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The Bible that Message From God

The Bible that Message From God

The Bible that good gift from Jehovah. That 66 small-small books in the Bible. But maybe you thinking: ‘Where the Bible coming from or who the Bible coming from?’ To answer this question them, let talk about how God message came to us.

1. If that human being wrote the Bible, then why we say it coming from God?

That 40 men wrote the Bible. They took about 1,600 years to write the Bible. And they started writing from 1513 B.C.E. to about 98 C.E. The people that wrote the Bible came from different-different places. But still all the thing them they wrote in the Bible agree with one another. Why it happen like that? Because the Bible coming from God. (Read 1 Thessalonians 2:13.) The people who wrote the Bible, not write their own idea. The Bible say they “spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit.” a (2 Peter 1:21) God use holy spirit to help them or make them to write the Bible.​—2 Timothy 3:16.

2. Who can benefit from the Bible?

God said that, “every nation, tribe, tongue and people” will benefit from the good news in the Bible. (Read Revelation 14:6.) God made sure that the Bible in plenty different-different languages more than any other book. Almost everybody can read God message, no matter where they live or what language they can speak.

3. How Jehovah protected the Bible?

The thing them they wrote the Bible on was not too strong. The men them who like the Bible use to write it over and over with their hands. And they make sure the things they were writing was correct. Some people who were having power, and the religion leader them were fighting to destroy the Bible. But other people were willing to sacrifice their life to protect it. Jehovah can’t let anything or anybody to stop him from talking with us. The Bible say: “The word of our God endures forever.”​—Isaiah 40:8.


Learn more about how God use his holy spirit to help men to write the Bible. Also learn how he protected it and how he make sure that we get it.

4. The Bible show who it coming from

Play the VIDEO. Then read 2 Timothy 3:16, and answer the question them together.

  • If that human being wrote the Bible, why they call it God word?

  • You think it make sense to believe that God use human being to write the Bible?

Secretary can write letter, but the message can come from his boss man. That the same way human being wrote the Bible, but that God message in the Bible

5. They were not able to destroy the Bible

If the Bible from God, we expect him to protect it. Way back some men them who were in power try to destroy the Bible. The religion leader them try to hide it from the common people. Plenty people try hard to protect the Bible, even though their life was in danger for doing it. If you want learn about one of them, play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • The way you know that people made sacrifice to protect the Bible, it make you to get interest in reading the Bible? Why?

Read Psalm 119:97, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin make plenty people to sacrifice their life to write the Bible in different-different languages and share it?

6. A book for all people

Plenty people get the Bible. It in plenty languages more than any other book. Read Acts 10:34, 35, and answer the question them together:

  • Why God want for everybody to get the Bible in their own language?

  • Wetin you like about the Bible?



in the world

get the Bible in the language they can understand

The whole Bible or part of it

in more than




That almost the number of Bibles they na produce.

It plenty more than any other book

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “The Bible that just old book that human being write.”

  • What you think?

  • Wetin show that the Bible that God word?


The Bible that God word and he make sure that everybody get it.


  • What it mean when we say God use men to write the Bible?

  • From what you learn in this lesson, what really touch your heart about the Bible?

  • How you feel about all the thing them God do for us to get the Bible?

Try This


Read the history about how the Bible came to us.

“How the Bible Came to Us” (Awake!, November 2007)

Learn about three of the main things the Bible pass through to reach to us.

“The Story About How the Bible Survive” (The Watchtower No. 4 2016)

See how other people make sacrifice to write the Bible in different-different languages.

They Valued the Bible (14:26)

They na write the Bible plenty time in different-different language. How you can be sure that the message in the Bible not change yet?

“You Think People na Change the Bible?” (Web article)

a In Lesson 07, we will learn that the holy spirit that God active force.