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Letter From the Governing Body

Letter From the Governing Body

“Yor suppose to be teachers.” (Heb. 5:12) Just think about it! Jehovah, the best Teacher in heaven and on earth, tell us to teach other people about him! Any assignment we get to teach the truth about Jehovah that something really important. So, whether we teaching in the family, in the congregation, or when we preaching, we must take it serious. Wetin will help us to do this one here?

We can find the answer in what the apostle Paul told Timothy: He said, “Continue to do your best to read in public, to encourage and to teach.” “When you do that one, you will save yourself and those who listen to you.” (1 Tim. 4:​13, 16) The message you get to preach can save people life. So it important to work hard to make your reading and teaching better. This brochure will help you do that one. Let look at some of the thing them that in this brochure.

Each of the page get Bible verse on it. The Bible verse get advice that go in line with the study point, or example of the study point that we need to apply

Jehovah that the “Grand Instructor.” (Isa. 30:20) This brochure will help you to make your reading and teaching better. Don’t forget that the message coming from Jehovah and that he the one can bring people to him. (John 6:44) So, pray all the time for Jehovah holy spirit. Always use the Bible when you teaching. Make the people to focus on Jehovah. Don’t make them focus on you. Try hard to help them get deep love for Jehovah.

Jehovah na give you important message to teach. It important pass any other message. We sure you can make it if you depend “on the strength that God can give.”​—1 Pet. 4:11.

Your fellow teachers,

Governing Body of Jehovah Witnesses