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Performing His First Miracle

Performing His First Miracle

JOHN 2:1-12



It is now the third day since Nathanael has become one of Jesus’ earliest disciples. Jesus and at least some of those early disciples head north to the district of Galilee, their home area. Their destination is the town of Cana, the hometown of Nathanael. Cana is located in the hills north of Nazareth, where Jesus himself grew up. They have been invited to a wedding feast in Cana.

Jesus’ mother has also come to the wedding. As a friend of the family of those getting married, Mary seems to have been involved in helping to care for the many guests. So she is quick to note a shortage, which she reports to Jesus: “They have no wine.”​—John 2:3.

In effect, Mary is suggesting that Jesus do something about the lack of wine. Using an idiom that indicates his objection, Jesus replies: “Woman, why is that of concern to me and to you?” (John 2:4) As God’s appointed King, Jesus is to have his activities directed by his heavenly Father, not by family or friends. Mary wisely leaves the matter in her son’s hands, simply saying to those ministering: “Do whatever he tells you.”​—John 2:5.

There are six stone water jars, each of which can hold more than ten gallons (40 L). Jesus instructs the attendants: “Fill the jars with water.” Then Jesus says: “Now draw some out and take it to the director of the feast.”​—John 2:7, 8.

The director is impressed by the fine quality of the wine but is unaware that it has been miraculously produced. Calling the bridegroom, he says: “Everyone else puts out the fine wine first, and when people are intoxicated, the inferior. You have saved the fine wine until now.”​—John 2:10.

This is the first miracle that Jesus performs. When his new disciples see this miracle, their faith in him is strengthened. Afterward, Jesus, his mother, and his half brothers travel to the city of Capernaum on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee.