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Prayer Is How You Come Close To God

Prayer Is How You Come Close To God

You eva feel like you donno wea yoa life stay goin? You get importan kine questions dat you donno da ansas to? You need somebody fo be dea fo you so you no need worry? You like feel moa close to Jehovah? Prayer can help you wit all dose tings. But how you suppose to pray? God lissen any kine prayers o wat? How you goin make shua he lissen yoa prayers?

1. Who we gotta pray to, an wat we can pray about?

Jesus wen tell us dat we suppose to pray ony to oua Faddah in da heavens. Jesus wen pray to Jehovah. He tell: “Dis how you gotta pray, ‘Oua Faddah in da heaven.’” (Matthew 6:9) Wen us guys pray to Jehovah, we come moa tight wit him.

We can pray about pretty much anyting. But God ony goin ansa da kine prayers dat line up wit da tings he like make happen. “Erytime we go ask God fo do da tings he like make happen, we know fo shua dat he lissen us.” (1 From John 5:14) Jesus wen tell us tings we can pray fo. (Read um Matthew 6:9-13.) Us can pray about da stuff dat bodda us, but we no can foget fo tell God mahalo plenny fo da tings he wen do fo us an pray dat he goin help odda peopo too.

2. How we gotta pray?

Da Bible tell us fo tell God “eryting [we] tink bout.” (Songs Fo God 62:8) So oua prayers gotta be from oua heart. Anytime, anywea, we can pray out loud o jus say um inside oua head. Oua body gotta be in one certain way fo pray, o wat? Jehovah no ask us fo kneel down, o sit down, o stand up wen we pray. Da mos importan ting is fo show respeck to him.

3. How God ansa oua prayers?

He can do um in diffren kine ways. Jehovah wen give us da Bible, wea plenny times we find da ansas to da questions we get. Fo read da Bible, “dass how you goin know wat fo do erytime, even if you donno right now wat fo do.” (Songs Fo God 19:7; read um From James 1:5.) Wen we get hard time he can make oua hearts res inside. An he can use da guys who worship him fo kokua an malama us wen we really need um.


Check out how prayers from yoa heart can make God feel good inside, an find out how prayer can help you.

4. God tell us how he like us pray

How we know if God goin lissen oua prayer? Play um da VIDEO.

Jehovah like us pray to him. Read um Songs Fo God 65:2, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • You tink “da one dat lissen wen us guys pray” like you pray to him? How come?

If we like God lissen oua prayer, we gotta try oua bes fo live da way God like us live. Read um Micah 3:4 an 1 From Peter 3:12, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How we can make shua dat Jehovah goin lissen wen we pray to him?

In one war, both sides might pray fo win. How you figga? God goin ansa dem, o wat?

5. Oua prayers gotta come from da heart

Some peopo wen learn fo say da same prayer ova an ova again. Read um Matthew 6:7, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How you can make shua you “no say da same tings ova an ova” wen you pray?

Eryday, tink of someting spesho Jehovah wen do fo you an den tell him mahalo plenny fo dat. If you do dis eryday fo da whole week, you goin pray about seven diffren tings an no say da same ting ova an ova.

One good faddah like his kid talk to him from da heart. Same same, Jehovah like us pray to him from oua heart

6. Prayer is one gif from God

How prayer can help us wen we goin thru one rough time in oua life? Play um da VIDEO.

Da Bible promise dat prayer can make um so dat notting bodda us. Read um Fo Da Philippi Peopo 4:6, 7, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Even if prayer no hemo oua pilikia, how can help?

  • Wat kine tings you like pray about?

You wen know?

Da word “amen” mean “az fo shua.” From Bible times, dey tell “amen” wen pau prayer.—1 Records 16:36.

7. Make time fo pray

Sometime we get so busy we foget fo pray. Prayer was importan to Jesus, o wat? Read um Matthew 14:23 an Mark 1:35, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat Jesus wen do fo make time fo pray?

  • How you can make time fo pray?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Prayer no help you, az ony fo make you feel betta.”

  • Wat you would tell?


Prayers from da heart help us come moa close to God, make um so dat notting bodda us, an help us do da tings we gotta do fo make Jehovah happy.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Who we gotta pray to?

  • How we gotta pray?

  • How prayer can help us?

Someting Fo Do


Find da ansas to questions plenny peopo get about prayer.

“Seven Things You Need to Know About Prayer” (The Watchtower, October 1, 2010)

Learn about how come you gotta pray an how you can make yoa prayers moa betta.

“How Come Good Fo Pray?” (Web article)

Try look wat da Bible tell about who we gotta pray to.

“Is Good Fo Pray To Saints?” (Web article)

In dis music video, try look wea an wen us can pray.

Pray Wenevas! (1:22)