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One Letta From Jesus Luna Guys

One Letta From Jesus Luna Guys

Aloha All You Preachas Fo God’s Govament:

Try picha in yoa head dat you one of Jesus’ aposals an you stay standing on da Mount of Olives. Jesus come by you. Right befoa he go up to heaven, he tell: “But you guys goin get spesho kine powa wen da Good An Spesho Spirit take charge a you. An den you guys goin tell da peopo in Jerusalem wat you know bout me, an same ting fo da peopo all ova Judea, Samaria, an all ova da world.” (Jesus Guys 1:8) How you would ack?

Maybe you would get hard time wrap yoa head aroun dis humongous work fo do. You might tink, ‘How can? Us ony litto bit an we goin preach “all ova da world”?’ Maybe you rememba da warning Jesus had give da night befoa he wen mahke: “Da worka guy not mo betta den his boss. If dey make me suffa, dey goin make you guys suffa too. If dey do wat I wen tell um fo do, dey goin do wat you guys tell um fo do too. But dey goin do all dis stuff to you guys, jus cuz you my guys, an dey donno da One dat wen sen me hea.” (John 15:20, 21) Wen you tink about wat he wen tell, maybe you ask yoaself, ‘How I can tell all da stuff about God’s Govament even wen peopo go agains me o bus me up?’

We goin thru da same ting today. Da main work we do az Witnesses Fo Jehovah is we tell all da stuff about God’s Govament “all ova da world” to “all da diffren peopos.” (Matt. 28:19, 20) How dis work goin get pau, even tho we know guys goin go agains us?

Da Bible book Jesus Guys give us action packed stories of how da aposals, an da firs century Christians, could hando wit Jehovah’s help an pau da work dey had fo do. Dis book you stay reading right now goin help you fo learn about all da kine stuff dat da Christians had fo go thru back den, an fo feel how excited dey was fo see da preaching work grow so fas. You goin be stoked an goin blow yoa mind, all da tings dey had go thru an da stuffs we gotta go thru now same same. You goin see how tings da same, in not ony da work we do, but even da way dat we stay set up fo do da work. Tinking about all dat goin make yoa trus dat Jehovah God is da one is da one in charge an stay leading da part of his hui dat stay hea on earth.

We hope an pray dat digging into da Bible book Jesus Guys goin make yoa trus moa strong dat Jehovah goin kokua you wit his good an spesho spirit fo no give up an keep goin. Wen you use da lessons from dis book, you goin keep telling “um all da Good Stuff Bout” God’s Govament an odda peopo goin come fo know Jehovah an have da hope fo live foeva.​—Jesus Guys 28:23; 1 Tim. 4:16.

Yoa braddahs,

Jesus Luna Guys Of Witnesses Fo Jehovah