Som nuh ke koano an

Som nuh ke koano an


Bible uh Acse Finsrak

Bible uh Acse Finsrak

Oasr ma upac pucspucs ma mwet fin facluh nohfohn sun ke pacl inge, pwacnacng oruh elos in ahsor, fosrngah, ac kweok. Yac kom puhla pac ohinge? Sahp, kom kweok ke srihpen kom mas kuh sie sin mwet suc kom luhngse el misac. Sahp kom nuhnkuh ohinge, ‘Yac moul uh ac fah wolac liki na meet ah?’ Bible uh ahkkahlwemye top na wowo nuhke kihsen siyuck se inge.

1. Finsrak fuhkah Bible uh acse nuh sesr?

Bible uh ahkuhtweyac lah efuh kuh arlac puhs ma upac lasr. Bible uh ahkkahlwemye pac lah ma upac inge ma na nuhke kihtin pacl, ac ke pacl na sa ac fah wacngihnlac. Kahs in wuhlelah ma oasr in Bible uh kuh in usot nuh sum sie “finsrak” wo ke pacl fahsruh uh. (Riti Jeremiah 29:11, 12.) Finsrak inge kuh in kahsre kom in muhtwacnglah ke ma upac, in oasr nuhnak wo ke moul, ac in insewowo na pwacye.

2. Bible uh ahkkahlwemye fuhkah ma ac sikyak ke pacl fahsruh uh?

Bible uh ahkkahlwemye lah ke pacl fahsruh uh, “ac fah wacngihn misac, wacngihn ahsor kuh tung kuh kweok.” (Riti Fwackyuk 21:4.) Ma upac ma ahkkweokye mwet uh ke pacl inge, oacna nuhke moul suhkahsruhp, orekma sesuwohs, mas, ac misac kuh in oruh tuh in wacngihnlac finsrak luhn mwet uh. Tuhsruhktuh, mwe kweok nuhkewa inge ac fah wacngihnlac. Bible uh wuhlelah lah mwet uh ac fah engankihn moul ma pahtpaht ke sie Pacruhtais fin facluh.

3. Kom kuh in luhlahlfongi fuhkah lah wuhlelah ma oasr in Bible uh ac fah ahkpwacyeyuck?

Mwet pucspucs finsrakkihn muh in oasr ma wowo ma ac sikyak. Tuhsruhktuh, elos tiac etuh na pwacye lah finsrak lalos uh ac fah sikyak. Wuhlelah ma oasr in Bible uh siena liki. Kuht fin ac kwacfeacng in “lutlut lwen nuhkewa ke Ma Suhmuhslah uh” kuht kuh in luhlahlfongi ke ma sihmlac kac uh. (Orekma 17:11) Ke kom lutlutkihn ma inge, kom ac lotwelah lah pwacye ma Bible uh fahk ke pacl fahsruh uh.


Lutlut ahkloalye ke wuhlelah pucspucs in Bible ma ac sikyak ke pacl fahsruh uh. Liye lah fuhkah finsrak inge sang kahsruh nuh sin mwet uh ke pacl inge.

4. Bible uh wuhlelah nuh sesr lah kuht kuh in moul ma pahtpaht ma wacngihn kuhtwena ma upac

Liye kahs in wuhlelah in Bible ma oasr ten inge. Piyac kac ma kom luhngse na pwacye? Efuh kuh kom luhngse ma inge?

Riti ma suhmuhslah ma ahkkahlwemye ke kahs in wuhlelah inge, ac sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck ekahsr inge:

  • Yac ma suhmuhslah inge ahkkweye finsrak lom? Kom nuhnkuh muh mwet in sucu lom ac kawuck lom elos fin lotwelah ma suhmuhslah inge, yac elos kuh in ahkkweye pac finsrak lalos?

Srihke petsacelah ke nuhnak lom an lah kom moul ke sie facluh ma



  • puhla kweok ac ngal, muhnahslah ke srihpen mahtuhoh, kuh misac.​—Isaiah 25:8.

  • liye mwet lalos suc misac ac fah sifwil ahkmoulyeyuckyak fin facluh.​—John 5:28, 29.

  • engankihn mahno fokoko ac sifwil fuhsri.​—Job 33:25.

  • engankihn mislac luhlahp yen nuhkewa.​—Psalm 37:11.

  • kweok ke srihpen nuhnak suhtuhuh ac esamyac ma upac ma sikyak in pacl somlah.​—Isaiah 65:17.

  • moul ma pahtpaht ke sie ohiyac na wo ma wacngihn ma upac.​—Psalm 37:29.

5. Kahs in wuhlelah in Bible uh kuh in kahsruh mwet uh

Puhs sin mwet uh wacngihnlac finsrak lalos, kuh kasrkuhsrak ke srihpen ma upac ma sikyak fin facluh. Kuhtuh mwet uh elos kwacfeacng in srihke ahkwoyelah ma pucspucs. Liye lah fuhkah wuhlelah luhn Bible uh kahsruh mwet pucspucs ke pacl inge. Liye VIDEO se, ac tohkohyang sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck ekahsr inge.

  • Ke video sacn, orekma sesuwohs fuhkah Rafika el liye ma ahktoasryacl?

  • Finne ohiyen sulohsohl mwet ma el liye inge tiac wacngihnlac, Bible uh kahsrel fuhkah?

Ke kuht luhlahlfongi ke kahs in wuhlelah luhn Bible uh ke pacl fahsruh uh, kuht kuh in kuhtanglah mwe ahsor ac kahsre kuht in engan finne oasr ma upac lasr uh. Riti Soakas 17:22 ac Rome 12:12. Tohkohyang, sramsramkihn kihsen siyuck inge:

  • Ke kom luhlahlfongi ke kahs in wuhlelah luhn Bible ke pacl fahsruh uh, yac kom nuhnkuh muh ma inge kuh in kahsruh moul lom in wo ke pacl inge? Efuh?

KUHTUH MWET UH FAHK: “Arlac upac in luhlahlfongi ke ma Bible uh fahk ke pacl fahsruh uh.”

  • Efuh kuh yohk srihpac kom in sifacna konwacack mwe ahkpwacyeye lah pwacye ma Bible uh fahk?


Oasr in Bible finsrak wo ke pacl fahsruh uh ma kuh in kahsre kuht in muhtwacnglah ke ma upac uh.


  • Efuh kuh mwet uh enenuh in etuh ke wuhlelah luhn God uh?

  • Meac Bible uh fahk ke pacl fahsruh uh?

  • In oasr finsrak ke pacl fahsruh uh kuh in kahsre kom fuhkah ke pacl inge?

Srihke in Oruh Ma Inge


Lotwelah lah fuhkah finsrak uh kuh in kahsre kom ke pacl se ma kom sun ma upac.

“Hope​—Where Can You Find It?” (Awake!, April 22, 2004)

Konwacack lah fuhkah finsrak ke pacl fahsruh uh kahsruh mwet suc sun mas upac.

“Living With Chronic Illness​—Can the Bible Help?” (Web article)

Ke kom liye music video se inge, petsacelah ke nuhnak lom an lah kom ac sucu lom an oasr tari ke Pacruhtais, oacna ke ma Bible uh wuhlelah.

Imagine the Time (3:37)

Riti lah fuhkah moul luhn sie social activist el eklac tukun el lotwelah finsrak ma oasr in Bible ke pacl fahsruh uh.

“I No Longer Feel That I Have to Change the World” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2013)