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Wat Goin Help You Fo Keep Learning Da Bible?

Wat Goin Help You Fo Keep Learning Da Bible?

You eva wen go on one hike wea da view at da end was supa cherreh but no was easy fo get dea? Is same same wen you learn da Bible. Maybe you tink, ‘I can keep learning da Bible o wat?’ How come is worth it fo no stop? Wat can help you fo keep goin even if you get hard time?

1. How come learning da Bible is worth plenny?

“Wat God tell stay alive, an get da powa.” (Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 4:12) Da Bible worth plenny cuz tell wat God tinking an how he feel about you. Can help you know plenny tings, make you akamai fo real kine, an give you hope fo one betta life. But da numba one ting is da Bible can help you fo be Jehovah’s fren. Wen you learn da Bible, you goin let his mana make yoa life moa betta.

2. How come az importan fo see dat da Bible stay worth plenny?

Da truts inside da Bible stay jalike spesho kine treasures. Dass why da Bible tell us fo “go learn wass true, jalike you buying um. But no throw way wass true, jalike you selling um.” (Smart Guys 23:23) Wen we tink good about how much da truts inside da Bible stay worth plenny to us, we goin work hard fo keep learning um, even wen we get hard time.​—Read um Smart Guys 2:4, 5.

3. How Jehovah can help you fo keep learning da Bible?

Jehovah, yoa Fren, da One who wen make eryting like help you fo learn about him. “God, he da One stay make you guys like do da tings he like you fo do. An he help you guys fo do um.” (Read um Fo Da Philippi Peopo 2:13.) So den, wen get times you need da extra push fo learn from da Bible o fo do wat you wen learn, he can help you. If you need da extra powa fo get thru dose extra hard times o wen you get peopo dat go agains you, he can give um to you. No matta wat happen, make time fo pray to God ery time fo no stop learning da Bible.​—1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 5:17.


Try find out how you can keep learning da Bible even tho you stay busy o get odda guys dat go agains you. Den look how Jehovah can help you fo keep learning.

4. Make shua dat learning da Bible is supa importan to you

Sometimes you get so much tings goin on, maybe you feel like you too busy fo learn da Bible. What can help you? Read um Fo Da Philippi Peopo 1:10, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How you can show dat learning da Bible is one of “da bestes kine stuff” in yoa life?

  • How you can make shua dat learning da Bible is supa importan to you?

  1. If you fill up one bucket wit sand an den try put rocks inside, not goin have room fo da rocks

  2. But if you put da rocks inside firs, you goin have room fo put plenny sand back inside da bucket. Same same, if you make “da bestes kine stuff” numba one in yoa life, you goin be able fo do um an still have time fo do odda tings.

Learning da Bible fill da need us get fo have God inside oua life​—da need fo know an worship him. Read um Matthew 5:3, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How we come good inside wen we make shua dat learning da Bible stay supa importan to us?

5. No stop learning even tho get guys dat go agains you

Goin get times wen oddas goin try stop you from learning about da Bible. Try check out wat wen happen to Francesco an wat he wen do. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • Inside da video, how Francesco’s frenz an ohana wen ack wen he told dem wat he was learning?

  • Wat good kine tings he wen get cuz he neva stop learning da Bible?

Read um 2 Fo Timoty 2:24, 25, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How yoa ohana an yoa frenz feel about wat you stay learning?

  • From wat da Bible tell, how you suppose to ack wen somebody tell you dey not happy dat you stay learning da Bible? How come?

6. Trus dat Jehovah goin help you

Da moa close we come wit Jehovah, da moa we goin like do tings dat make him happy. Still yet, can be hard fo make changes in oua life so we can live da way Jehovah like us live. If you eva feel lidat, no give up. Jehovah goin help you. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • Inside da video, wat kine changes Jim had fo make fo make Jehovah happy?

  • Wat was mean about how he wen change?

Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 11:6, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat Jehovah goin do fo da ones who “like know him fo real kine” an try hard fo make him happy?

  • Wat dis tell you about how Jehovah feel wen he see wat you stay doing fo learn da Bible?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “How come you stay learning da Bible?”

  • Wat you would tell um?


Even if sometime hard, learning da Bible can help you fo live good foeva. Keep on trusting Jehovah an he goin give you good kine tings.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How come truts inside da Bible stay spesho to you?

  • How you can “pick da bestes kine stuff?”

  • How come you gotta ask Jehovah fo help you no stop learning da Bible?

Someting Fo Do


Try look four tings dat plenny peopo do fo help dem no wase time.

“How to Invest Your Time Wisely” (Awake!, February 2014)

Try look how Jehovah wen help one wahine wen her husban neva undastan how come she wen work hard fo make Jehovah happy.

Jehovah Make Us Strong Fo Take Kea Oua Kuleana (5:05)

See how it wen turn out good fo dis guy wen his wife hang in dea.

I Wen Tes Out Da Trut (6:30)

Some guys tell dat Witnesses Fo Jehovah split up da ohana but dass true o wat?

“Do Witnesses Fo Jehovah Bus Up Ohanas O Make Dem Moa Strong?” (Web article)