We Guard Our Hearts

We Guard Our Hearts

(Proverbs 4:23)

  1. 1. We guard our hearts, it means our life;

    We shun the path of sin.

    God reads the heart, and there he finds

    The person deep within.

    Sometimes the heart deceives the mind,

    And we begin to stray.

    So may our mind direct our heart

    And keep Jehovah’s way.

  2. 2. Prepared in heart, we search for God

    By means of earnest prayer.

    Each day we give him praise and thanks,

    Revealing ev’ry care.

    The things Jehovah teaches us,

    We gladly will obey.

    We cultivate a loyal heart,

    To please him ev’ry day.

  3. 3. Our hearts we shield from harmful thoughts,

    We dwell on what is true.

    We love God’s Word to touch our hearts,

    To strengthen and renew.

    Jehovah loves his loyal ones;

    On this we can depend.

    We’ll worship him wholeheartedly

    Forever as his friend.