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Famili Bilong Iu Savve Hapi

Famili Bilong Iu Savve Hapi

1, 2. Jehovah laekem olketa famili for garem wanem kaen laef?

JEHOVAH GOD nao arrangem marit bilong firstfala man and woman. Bible sei hem wakem firstfala woman and “tekem kam long man ya.” Adam hapi tumas and sei, ‘Bon blong hem kamaot long bon blong mi, an bodi blong hem kamaot long bodi blong mi.’ (Jenesis 2:22, 23) Diswan showimaot Jehovah laekem olketa wea marit for hapi.

2 Sorre samting nao, staka famili no hapi and no stap gud. Bat Bible garem staka principle wea savve helpem evriwan insaed famili. Sapos dadi, mami, and pikinini followim olketa principle hia bae olketa hapi and stap gud tugeta.—Luke 11:28.


3, 4. (a) Hao nao hasband shud treatim waef bilong hem? (b) Why nao hem important for hasband and waef forgivim each other?

3 Bible sei man wea lovem and tinghae long waef bilong hem, hem gudfala hasband. Plis readim Ephesus 5:25-29. Hasband wea lovem waef bilong hem bae protectim, lukaftarem, and bae no duim eni samting for spoelem waef bilong hem.

4 Bat wanem nao hasband shud duim taem waef bilong hem mekem eni mistek? Bible sei: “Iufala olketa hasband mas gohed lovem waef bilong iufala and no barava kros long olketa.” (Colossae 3:19) Olketa hasband, tingim diswan: Iufala tu savve mekem olketa mistek. And sapos iu laekem God for forgivim iu, iu tu mas forgivim waef bilong iu. (Matthew 6:12, 14, 15) Sapos hasband and waef willing for forgivim each other, tufala bae hapi insaed marit bilong tufala.

5. Why nao hem important for hasband tinghae long waef bilong hem?

5 Jehovah askem hasband for tinghae long waef bilong hem. Hasband shud trae for luksavve long olketa samting wea waef bilong hem needim. Hem shud provaedem kaikai and kaleko. Hem shud story witim waef and trae for minim feeling bilong hem. Diswan hem barava serious samting bikos sapos hasband no treatim gud long waef bilong hem, maet Jehovah bae no herem olketa prea bilong hem. (1 Peter 3:7) Jehovah barava tinghae long olketa wea lovem hem. Hem no favorim olketa man winim olketa woman.

6. Taem Jesus sei hasband and waef “no tufala body, bat wanfala nomoa,” wanem nao datwan minim?

6 Jesus sei hasband and waef “no tufala body, bat wanfala nomoa.” (Matthew 19:6) Tufala mas faithful long each other and bae no sleep witim nara man or nara woman. (Provebs 5:15-21; Hebrew 13:4) Hasband and waef shud tingim need bilong each other saed long sex and shud no tingim seleva nomoa. (1 Corinth 7:3-5) Hem gud for hasband tingim diswan: “No eni man heitim body bilong hemseleva bat hem feedim and lovem body bilong hem.” So hem shud lovem and tinghae long waef bilong hem. Samting wea waef barava laekem nao hem for hasband kaen long hem and lovem hem.—Ephesus 5:29.


7. Why nao hem important for famili garem wanfala hed?

7 For famili waka gud tugeta, olketa needim wanfala hed long famili for leadim olketa. Bible sei long 1 Corinth 11:3: “Christ hem hed bilong evri man, man hem hed bilong woman, and God hem hed bilong Christ.”

8. Wanem nao hem minim for waef showimaot bigfala respect for hasband bilong hem?

8 Olketa hasband savve mekem mistek. Bat taem waef sapotim olketa disison bilong hasband and waka tugeta witim hem, evriwan long famili savve kasem gud samting. (1 Peter 3:1-6) Bible sei: “Waef mas barava respectim hasband bilong hem.” (Ephesus 5:33) Bat waswe sapos hasband no garem sem biliv olsem waef? Waef mas gohed for showimaot bigfala respect long hasband bilong hem. Bible sei: “Iufala olketa waef mas stap anda long hasband bilong iufala. Then nomata sapos eniwan long olketa no obeyim toktok bilong God, gudfala wei bilong waef nao bae mekem olketa biliv nomata waef no talem eni samting. Diswan hem bikos olketa lukim gudfala wei bilong iufala and lukim iufala showimaot bigfala respect.” (1 Peter 3:1, 2) Gudfala example wea waef showimaot savve helpem hasband for minim and respectim biliv bilong hem.

9. (a) Wanem nao waef savve duim sapos hem no agree witim disison bilong hasband bilong hem? (b) Wanem advaes nao Titus 2:4, 5 talem for olketa waef?

9 Wanem nao waef savve duim sapos hem no agree witim disison bilong hasband bilong hem? Hem shud showimaot respect taem hem storyim tingting bilong hem long hasband bilong hem. Olsem example, Sarah talem wanfala samting wea Abraham no hapi long hem, bat Jehovah sei long Abraham: “Yu duim [“herem,” NW] wanem Sera hemi talem yu.” (Jenesis 21:9-12) Hasband wea worshipim Jehovah hem evritaem mekem disison wea no againstim wanem Bible talem, so waef shud sapotim datfala disison. (Acts 5:29; Ephesus 5:24) Gudfala waef bae lukaftarem famili bilong hem. (Readim Titus 2:4, 5.) Taem hasband and olketa pikinini lukim hem waka hard for lukaftarem olketa, olketa bae barava lovem and respectim hem.—Provebs 31:10, 28.

