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You Can Believe What the Bible Say?

You Can Believe What the Bible Say?

Plenty promise and advice in the Bible. Maybe you really want know what the Bible teach, but you thinking whether you must believe it. You think it alright for us to trust the promise and advice them in that old book? You really believe what the Bible say about enjoying life now-now and in the future? Plenty people believe it. Let see whether you can believe it too.

1. You think that true story in the Bible?

The Bible say, it get “correct words of truth.” (Ecclesiastes 12:10) It talk about true thing them that happen and it also talk about real people. (Read Luke 1:3; 3:1, 2.) People who can study and write about thing them that happen way back agree with what the Bible say. They agree with the dates, people, places, and other thing them the Bible talk about.

2. Even though the Bible old, why we can say that it can benefit us today?

The Bible explain plenty things that people not understand at that time. For example, it talk about things that people get plenty idea on today. When the Bible talk about this thing them way back, plenty people not believe it. But the things that people na learn prove that what the Bible say that true. We can “trust it now and forever.”​—Psalm 111:8.

3. Why we must trust what the Bible say about the future?

Plenty prophecies a in the Bible talk about “the things that not happen yet.” (Isaiah 46:10) It talk about plenty things way back before they happen and they happen just how the Bible say it. The Bible also explain more about the thing them that happening today. In this lesson we will study some of the prophecies in the Bible. The way everything happen just how the Bible say it really wonderful!


Learn how science agree with the Bible, and study some Bible prophecies that will touch your heart.

4. Science agree with the Bible

Way back, plenty people believe that the earth was sitting down on something. Play the VIDEO.

See what the Bible say about 3,500 years ago. Read Job 26:7, and answer the question together:

  • 3,500 years ago, the Bible said that the earth was not hanging on anything. Why that one surprising?

The sun can dry water from the ocean and change it to cloud. The cloud fall as rain and the water go back to the ocean. That what they call water cycle. People got to understand the water cycle good-good about two hundred years ago. But see what the Bible say many years ago. Read Job 36:27, 28, and answer the question them together:

  • What you like about the simple way the Bible explain the water cycle?

  • The Bible verse them you coming from reading make you to really trust the Bible more?

5. The Bible talk about important thing them before it happen

Read Isaiah 44:27–45:2, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin the Bible say about Babylon 200 years before that city was destroy?

History prove that Cyrus, who was the king for Persia, and his army people took over Babylon in 539 B.C.E. b They dry the water that was around the city. The people in Babylon left the gates open. So the soldier people were able to enter and take over the city. Babylon people were not able to fight them. Today after more than 2,500 years, Babylon still damage. Let see what the Bible say about this way back.

Read Isaiah 13:19, 20, and answer the question together:

  • The thing that happen to Babylon, how it prove that this prophecy happen?

That how Babylon looking today in Iraq

6. Way back the Bible talk about the thing them that happening today

The Bible say we living in “the last days.” (2 Timothy 3:1) See what the Bible say about the last days.

Read Matthew 24:6, 7, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin the Bible say will be happening in the last days?

Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5, and answer the question them together:

  • What the Bible say about the way plenty people will be behaving in the last days?

  • What some of the behavior you can see today?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “The Bible that just story book.”

  • Wetin really convince you that we can trust the Bible?


History, science, and prophecy all show that we can trust the Bible.


  • You think that true story in the Bible?

  • What something them the Bible say that science agree with?

  • You think the Bible say something about the future? Why you think so?

Try This


Learn how Bible prophecies about Greek Empire happen.

“Fortified by ‘the Prophetic Word’” (5:22)

Study how Bible prophecies change the way one man use to think about the Bible.

“I Was Thinking That God Not Existing” (The Watchtower No. 5 2017)

a Prophecy that message from God about what will happen in the future.

b B.C.E. mean “Before the Common Era,” and C.E. mean “Common Era.”