Taem iumi tingim hao no eniwea insaed Bible hem showimaot hao tufala army bilong olketa angel wea faithful stap long heven—wanfala army wea Michael leadim, and wanfala army wea Jesus leadim—hem stret for iumi talem hao Michael hem Jesus Christ long heven. *

^ par. 1 Moa information wea showimaot hao Michael hem Son bilong God hem stap long Volume 2, page 393-4, long buk Insight on the Scriptures, wea Olketa Jehovah’s Witness pablisim.