Eya go dikagare

Eya go lelokelelo la dikagare

Dipuku Tšeo di Bontšhitšwego ka Poroutšheng ye

Dipuku Tšeo di Bontšhitšwego ka Poroutšheng ye

1. Bophelo bo Thomile Bjang?

1. How Life Began—Evolution’s Three Geneses, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Alexandre Meinesz, gomme ya fetolelwa ka Seisimane ke Daniel Simberloff, 2008, matl. 30-33, 45.

a. Life Itself—Its Origin and Nature, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Francis Crick, 1981, matl. 15-16, 141-153.

2. Scientific American, “A Simpler Origin for Life,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Robert Shapiro, June 2007, letl. 48.

a. The New York Times, “A Leading Mystery of Life’s Origins Is Seemingly Solved,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Nicholas Wade, May 14, 2009, letl. A23.

3. Scientific American, June 2007, letl. 48.

4. Scientific American, June 2007, matl. 47, 49-50.

5. Information Theory, Evolution, and the Origin of Life, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Hubert P. Yockey, 2005, letl. 182.

6. NASA’s Astrobiology Magazine, “Life’s Working Definition—Does It Work?” (http://www.nasa.gov/ vision/universe/starsgalaxies/ life’s_working_definition.html), accessed 3/17/2009.

2. Na go na le Sele Yeo e Bilego Gona ka Mohlolo?

7. Princeton Weekly Bulletin, “Nuts, Bolts of Who We Are,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Steven Schultz May 1, 2000, (http://www. princeton.edu/pr/pwb/00/0501/p/brain. shtml), accessed 3/27/2009.

a. “The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002,” Press Release, October 7, 2002, (http://nobelprize.org/ nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2002/ press.html), accessed 3/27/2009.

8. “The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002,” October 7, 2002.

9. Encyclopædia Britannica, CD 2003, “Cell,” “The Mitochondrion and the Chloroplast,” subhead, “The Endosymbiont Hypothesis.”

10. How Life Began—Evolution’s Three Geneses, letl. 32.

11. Molecular Biology of the Cell, Second Edition, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Bruce Alberts et al, 1989, letl. 405.

12. Molecular Human Reproduction, “The Role of Proteomics in Defining the Human Embryonic Secretome,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke M. G. Katz-Jaffe, S. McReynolds, D. K. Gardner, le W. B. Schoolcraft, 2009, letl. 271.

13. Between Necessity and Probability: Searching for the Definition and Origin of Life, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Radu Popa, 2004, letl. 129.

14. Between Necessity and Probability: Searching for the Definition and Origin of Life, matl. 126-127.

(Lepokisi) Sele e Kgona go Dira Disele tše Dingwe ka Lebelo le le Kaakaa’ng?

15. Origin of Mitochondria and Hydrogenosomes, yeo e ngwadilwego ke William F. Martin le Miklós Müller, 2007, letl. 21.

16. Brain Matters—Translating Research Into Classroom Practice, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Pat Wolfe, 2001, letl. 16.

3. DNA e be e Tšea Kae Ditaelo tša go Thuša Mmele wa Gago Gore o Bopege ka Tsela e sa Swanego le ya Motho yo Mongwe?

17. Research News Berkeley Lab, (http: //www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/ LSD-molecular-DNA.html), article: “Molecular DNA Switch Found to Be the Same for All Life,” contact: Lynn Yarris, letl. 1 la 4; accessed 2/10/2009.

18. Life Script, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Nicholas Wade, 2001, letl. 79.

19. Bioinformatics Methods in Clinical Research, yeo e beakantšwego ke Rune Matthiesen, 2010, letl. 49.

20. Scientific American, “Computing With DNA,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Leonard M. Adleman, August 1998, letl. 61.

21. Nano Letters, “Enumeration of DNA Molecules Bound to a Nanomechanical Oscillator,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke B. Ilic, Y. Yang, K. Aubin, R. Reichenbach, S. Krylov, le H. G. Craighead, Vol. 5, No. 5, 2005, matl. 925, 929.

22. Genome—The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Matt Ridley, 1999, matl. 7-8.

23. Essential Cell Biology, Second Edition, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, le Peter Walter, 2004, letl. 201.

24. Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fourth Edition, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Bruce Alberts et al, 2002, letl. 258.

25. No Ordinary Genius—The Illustrated Richard Feynman, yeo e beakantšwego ke Christopher Sykes, 1994, photo with no page number supplied; note caption.

a. New Scientist, “Second Genesis—Life, but Not As We Know It,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Bob Holmes, March 11, 2009, (http://www.newscientist.com/article/ mg20126990.100) accessed 3/11/2009.

26. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence—A Philosophical Inquiry, yeo e ngwadilwego ke David Lamb, 2001, letl. 83.

27. Associated Press Newswires, “Famous Atheist Now Believes in God,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Richard N. Ostling, December 9, 2004.

(Lepokisi) Molekule Woo o Dirwago Dikopi le go Lebeledišišwa

28. Intelligent Life in the Universe, Second Edition, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Peter Ulmschneider, 2006, letl. 125.

4. Na Bophelo bo Thomile go Sephedi se Itšego Seo se Kilego sa ba Gona Kgalekgale?

29. Biology and Philosophy, “The Concept of Monophyly: A Speculative Essay,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Malcolm S. Gordon, 1999, letl. 335.

30. New Scientist, “Uprooting Darwin’s Tree,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Graham Lawton, January 24, 2009, letl. 34.

31. New Scientist, January 24, 2009, matl. 37, 39.

32. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, “Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke David M. Raup, January 1979, letl. 23.

33. Archaeology, “The Origin of Form Was Abrupt Not Gradual,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Suzan Mazur, October 11, 2008, (www.archaeology.org/online/ interviews/newman.html), accessed 2/23/2009.

34. In Search of Deep Time—Beyond the Fossil Record to a New History of Life, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Henry Gee, 1999, letl. 23.

35. Biology and Philosophy, letl. 340.

36. National Geographic, “Fossil Evidence,” November 2004, letl. 25.

37. The Evolutionists—The Struggle for Darwin’s Soul, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Richard Morris, 2001, matl. 104-105.

(Lepokisi) Na Thuto ya Gore Motho o Thomile e le Tšhwene ke Nnete?

38. The Human Lineage, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Matt Cartmill and Fred H. Smith, 2009, Mantšu a Mathomong, letl. xi.

39. Fossils, Teeth and Sex—New Perspectives on Human Evolution, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Charles E. Oxnard, 1987, Mantšu a Mathomong, matl. Xi le xii.

a. From Lucy to Language, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Donald Johanson le Blake Edgar, 1996, letl. 22.

b. Anthropologie, XLII/1, “Palaeodemography and Dental Microwear of Homo Habilis From East Africa,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Laura M. Martínez, Jordi Galbany, le Alejandro Pérez-Pérez, 2004, letl. 53.

c. In Search of Deep Time—Beyond the Fossil Record to a New History of Life, letl. 22.

40. Critique of Anthropology, Bolume 29(2), “Patenting Hominins—Taxonomies, Fossils and Egos,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Robin Derricourt, 2009, matl. 195-196 le 198.

41. Nature, “A New Species of Great Ape From the Late Miocene Epoch in Ethiopia,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Gen Suwa, Reiko T. Kono, Shigehiro Katoh, Berhane Asfaw, le Yonas Beyene, August 23, 2007, letl. 921.

42. Acta Biologica Szegediensis, Bolume 46(1-2), “New Findings—New Problems in Classification of Hominids,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Gyula Gyenis, 2002, matl. 57 le 59.

43. New Scientist, “A Fine Fossil—But a Missing Link She’s Not,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Chris Bead, May 30, 2009, letl. 18.

44. The Guardian, London, “Fossil Ida: Extraordinary Find Is ‘Missing Link’ in Human Evolution,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke James Randerson, May 19, 2009, (http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2009/ may/19/ida-fossil-missing-link), accessed 8/25/2009.

45. New Scientist, May 30, 2009, matl. 18-19.

46. Critique of Anthropology, Bolume 29(2), letl. 202.

47. Science and Justice, Bolume 43, No. 4, (2003) section, Forensic Anthropology, “Anthropological Facial ‘Reconstruction’—Recognizing the Fallacies, ‘Unembracing’ the Errors, and Realizing Method Limits,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke C. N. Stephan, letl. 195.

48. The Human Fossil Record—Volume Three, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Ralph L. Holloway, Douglas C. Broadfield, le Michael S. Yuan, 2004, Mantšu a Mathomong, letl. xvi.

49. Scientific American Mind, “Intelligence Evolved,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Ursula Dicke le Gerhard Roth, August/September 2008, letl. 72.

50. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, “How Neandertals Inform Human Variation,” yeo e ngwadilwego ke Milford H. Wolpoff, 2009, letl. 91.

51. Conceptual Issues in Human Modern Origins Research, Babeakanyi ke G. A. Clark le C. M. Willermet, 1997, matl. 5 le 60.

a. Wonderful Life—The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History, yeo e ngwadilwego ke Stephen Jay Gould, 1989, letl. 28.