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See How Jehovah Stay Good

See How Jehovah Stay Good

(Songs Fo God 34:8)

  1. 1. We love fo give God all oua bes,

    We like fo go all out an preach.

    We make time fo God by doing His work,

    Get plenny we still gotta teach.


    Da Bible tell us, see fo yoaself,

    See how Jehovah stay good.

    Stay real close to Him, wit all yoa heart.

    He goin take good kea of you.

  2. 2. One life dat stay full of blessings,

    Da guys preaching full-time goin see.

    Wen dey trus in God fo take kea dea needs,

    Wit wat He give, dey stay happy.


    Da Bible tell us, see fo yoaself,

    See how Jehovah stay good.

    Stay real close to Him, wit all yoa heart.

    He goin take good kea of you.