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What Can Jesus Death Do for You?

What Can Jesus Death Do for You?

Jesus die so we can live again. John 3:16

When Jesus die after three day, some woman dem went to his grave but it was empty. Jehovah finish bringing him back to life.

Later on, Jesus show his-self to his apostle dem.

Jehovah bring Jesus back to life as a powerful spirit person who will not die again. And his disciple dem see him going to heaven.

God bring Jesus back to life and make him King of God Kingdom. Daniel 7:13, 14

Jesus gave his life to free us from sin and death. (Matthew 20:28) Because he gave his life, God will make sure for us to live long on the earth and not die.

Jehovah make Jesus King over the whole earth. The 144,000 people da obey Jehovah will also be with Jesus. God will bring them back to life from the earth to live in heaven. So Jesus and the 144,000 people dem will make correct government in heaven. Da God Kingdom.​—Revelation 14:1-3.

God Kingdom will make the whole earth a paradise. No more war, wickedness, hard-time and no suffering for food. Everybody will be happy for true-true.​—Psalm 145:16.