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Wat Jesus Wen Do Wen He Was On Top Da Earth?

Wat Jesus Wen Do Wen He Was On Top Da Earth?

Plenny peopo tink of Jesus az ony one small bebe, one smart guy who talk fo God, o one guy who about fo mahke. So wat you tink, we can get fo learn moa about him by lookin at da tings he wen do wen he was on top da earth, o wat? In dis lesson, we goin look at some of da mos importan tings Jesus wen do an how dat can help you.

1. Wat was Jesus mos importan work he had fo do?

Jesus’ mos importan work was fo teach da peopo da good stuff about how dey can “get God fo dea king.” (Read um Luke 4:43.) He wen tell peopo da good news dat God goin make one kingdom, o govament, fo fix all da pilikia humans get. a Three an a half years Jesus wen go fo broke fo tell peopo about dese good kine tings.—Matthew 9:35.

2. How come Jesus wen do all kine awesome stuff?

Da Bible tell plenny times God give Jesus “powa, an he do all kine awesome stuff dat show who him.” (Jesus Guys 2:22) God wen give Jesus da powa fo tell da weather wat fo do, feed choke peopo, make da sick guys come good again, an even bring da mahke guys back to life. (Matthew 8:23-27; 14:15-21; Mark 6:56; Luke 7:11-17) Da awesome stuff Jesus wen do had make um clear dat God wen send him. Dat wen show dat Jehovah get da powa fo fix all oua pilikia.

3. Wat us can learn from da way Jesus wen live?

All da time Jesus wen do wat Jehovah wen like him fo do. (Read um John 8:29.) Even tho had guys who wen go agains him, Jesus had faith an wen do wat his Faddah wen ask him fo do all da way until he mahke. He wen show proof dat humans can serve God even wen az hard. So den, “cuz jalike [Jesus] wen do fo [us] guys, [us] guys suppose to do too.”John 13:15.


Try look how Jesus wen tell peopo good kine tings an do awesome kine stuff.

4. Jesus wen tell peopo good kine tings

Jesus wen walk hundreds of miles on da dirt roads, telling good kine tings to choke peopo. Read um Luke 8:1, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Jesus wen preach ony to peopo who wen come togedda fo lissen to him o wat?

  • How hard Jesus wen try fo look fo peopo?

God wen tell befoa time dat da Messiah was goin tell good kine tings. Read um Isaiah 61:1, 2, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How Jesus wen make dis come true?

  • You tink da peopo today gotta hea dese good kine words?

5. Jesus wen teach importan tings dat we gotta know

Jesus neva ony tell good kine tings about God’s Govament, he even wen teach peopo tings dat can help dem in dea life. Try look some good tings he wen tell wen Jesus Teach On Top Da Mountain. Read um Matthew 6:14, 34 an 7:12, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat kine tings Jesus wen tell in dose verses dat can help peopo wit dea life?

  • You tink wat Jesus wen tell still can help peopo today?

6. Jesus wen do awesome kine stuff

Jehovah wen give Jesus da powa fo do plenny awesome kine stuff. Fo look one exampo, read um Mark 5:25-34 o play um da VIDEO. Den talk story about da questions afta.

  • Inside da video, wat da sick wahine was shua about?

  • Wat blow yoa mind about dis awesome ting Jesus wen do?

Read um John 5:36, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Wat da awesome kine tings Jesus wen do prove about him?

You wen know?

Mos of wat we know about Jesus come from da four books inside da Bible called da Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, an John. Each guy who wen write um wen tell diffren kine tings about Jesus. All dese diffren kine tings jalike pieces of one puzzle dat come toggeda fo show us one picha of Jesus’ life.


    wen write his book firs. It tell us about wat Jesus wen teach an get plenny in dea about God’s Govament.

  • MARK

    wen write da shortes one. Da buggah move fas an get choke action inside.

  • LUKE

    talk plenny about prayer an how Jesus wen treat da wahines.

  • JOHN

    show us wat kine guy Jesus was cuz tell wat Jesus wen talk story about wit his close frenz an odda peopo.

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Jesus, dass God, aah?”

  • Wat you tink?


Jesus wen tell peopo about God’s Govament an do awesome kine stuff, an all da time he wen do wat Jehovah wen like him fo do.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Wat was Jesus’ mos importan work he had fo do wen he was hea on top da earth?

  • Da awesome kine tings Jesus wen do, wat kine proof dat wen show?

  • Wat kine tings Jesus wen tell peopo dat can help dem wit dea life?

Someting Fo Do


Try look how come we can trus dat da awesome kine tings Jesus wen do really wen happen.

“The Miracles of Jesus—What Can You Learn?” (The Watchtower, July 15, 2004)

Try look how one guy’s life had change cuz he wen learn about how Jesus neva ony live fo himself.

“My Life Was All About Me” (The Watchtower, October 1, 2014)

Try look da main tings Jesus wen do wen he was on top da earth an da orda he wen do um in.

“Main Events of Jesus’ Earthly Life” (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, Appendix A7)

a Lessons 31-33 goin tell some moa about God’s Govament.