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“Evriwan Mas Respectim Marit”

“Evriwan Mas Respectim Marit”

“Hapi witim waef wea iu tekem taem iu young yet.”—PROVERBS 5:18.

1, 2. Wanem kwestin nao bae iumi ting raonem, and why nao olsem?

WASWE, iu marit finis? Sapos olsem, waswe, iu hapi long marit bilong iu, or iu kasem samfala big problem? Waswe, iutufala no fren gud distaem? Waswe, iutufala stap tugeta bat no hapi nomoa? Sapos olsem, luk olsem iu sorre bikos iutufala no lovem iutufala olsem bifor. From iu Christian, iu laekem marit bilong iu for mekhae long God wea iu lovem, Jehovah. Bat from iu kasem problem long marit bilong iu dastawe iu wari and sorre. Nomata olsem, plis no tingse iu no wei nao.

2 Staka Christian hasband and waef hapi distaem, nomata bifor olketa kasem problem long marit and olketa no hapi. Olketa duim samting for strongim marit bilong olketa. Iu tu savve barava hapi long marit bilong iu. Wanem nao iu savve duim for strongim marit bilong iu and for hapi?


3, 4. Why nao hasband and waef wea traem best for fren gud witim God bae fren gud tugeta? Storyim tokpiksa.

3 Hasband and waef savve fren gud sapos tufala traem best for fren gud witim God. Why nao olsem? Tingim tokpiksa abaotem wanfala maunten. Wanfala man standap long wansaed long datfala maunten and wanfala woman standap long narasaed long maunten. Tufala start for klae go ap. Taem tufala go ap lelebet, tufala farawe yet long tufala. Bat taem tufala gogo for kasem antap long maunten, isisi tufala kam klosap long tufala nao. Waswe, iu luksavve long gud samting wea iu savve lanem long datfala tokpiksa?

4 Taem iu traem best for worshipim Jehovah, hem olsem iu traem best for klae go ap long wanfala maunten. From iu lovem Jehovah, iu traem best finis for klaemem datfala maunten. Bat sapos iu and marit partner bilong iu no fren gud distaem, maet datwan hem olsem iu klae go ap long wansaed long maunten, and hem klae go ap long narasaed. Wanem nao bae happen sapos iutufala gohed for klae go ap? Hem tru, firstaem iutufala bae stap farawe long iutufala. Bat taem iutufala waka hard for fren gud witim God, datwan olsem iu waka hard for isisi klae go kasem top long maunten. Isisi bae iutufala kakam klosap long each other, gogo bae iutufala meet antap nao. Tru tumas, taem iu fren gud witim God, iu bae fren gud witim marit partner bilong iu. Bat wanem nao iu savve duim mekem iu fren gud witim marit partner bilong iu?

Savve from Bible bae strongim marit bilong iu sapos iu followim

5. (a) Wanem nao hasband and waef mas duim mekem tufala fren gud tugeta and fren gud witim Jehovah? (b) Wanem nao tingting bilong Jehovah abaotem marit?

5 Hasband and waef mas followim kaonsel wea Bible talem abaotem marit. (Psalm 25:4; Isaiah 48:17, 18) Tingim wanfala kaonsel wea aposol Paul talem. Hem sei: “Evriwan mas respectim marit.” (Hebrew 13:4) Datwan hem tingting bilong Jehovah abaotem marit. Hem tinghae long marit olsem spesol samting.


6. (a) Wanem nao Hebrew 13:1-3, 5 showimaot abaotem kaonsel bilong Paul long Hebrew 13:4? (b) Why nao hem important for iumi tingim datwan?

6 Hasband and waef wea worshipim God savve finis marit hem spesol samting and hem holy. Jehovah nao hem startim marit. (Readim Matthew 19:4-6.) Bat sapos iu and marit partner bilong iu no stap gud tugeta distaem, for savve marit hem spesol samting maet datwan seleva no helpem iutufala for lovem and respectim iutufala. So wanem nao bae helpem iutufala for lovem and respectim iutufala? Ting raonem gud wanem Paul talem abaotem wei for respectim marit. Paul no talem nomoa samting wea hem luksavve abaotem marit, bat hem encouragem iumi for mas duim samting. * Hem sei: “Evriwan mas respectim marit.” Taem iu tingim datwan, maet hem helpem iutufala for lovem and respectim each other. Why nao olsem?

7. (a) Olketa wanem komand long Bible nao iumi obeyim, and why nao olsem? (b) From iumi obey, wanem gud samting nao iumi kasem?

