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Gudfala Conclusion

Gudfala Conclusion

Eklesiastes 12:13, 14

WANEM FOR DUIM: Long conclusion bilong iu, talem samting wea bae encouragem audience for acceptim and followim wanem olketa lanem.


  • Conclusion bilong iu shud join witim subject. Long conclusion, talem moa theme bilong tok and olketa main point.

  • Encouragem audience for followim wanem olketa lanem. Storyim wanem audience need for duim, and olketa reason why olketa shud duim datwan. Story long wei wea showimaot iu sure wanem iu storyim hem tru and hem important.

  • Conclusion shud simpol and no long tumas. No storyim eni niu main point long conclusion bilong iu. Storyim tu-thri samting nomoa for encouragem audience for followim wanem olketa lanem.