Saltatu edukira

Saltatu edukien aurkibidera



Planeta bizia

1. Scientific American, 2008⁠ko ale berezia, honako izenburuarekin: «Majestic Universe», 11 or.

2. William C. Burger: Perfect Planet, Clever Species—How Unique Are We?, 2003, 24, 34 or.

3. Peter D. Ward; Donald Brownlee: Rare Earth—Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe, 2000, 224 or.

4. David Suzuki: The Sacred Balance—Rediscovering Our Place in Nature, 2007, 102 or.

5. M. A. Corey: God and the New Cosmology—The Anthropic Design Argument, 1993, 144-145 or.

Laukia: Bizia bor-bor

6. Jean-Christophe Vie; Craig HiltonTaylor; Simon N. Stuart (arg.): Wildlife in a Changing World—An Analysis of the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2009, 6 or.

7. V. Torsvik; R. Sørheim; J. Goksøyr: Journal of Industrial Microbiology, «Total Bacterial Diversity in Soil and Sediment Communities—A Review», 17. libk., 1996, 170-178 or.

8. Dylan Chivian eta beste batzuk: Science, «Environmental Genomics Reveals a Single-Species Ecosystem Deep Within Earth», 322. libk., urriak 10, 2008, 275-278 or.

9. David Biello: Scientific American, «Microbe Census Reveals Air Crawling With Bacteria», article.cfm?id=microbe-censusreveals-ai.

Norena da lehen diseinua?

10. Adam Summers: Natural History, «As the Whale Turns», 2004⁠ko ekaina, 24-25 or.

11. Science, Random Samples atalean, «Flippered Flight», maiatzak 21, 2004, 1.106 or.

12. New Scientist, Technology atalean, «Is It a Bird, Is It a Plane ... », irailak 3, 2005, 21 or.

13. Arthur P. Fraas: Heat Exchanger Design, 2. ed., 1989, 2 or.

14. The Economist Technology Quarterly, Report atalean, «Technology That Imitates Nature», ekainak 11, 2005, 18-22 or.

15. Michael J. Behe: The New York Times, «Design for Living», otsailak 7, 2005, A21. or.

Eboluzioa. Errealitate ala mito?

16. Richard Dawkins: Natural History, «Darwin & Evolution—The Illusion of Design», 2005⁠eko azaroa, 37 or.

17. Charles Darwin: Espezieen jatorria, Alberto Gabikagogeaskoa, 1. ed., 1994, 184-186 or.

18. Ibid., 61 or.

19. H. J. Muller: Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine 1942-1962, 1999, «The Production of Mutations», 1946, 162 or.

20. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig: Mutation Breeding, Evolution, and the Law of Recurrent Variation, «Expectations in Mutation Breeding», 2005, 48 or. eta Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnigekin elkarrizketa.

21. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig: Mutation Breeding, Evolution, and the Law of Recurrent Variation, 48-51 or.

22. Ibid. 49, 50, 52, 54, 59, 64 or. eta WolfEkkehard Lönnigekin elkarrizketa.

23. Science and Creationism—A View From the National Academy of Sciences, «Evidence Supporting Biological Evolution», 1999, 10 or.

24. Ibid. 11 or.

25. Peter R. Grant: Scientific American, «Natural Selection and Darwin’s Finches», 1991⁠ko urria, 87 or.

Lisle Gibbs; Peter R. Grant: Nature, «Oscillating Selection on Darwin’s Finches», ekainak 11, 1987, 511 or.

Peter R. Grant; B. Rosemary Grant: Science, «Hybridization of Bird Species», apirilak 10, 1992, 193-197 or.

26. George C. Williams: Adaption and Natural Selection, 1966, 54 or.

27. Jeffrey H. Schwartz: Sudden Origins—Fossils, Genes, and the Emergence of Species, 1999, 317-320 or.

28. Science and Creationism—A View From the National Academy of Sciences, 2. ed., «Evidence Supporting Biological Evolution», 14 or.

29. Niles Eldredge: The Triumph of Evolution and the Failure of Creationism, 2000, 49, 85 or.

30. Richard C. Lewontin: The New York Review of Books, «Billions and Billions of Demons», urtarrilak 9, 1997, 28-32 or.

31. Edward J. Larson; Larry Witham: Scientific American, «Scientists and Religion in America», 1999⁠ko iraila, 91 or.

Axola ote du sinesten duzunak?

32. William B. Provine: Science, Technology, and Social Progress, Steven L. Goldman (arg.), «Evolution and the Foundation of Ethics», 1989, 253, 266 or.