7 Bible talem samfala komand for iumi followim. Hem sei for iumi teachim pipol for kamap disaepol and for go long meeting evritaem. Hao nao tingting bilong iu long datwan? (Matthew 28:19; Hebrew 10:24, 25) Hem tru, maet samfala taem hem no isi for obeyim olketa komand hia. Maet pipol wea iu preach long olketa no laek herem wanem iu talem. Maet bihaen iu kam bak from waka iu taed fogud and datwan mekem hem no isi for iu go long meeting. Nomata olsem, iu gohed for traem best for preachim gud nius abaotem Kingdom, and iu go long meeting evritaem. No eniwan savve stopem iu, nomata Satan tu! Why nao olsem? Bikos iu lovem Jehovah and datwan mekem iu for obeyim olketa komand bilong hem. (1 John 5:3) Wanem gud samting nao iu kasem? Taem iu go preaching and go long meeting evritaem, iu bae hapi bikos iu savve iu duim wanem God laekem. Taem iu hapi olsem, datwan hem strongim iu. (Nehemiah 8:10) So wanem nao iumi lanem?

8, 9. (a) Wanem nao savve mekem iumi obeyim komand for respectim marit, and why nao olsem? (b) Wanem tufala samting nao bae iumi storyim?

8 From iu barava lovem God, iu obeyim komand for go preaching and go long meeting nomata hem no isi samfala taem. So bikos iu lovem Jehovah, datwan savve mekem iu for obeyim tu komand long Bible wea sei for ‘iu mas respectim marit bilong iu’ nomata hem no isi for duim datwan. (Hebrew 13:4; Psalm 18:29; Ecclesiastes 5:4) Nara samting tu, God blessim iu taem iu traem best for go preaching and go long meeting. So sapos iu traem best for respectim marit bilong iu, Jehovah bae blessim iu for datwan tu.—1 Thessalonica 1:3; Hebrew 6:10.

9 So wanem nao iu savve duim for showimaot iu respectim marit bilong iu? Iu mas no duim eni samting wea bae spoelem marit and iu mas duim tu olketa samting wea savve strongim datwan.


10, 11. (a) Wanem nao savve mekem hasband and waef no respectim marit bilong tufala? (b) Wanem kwestin nao hem gud for askem hasband or waef bilong iu?

10 Wanfala Christian waef sei: “Mi prea long Jehovah for helpem mi gohed strong and no givap.” Why nao hem prea olsem? Hem sei: “Hasband bilong mi savve tok nogud long mi. Hem no killim mi, bat taem hem sei ‘Iu nating duim eni gud samting nomoa!’ and ‘Iu iusles nomoa!’ datwan savve barava brekem heart bilong mi.” Datfala waef storyim barava nogud samting wea savve kamap long marit, wea hem nao wei for hasband and waef savve tok nogud long each other.

11 Hem nogud tumas taem Christian hasband and waef tok nogud long each other! Datwan savve barava spoelem feeling bilong tufala for longfala taem. Hasband and waef no respectim marit bilong tufala sapos tufala tok nogud long each other. Waswe, marit bilong iu olsem tu? For savve sapos marit bilong iu olsem or nomoa, iu savve askem hasband or waef bilong iu olsem: “Iu savve feel hao long toktok bilong mi?” Sapos hem sei toktok bilong iu staka taem spoelem feeling bilong hem, iu mas willing for lusim nogud wei bilong iu.—Galatia 5:15; readim Ephesus 4:31.

12. Wanem nao savve mekem God ting long worship bilong man olsem hem iusles?

12 Toktok wea iu talem long marit partner savve affectim wei wea iu fren witim Jehovah. Bible sei: “Sapos eniwan tingse hem worshipim God long stretfala wei, bat hem no kontrolem toktok bilong hem, hem laea long hemseleva and worship bilong hem iusles nomoa.” (James 1:26) Sapos iumi talem nogud toktok, Jehovah bae no tinghae long worship bilong iumi. Long tingting bilong samfala pipol, wanem hem important long God nao hem for man sei hem worshipim hem, and hem bae no warim tumas samting wea savve happen insaed famili. Bat Bible no sapotim kaen tingting olsem. So no laea long iuseleva. Diswan hem serious samting. (Readim 1 Peter 3:7.) Nomata sapos iu savve duim staka samting and iu strong for worshipim God, bat sapos iu tok nogud long marit partner, iu no respectim marit bilong iu, and maet long tingting bilong God, worship bilong iu hem iusles nomoa.

13. Wanem nao maet hasband or waef duim wea savve spoelem feeling bilong marit partner?

13 Hasband and waef mas keakea for no duim samting wea savve spoelem feeling bilong narawan. Tingim tufala example hia: Wanfala singol mami savve ringim wanfala brata wea marit for askem advaes long hem and tufala story longtaem. Wanfala singol brata savve evritaem story witim sista wea marit finis. Datfala brata and sista wea marit finis maet no garem tingting for duim rong samting, bat hao nao tingting bilong marit partner abaotem datwan? Wanfala waef wea kasem semkaen samting hem sei: “Taem mi lukim hasband bilong mi story for longfala taem witim nara sista long kongregeson for helpem hem and hem duim datwan plande taem, mi savve feel nogud tumas. Mi feel olsem sista hia hem important winim mi.”

