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Jehovah Get Deaf Ear?

Jehovah Get Deaf Ear?

God lissen good wen dey pray. Numba 1 From Peter 3:12

No sked talk story to Jehovah, “we know fo shua dat he hear us.” (Numba 1 From John 5:14) Jehovah no like us hold back wat stay inside our heart.

Pray only to Jehovah.

Plenny tings can pray fo. Numba 1 From John 5:14, 15

Pray fo Jehovah make everyting in da heaven an eart, jus like da way he like um.

Befo you pau pray, gotta go through Jesus, because he da one who had kokua us.

Can talk story wit Jehovah fo kokua us, fo talk an ack da way dat make him happy.