שיעור 05

המבול — מי למד מאלוהים ומי לא למד ממנו?‏

המבול — מי למד מאלוהים ומי לא למד ממנו?‏

Most in Noahs time did what was bad.Genesis 6:5

Adam and Eve had children‎,‎ and people became many on the earth‎.‎ In time‎,‎ some angels joined Satan‎’‎s rebellion‎.‎

They came to earth and took on the bodies of men so that they could marry women‎.‎ The women gave birth to superhuman sons‎,‎ who were fierce and strong‎.‎

The world became filled with people who did bad things‎.‎ The Bible says that ‎“‎man‎’‎s wickedness was great on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time‎.‎”‎

Noah listened to God and built an ark‎.‎ Genesis 6‎:‎13‎,‎ 14‎,‎ 18‎,‎ 19‎,‎ 22‎

Noah was a good man‎.‎ Jehovah told Noah that He was going to destroy the wicked people with a great flood‎.‎

God also told Noah to build a huge boat‎,‎ called an ark‎,‎ and to take into it his family and every sort of animal‎.‎

Noah warned people about the coming Flood‎,‎ but they did not listen‎.‎ Some laughed at Noah‎;‎ others hated him‎.‎

When the ark was finished‎,‎ Noah brought the animals inside‎.‎