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Jehovah God You Da Greates

Jehovah God You Da Greates

(Songs 139)

  1. 1. O Jah, you kno so much about me,

    You look inside, you kno wat I feeling.

    Jus blow my mind, you kno how I stay tinking,

    Befoa I talk, wat I goin say,

    you kno dat too.

    My God, you da firs one fo kno me,

    You been right dea, wit me thru evryting.

    You watch me grow, you hear wen I stay crying.

    You knew me way befoa I

    even had one name.

    Jehovah God, I tell you, you da greates;

    Your aloha, your love, stay so unreal.

    Wen I stay lost, I kno dat you can find me,

    You stay right dea, close by me all da time.

    O Jah, da moa I kno about you,

    Help me fo see, your love an aloha.

    You kea so much, your hands stay dea fo help me,

    You look fo me an always sho

    me wea fo go.