Song 93

“Let Your Light Shine”

“Let Your Light Shine”

(Matthew 5:16)

1. Jesus has commanded That we shine our light,

Like the sun, impartial, That all might gain sight.

Through God’s Holy Scriptures, Words of wisdom shine.

May we now reflect his light By our deeds so fine.

2. With God’s Kingdom message Light on hearts is shed,

Comfort brought to mourners, Hope for those now dead.

Light from Scripture guides us As we do His will;

Gracious words, well-seasoned too, Make it brighter still.

3. Light from fine works gleaming, Brightens up this world,

To our words adds luster, Like a priceless pearl.

May our light keep shining As we do what’s right,

Then our works will always be Pleasing in God’s sight.