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Illustration Wey People Go Learn From

Illustration Wey People Go Learn From

Matthew 13:34, 35

WETIN YOU NEED TO DO: Use simple illustration for wetin you de teach to touch the heart of people and to teach important point.


  • Choose simple illustration. Like Jesus, use small things to explain big things, and simple things to explain hard things. No add plenty things to the illustration, this one fit confuse people. Make sure say wetin you talk for the illustration really connect to the lesson wey you want teach so that you no go confuse people.

  • Think about wetin go help people. Choose illustration from wetin people de do. Dey careful make your illustration no offend people or make them shame.

  • Teach the main point. Use your illustration to teach the main point no be small-small point. Make sure say people no go only remember the illustration, but them go still remember the lesson from that illustration.