Wanem gudfala example nao Sarah showimaot for olketa waef?

10. Wanem nao Bible talem abaotem wei for separate and divorce?

10 Samfala hasband and waef savve kwiktaem disaed for separate or divorce. Bat Bible sei “waef mas no lusim hasband bilong hem” and “hasband tu mas no lusim waef” bilong hem. (1 Corinth 7:10, 11) Maet samfala big problem kamap wea gogo hem mekem hasband and waef disaed for separate. Bat bifor tufala disaedem datwan, tufala mas tingting gud firstaem. Waswe for divorce? Bible storyim wanfala reason nomoa God letem for olketa hasband and waef divorce. Hem nao sapos hasband or waef hem durong witim nara man or woman.—Matthew 19:9.


Jesus hem gudfala example for evriwan insaed famili

11. Wanem samting nao pikinini barava needim?

11 Iufala olketa dadi and mami mas spendem staka taem witim pikinini bilong iufala. Pikinini needim iu, and samting wea hem barava needim nao hem for iu teachim hem abaotem Jehovah.—Diutronomi 6:4-9.

12. Wanem nao dadi and mami shud duim for protectim pikinini bilong tufala?

12 Disfala nogud world bilong Satan hem gohed for kamap worse. Maet samfala pipol laek for spoelem olketa pikinini bilong iumi, and maet olketa laek for spoelem olketa saed long sex tu. Samfala dadi and mami hol bak for storyim diswan witim olketa pikinini. Bat dadi and mami mas warnim pikinini and teachim olketa hao for deal witim kaen pipol olsem. Dadi and mami, iutufala mas protectim pikinini bilong iutufala. *1 Peter 5:8.

13. Wanem nao dadi and mami savve duim for teachim pikinini bilong tufala?

13 Hem responsibility bilong dadi and mami for teachim pikinini bilong tufala for garem olketa gudfala wei. Wanem nao iu savve duim for teachim pikinini bilong iu? Olketa pikinini needim training, bat iu shud no raf or spoelem olketa taem iu stretem olketa. (Jeremaea 30:11) So no stretem pikinini taem iu kros. Hem no stret for talem toktok wea “kat olsem sap naef” and spoelem feeling bilong pikinini. (Provebs 12:18) Teachim pikinini for luksavve why hem important for obey.—Ephesus 6:4; Hebrew 12:9-11. Lukim Endnote 30.


14, 15. Why nao pikinini mas obeyim dadi and mami?

14 Jesus hem evritaem obeyim Dadi bilong hem, nomata taem hem no isi for duim datwan. (Luke 22:42; John 8:28, 29) Jehovah askem olketa pikinini tu for obeyim dadi and mami bilong olketa.—Ephesus 6:1-3.

15 Olketa pikinini, nomata iufala tingse hem no isi for obeyim dadi and mami, tingim diswan: Taem iu obeyim tufala, Jehovah hem hapi long iu, and dadi and mami tu hapi. *Provebs 1:8; 6:20; 23:22-25.

Wanem nao bae helpem olketa young wan for faithful long God taem olketa kasem test for duim samting wea no stret?

16. (a) Wanem nao Satan duim for trae switim olketa young wan for duim samting wea no stret? (b) Why nao hem important for fren witim olketa wea lovem Jehovah?

16 Satan savve iusim olketa fren bilong iu and olketa nara young wan for switim iu for duim samting wea no stret. Hem savve olketa test olsem hem barava no isi for olketa young wan deal witim. Olsem example, dota bilong Jacob, Dinah, hem garem olketa fren wea no lovem Jehovah. From datwan, hem and famili bilong hem kasem bigfala problem. (Jenesis 34:1, 2) Sapos iu fren witim olketa wea no lovem Jehovah, maet olketa savve switim iu for duim samting wea Jehovah heitim, and datwan bae mekem iu kasem barava nogud samting and bae iu, famili bilong iu, and God, sorre tumas. (Provebs 17:21, 25) Dastawe hem barava important for iu fren witim olketa wea lovem Jehovah.—1 Corinth 15:33.


17. Wanem nao God askem evriwan insaed long famili for duim?

17 Taem evriwan insaed famili followim olketa Bible principle, olketa bae misstim staka problem. So olketa hasband, lovem waef bilong iu and tinghae long hem. Olketa waef, respectim and stap anda long hasband bilong iu and followim example bilong gudfala waef wea Provebs 31:10-31 story abaotem. Olketa dadi and mami, teachim pikinini for lovem God. (Provebs 22:6) Olketa dadi, “lukaftarem gud” famili bilong iu. (1 Timothy 3:4, 5; 5:8) Olketa pikinini, obeyim dadi and mami bilong iu. (Colossae 3:20) Tingim diswan: Evriwan insaed famili savve mekem mistek, so taem iumi mekem eni mistek, iumi mas hambol and askem olketa narawan long famili for forgivim iumi. Tru nao, Bible hem garem staka advaes from Jehovah for helpem evriwan insaed long famili.

^ par. 12 For savve moa abaotem wanem for duim for protectim pikinini bilong iu, lukim Chapter 32 long disfala buk, Lane From Datfala Nambawan Teacher, wea Olketa Jehovah’s Witness pablisim.

^ par. 15 Sapos dadi and mami askem pikinini for duim samting wea againstim law bilong God, pikinini savve disaed for no duim datwan.—Acts 5:29.