Forward, You Witnesses!

Forward, You Witnesses!

(Luke 16:16)

  1. 1. Firm and determined in this time of the end,

    Prepared are God’s servants the good news to defend.

    The Devil has fought and opposed them.

    With Jehovah, they take their stand against him.


    Then forward, you Witnesses, ever strong of heart!

    Rejoice that in God’s work, you too may have a part!

    Go tell far and wide that the Paradise is near

    And that soon all its blessings will be here.

  2. 2. Servants of Jah do not seek a life of ease;

    The world and its rulers we do not try to please.

    Unspotted at all times remaining,

    Our integrity we will keep maintaining.


    Then forward, you Witnesses, ever strong of heart!

    Rejoice that in God’s work, you too may have a part!

    Go tell far and wide that the Paradise is near

    And that soon all its blessings will be here.

  3. 3. God and his Kingdom are mocked and pushed aside;

    His great name is slandered, its holiness denied.

    Let’s share in its sanctification,

    And declare it to ev’ry tribe and nation.


    Then forward, you Witnesses, ever strong of heart!

    Rejoice that in God’s work, you too may have a part!

    Go tell far and wide that the Paradise is near

    And that soon all its blessings will be here.