שיעור 06

איזה לקח אנחנו לומדים מהמבול?‏

איזה לקח אנחנו לומדים מהמבול?‏

God destroyed the wicked but saved Noah and his family.Genesis 7:11,12,‎ 23

It rained for 40‎ days and 40‎ nights‎,‎ and the water covered all the earth‎.‎ All the wicked people died‎.‎

The rebellious angels left their bodies of flesh and became demons‎.‎

Those who were in the ark survived‎.‎ Though Noah and his family eventually died‎,‎ God will bring them to life again with the prospect of living forever‎.‎

God will again destroy the wicked and save the good people‎.‎ Matthew 24‎:‎37‎-‎39‎

Satan and the demons continue to mislead people‎.‎

Today‎,‎ as in Noah‎’‎s time‎,‎ many reject Jehovah‎’‎s loving direction‎.‎ Soon Jehovah will destroy all who are wicked‎.‎​‎—‎2‎ Peter 2‎:‎5‎,‎ 6‎.‎

Some people are like Noah‎.‎ They listen to God and do what he says‎;‎ they are Jehovah‎’‎s Witnesses‎.‎