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Who God?

Who God?

From da start, humans wen worship plenny diffren kine goddesses an gods. But get one God dass “mo importan den all da odda gods.” (2 Records 2:5) Who dat? An how come he moa importan den all da odda gods dat peopo worship? In dis lesson, try look how dis God like you know who him.

1. Wat God’s name, an how we know fo shua dat he like us know?

In da Bible, God like us know who him. He tell us: “I Jehovah. Dass my name.” (Read um Isaiah 42:5, 8.) “Jehovah” come from one Hebrew name dat mean “He Goin Make Happen Wat He Like.” Jehovah like us know his name. (Outa Egypt 3:15) How we know fo shua? He wen put his name inside da Bible ova 7,000 times! a Da name Jehovah belong to “da God inside da sky up dea, an he da God fo da earth down hea too!”​—Da Rules Secon Time 4:39.

2. Wat da Bible show us about Jehovah?

Da Bible tell, dat outa all da gods, Jehovah da ony God dass fo real. How come? Nobody stay in charge of Jehovah, an ony him “da mos importan ova da whole earth.” (Read um Songs Fo God 83:18.) He “Da God Dat Get All Da Powa!” Dat mean, he can do wateva he like do. He “wen make eryting”—da universe, an eryting dat stay alive on top da earth. (Jesus Show 4:8, 11) Ony Jehovah always was hea, an he goin be hea foeva.​—Songs Fo God 90:2.


Try check out da diffrence between da titles God get an his actual name. Den, go learn how come he wen show his name to you.

3. God get plenny titles, but ony one name

Fo see da diffrence between one person’s title an his name, play um da VIDEO, an den talk about da question afta.

  • Wat is da diffrence between one title like “Lord,” an one name?

Da Bible tell dat peopo worship plenny gods an plenny bosses. Read Songs Fo God 136:1-3, an den talk about dis question:

  • Outa all da gods an all da bosses, who is “Da God” an “Da Boss”?

4. Jehovah like you know his name, an he like you use um

How we know dat Jehovah like you know his name? Play um da VIDEO, an den talk about da questions afta.

  • You tink dat Jehovah like erybody fo know his name? How come?

Jehovah like peopo fo use his name. Read um Fo Da Rome Peopo 10:13, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How come az importan fo use God’s name, Jehovah?

  • How you feel wen somebody rememba yoa name an use um?

  • How you tink Jehovah feel wen you use his name?

5. Jehovah like you come moa close to him

One lady from Cambodia, her name Soten. She tell dat learning God’s name wen help her have “da bestes feeling eva.” Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • Inside da video, how Soten had feel wen she wen learn God’s name?

Befoa you come somebody’s fren, mos time you learn dea name, aah? Read um From James 4:8a, an den talk story about dese questions afta:

  • Wat Jehovah like you fo do?

  • How knowing an using God’s name can help you feel moa close to him?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Ony get one God, so no matta wat you call um.”

  • You tink dat Jehovah is God’s name?

  • How you goin tell somebody dat God like us use his name?


Jehovah da name of da ony true God dass fo real. He like us know an use his name so us can come moa close to him.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How Jehovah diffren from all da odda gods dat peopo worship?

  • How come is good if we use God’s name?

  • Wat show you dat Jehovah like you come moa close to him?

Someting Fo Do


Check out five diffren ways dat prove God is fo real.

“God Real O Wat?” (Web article)

How come make sense fo believe dat God always was hea?

“Who Wen Make God?” (Da Place Fo Watch From, August 1, 2014)

Try learn how come az good fo use God’s name even tho nobody really know how dey wen say um long time ago.

“Jehovah, Who Dat?” (Web article)

Can call God any kine, o wat? Try look how come we tell he ony get one name.

“How Many Names Does God Have?” (Web article)

a Fo learn some moa about wat God’s name mean, an how come some Bibles wen take um out, check out Appendix A4 in da New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in English.