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Jesus Sendem Go 70 Disaepol for Preach

Jesus Sendem Go 70 Disaepol for Preach

LUKE 10:1-24


Distaem hem gogo for end long 32 C.E., and Jesus hem baptaes for samting olsem thrifala year finis. No longtaem go nomoa Jesus and olketa disaepol go long datfala big hipap long Jerusalem. Luk olsem olketa stap yet long olketa vilij klosap nomoa. (Luke 10:38; John 11:1) Insaed next sixfala month, Jesus bae spendem staka taem for preach long Judea and long narasaed long Jordan River long Perea. Pipol long olketa ples hia tu mas herem gud nius.

Bihaen Pasova long 30 C.E., for samfala month Jesus preach long Judea and hem go pas long Samaria tu. Then long taem bilong Pasova long 31 C.E., olketa bigman bilong olketa Jew long Jerusalem trae for killim hem dae. Bihaen datwan, for wan and haf year, Jesus spendem staka taem for teach long Galilee long north, and staka pipol kamap disaepol. Long Galilee nao Jesus trainim olketa aposol and sei: “Iufala preach and sei: ‘Kingdom bilong God hem kam klosap nao.’” (Matthew 10:5-7) Distaem hem organizem olketa disaepol for go preach long Judea.

Jesus chusim 70 disaepol and markem tufala for waka tugeta for preach long olketa ples wea “staka samting nao stap for harvestim, bat no staka wakaman stap for duim datwan.” (Luke 10:2) Olketa go firstaem long olketa ples wea maet Jesus go long hem bihaen. Seventi disaepol hia bae healim pipol wea sik and talemaot message wea Jesus talemaot tu.

Jesus no talem olketa disaepol hia for teach long olketa sinagog, bat hem talem olketa for go long haos bilong pipol. Hem sei: “Taem iufala go insaed wanfala haos, sei olsem firstaem: ‘Mifala kam for helpem iufala garem peace witim God.’” Then sapos man laekem datwan, Jesus sei: “Peace bilong iufala bae stap witim hem.” Wanem message nao bae olketa talemaot? Jesus sei: “Talem olketa: ‘Kingdom bilong God hem kam klosap long iufala nao.’”—Luke 10:5-9.

Samting wea Jesus talem long 70 disaepol hia, hem talem tu long 12-fala aposol samting olsem wan year go finis. Hem talem olketa no evriwan bae welkamim olketa. Nomata olsem, waka wea olketa duim bae redyim pipol wea interest mekem taem Jesus kam staka bae hapi for meetim hem and lane from hem.

No longtaem bihaen, 70 disaepol hia kam bak long Jesus. Olketa hapi and sei: “Lord, nomata olketa demon tu bat obeyim mifala taem mifala iusim nem bilong iu.” Masbi Jesus hapi tumas for herem datwan bikos hem sei: “Mi lukim Satan hem foldaon finis from heven olsem laetning hem foldaon from skae. Mi givim iufala paoa ovarem olketa snek and skopion.”—Luke 10:17-19.

Taem Jesus sei olketa disaepol bae garem paoa ovarem olketa snek and skopion, diswan piksarem wei wea olketa bae fit for winim olketa nogud samting. And tu, olketa savve sure Satan bae foldaon from heven long future. Jesus helpem 70 disaepol for luksavve wanem hem barava important tu. Hem sei: “Iufala mas no hapi bikos olketa demon obeyim iufala, bat iufala mas hapi bikos God hem raetem finis nem bilong iufala long heven.”—Luke 10:20.

Jesus hapi tumas and hem praisem Dadi bilong hem bikos hem iusim olketa disaepol bilong hem wea olketa man nating nomoa for duim olketa nambawan samting olsem. Then hem sei long olketa disaepol: “Iufala hapi bikos eye bilong iufala lukim olketa samting hia. Iu savve, plande profet and plande king laekem tumas for lukim olketa samting wea iufala lukim and herem olketa samting wea iufala herem, bat olketa no savve lukim and herem olketa samting hia.”—Luke 10:23, 24.