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SONG 114

“Mas Patient”

“Mas Patient”

(James 5:8)

  1. 1. Olmaeti God Jehovah

    Hem gaedem holy nem b’long hem.

    Laek finisim tu samting

    Wea spoelem nao datfala nem.

    For staka thousand year nao,

    Hemi weit, hem no givap.

    Hem patient, no kros kwiktaem,

    Bat end b’long world klosap.

    Hem laek for hem mas sevem

    Laef b’long evri difren kaen man.

    From God hem love and patient,

    Bae win nao for duim datwan.

  2. 2. Taem man hem savve patient,

    Wei bilong God hem followim.

    Hem mekem mind for kwaet,

    No kros or duim raf samting.

    Man wea patient no laek for

    Ting nogud long narawan.

    Hem balance and hem stedi

    Long hard taem wea hem kam.

    Disfala wei for patient

    Wea holy spirit givim kam,

    Bae helpem iumi olsem

    God b’long iumi wea nambawan.