14. (a) Wanem nao Genesis 2:24 talem abaotem man and woman wea marit? (b) Hem gud for iumi tingim olketa wanem kwestin?

14 Iumi savve minim why nao datfala waef and olketa narawan wea kasem semkaen samting feel nogud. Marit partner bilong olketa no obeyim toktok wea God talem for man and woman wea marit. Hem sei: “Man bae lusim dadi and mami bilong hem and hem bae stap olowe witim waef bilong hem.” (Genesis 2:24) Hem tru, olketa wea marit mas gohed for respectim dadi and mami bilong olketa, bat God hem sei olketa mas tingim firstaem hasband or waef. Long sem wei tu, olketa Christian lovem olketa long kongregeson, bat olketa mas tingim marit partner firstaem. So taem wanfala hasband iusim staka taem for story witim nara sista or hem fren gud tumas witim hem, or wanfala waef duim semkaen samting tu long wanfala brata, olketa savve mekem marit bilong olketa for kasem problem. Waswe, datwan nao mekem iutufala garem problem long marit? Tingim tufala kwestin hia: ‘Waswe, hem wei bilong mi for helpem and story witim marit partner bilong mi?’ ‘Waswe, mi barava tingim and lovem hem?’

15. Wanem nao Matthew 5:28 talem wea showimaot olketa Christian wea marit finis mas no fren gud tumas witim nara man or woman?

15 Olketa Christian wea marit finis and wea fren gud tumas witim nara man or woman bae kasem problem long marit. Sorre samting nao, samfala Christian wea duim olsem start for laekem nara man or woman. (Matthew 5:28) Gogo olketa duim nara nogud samting wea no respectim marit bilong olketa. Tingim samting wea aposol Paul talem abaotem datwan.


16. Wanem komand nao Paul talem abaotem marit?

16 Bihaen Paul talem komand for iumi mas “respectim marit,” hem talem disfala warning: “Hasband and waef mas keepim marit promis bilong tufala, bikos God bae judgem olketa wea durong and wea duim adultery.” (Hebrew 13:4) Man and woman wea marit nomoa fit for duim sex. Dastawe olketa Christian obeyim disfala toktok: “Iu mas hapi witim waef wea iu tekem taem iu young yet.”—Proverbs 5:18.

17. (a) Why nao olketa Christian mas no followim tingting bilong world abaotem adultery? (b) Long wanem wei nao iumi savve followim example bilong Job?

17 Eni marit man or woman wea durong barava no respectim law bilong God. Hem tru, staka pipol distaem tingse hem olraet nomoa for duim adultery. Bat olketa Christian mas no followim tingting bilong pipol abaotem adultery. Olketa luksavve man bae no judgem olketa wea durong and wea duim adultery, bat ‘God nao bae judgem olketa.’ (Hebrew 10:31; 12:29) Dastawe olketa tru Christian obeyim wanem Jehovah talem abaotem marit. (Readim Rome 12:9.) Tingim wanem Job talem. Hem sei: “Mi mekem promis finis for no lukluk strong long eni gele.” (Job 31:1) So olketa tru Christian kontrolem wanem olketa gohed for lukluk long hem. Olketa no lukluk long samwan wea no marit partner bilong olketa and garem tingting for laek durong witim hem. Long wei olsem, olketa no duim samting wea gogo savve mekem olketa for duim adultery.—Lukim Appendix wea garem title “Wanem Bible Talem Abaotem Divorce and Wei for Separate.”

18. (a) Wanem nao tingting bilong Jehovah abaotem adultery? (b) Long wanem wei nao adultery and wei for worshipim idol hem semsem?

18 Wanem nao tingting bilong Jehovah abaotem adultery? Law bilong Moses helpem iumi for luksavve long tingting bilong hem. Long Israel, sapos man duim adultery or worshipim idol, olketa bae killim hem dae. (Leviticus 20:2, 10) Long wanem wei nao adultery and wei for worshipim idol hem semsem? Sapos wanfala Israelite worshipim idol, hem no keepim promis bilong hem for worshipim Jehovah nomoa. Long sem wei tu, sapos Israelite duim adultery, hem no keepim promis bilong hem for stap witim hasband or waef bilong hem nomoa. Tufala hia nating faithful. (Exodus 19:5, 6; Deuteronomy 5:9; readim Malachi 2:14.) So long tingting bilong Jehovah, tufala barava duim nogud samting. Jehovah hem God wea no savve lusim iumi and iumi savve trustim hem.—Psalm 33:4.

