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Come to Jehovah’s Mountain

Come to Jehovah’s Mountain

(Isaiah 2:​2-4)

  1. 1. Get one place dats so high,

    All da way up mauka side.

    Dea stay Jehovah’s mauna

    Free from dis pilau world.

    We like tell peopo come,

    No mattah wea dey stay from,

    We go shine dem one light so,

    We can sho dem da way.

    Bumbye dis world goin pau,

    So we gotta tell peopo right now.

    Bout dis road, fo get save,

    So dat dey can serve God da right way.

    An da numba goin grow

    Cuz da truth da Bible sho.

    Dey come tight wit oua God

    An dey goin stay by his side.

  2. 2. Jesus wen set us free

    Dat make us so hau-o-li.

    Nottin goin hold us down

    Cuz now da bad guys stay gone.

    We one big ohana

    We made um hea togedda.

    We share oua God’s aloha

    An like say mahalo.

    We stay in da new world,

    An we no need worry anymoa.

    Cuz now troubles stay pau,

    We go dance an sing um real loud!

    Oua hearts stay full inside,

    Evryting goin be alright,

    ‘On top Jehovah’s mauna,

    We goin live fovea!’