19. Wanem nao savve strongim man for no duim adultery, and why nao olsem?

19 Olketa Christian no followim Law bilong Moses distaem. Bat taem olketa tingim hao long Israel bifor adultery hem bigfala sin, datwan savve strongim olketa tu for no duim datwan. Why nao olsem? Tingim diswan: Waswe, bae iu go insaed wanfala church, then nildaon and prea front long wanfala idol? Maet bae iu sei, ‘Mi hard tumas for duim datwan!’ Bat waswe, bae iu duim datwan sapos wanfala man laek givim iu staka selen? Maet bae iu sei, ‘Bae mi nating duim datwan!’ Tru tumas, long tingting bilong tru Christian, wei for worshipim idol hem barava nogud samting tumas bikos sapos hem duim datwan, hem no faithful long Jehovah. Long sem wei tu, for no faithful long God and marit partner long wei for duim adultery shud samting wea olketa Christian barava les for duim, nomata wanem samting nao switim olketa for duim datwan. (Psalm 51:1, 4; Colossae 3:5) Iumi no laek duim eni samting wea mekem Satan hapi bat wea nating showimaot respect long Jehovah and long marit wea hem holy samting.


20. Wanem nao happen long samfala marit, and hao nao datwan hem olsem wanfala haos?

20 Hem tru, iu mas no duim samting wea bae spoelem marit bilong iu. Bat wanem nao iu savve duim mekem iu tinghae moa long marit partner bilong iu? Iumi bae savve long ansa sapos iumi tingim marit hem olsem wanfala haos. Taem hasband and waef tok kaen, duim gudfala samting for helpem each other, and duim olketa nara samting wea showimaot tufala respectim each other, olketa samting wea tufala duim hem olsem olketa samting wea man putim long haos for mekem haos luk naes. Sapos iutufala fren gud tugeta, marit bilong iutufala hem olsem haos wea garem olketa naes kalakala samting wea mekem hem luk naes and wea mekem man hapi for stap long hem. Sapos gogo iutufala no lovem iutufala tumas, hem olsem iutufala isisi aotem olketa naes samting wea mekem haos for luk naes. From iu laek obeyim komand bilong God for “respectim marit” bilong iu, datwan bae helpem iu for strongim moa wei wea iutufala lovem each other. Tru tumas, sapos iu garem wanfala barava spesol samting bat then hem nogud, iu bae fixim mekem iu savve iusim moa. Wanem nao iu savve duim for mekem marit hem gud moa? Bible sei: “Taem famili garem wisdom hem bae kamap strong, and famili wea garem wei for luksavve bae stap strong. Savve bae mekem evri rum long haos bilong olketa fulap long olketa spesol samting and olketa samting wea naes tumas.” (Proverbs 24:3, 4) Tingim wanem famili savve duim for followim samting wea scripture hia talem.

21. Wanem nao iumi savve duim for isisi strongim marit bilong iumi? (Lukim tu box wea garem title “ Hao For Mekem Marit Bilong Mi Kamap Gud”)

21 Samfala long “olketa spesol samting” wea mekem famili hapi nao hem taem evriwan long famili barava lovem narawan, fraet long God, and garem strongfala faith. (Proverbs 15:16, 17; 1 Peter 1:7) Olketa samting hia savve strongim marit. Bat waswe, iu lukim wanem nao mekem olketa rum wea datfala proverb storyim fulap long olketa spesol samting? Hem sei “savve.” Tru tumas, savve from Bible helpem man or woman for changem tingting bilong hem and for lovem moa hasband or waef bilong hem. (Rome 12:2; Philippi 1:9) So taem iu and marit partner storyim tugeta text evriday, or eni article long Wastaoa or Awake! wea storyim marit, hem olsem iutufala lukluk long naes samting wea savve mekem haos bilong iutufala luk naes. From iu lovem Jehovah, iu followim datfala kaonsel long marit bilong iu. So hem olsem iu tekem kam insaed evri rum long haos bilong iu datfala naes samting wea bae mekem haos luk naes tumas. Wei for duim olsem savve helpem iutufala start for garem moa love wea iutufala garem long firstaem.

22. Sapos iumi waka hard for strongim marit bilong iumi, wanem gud samting nao iumi bae kasem?

22 Hem tru, hem savve tek taem and maet iutufala mas waka hard tu for putim bak olketa naes samting hia insaed marit bilong iutufala. Bat sapos iutufala evriwan waka tugeta olsem, iutufala bae hapi tumas bikos iutufala obeyim komand long Bible wea sei: “Showimaot gudfala example long wei for respectim narawan.” (Rome 12:10; Psalm 147:11) Bat barava important samting nao, from iu waka hard for respectim marit bilong iu, bae iu gohed kasem gud samting from love bilong God.

^ par. 6 Olketa verse bifor and bihaen long verse 4 showimaot toktok bilong Paul abaotem marit hem wanfala nomoa long olketa samting wea hem encouragem iumi for mas duim.—Hebrew 13:1-5.