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How You Can Know True Christians?

How You Can Know True Christians?

Plenty people say they Christians. But they not get the same beliefs and they can’t live by the same laws. So how we can know true Christians?

1. What it mean to be Christian?

Christian mean to be disciple, or to follow Jesus Christ. (Read Acts 11:26.) How Christians can prove that they Jesus disciples? He said: “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples.” (John 8:31) This mean that true Christians must obey Jesus teachings. Just how Jesus use to teach what the Bible say, that the same way true Christians can teach what the Bible say.—Read Luke 24:27.

2. How true Christians can show love?

Jesus told his disciples: “Love one another just as I have loved you.” (John 15:12) How Jesus show that he love his disciples? He spent time with them, encourage them, and help them. He even die for them. (1 John 3:16) Like Jesus, true Christians must not only talk about love. But they can show love by what they say and do.

3. What kind na work true Christians busy doing?

Jesus gave work to his disciple them. “He sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:2) Way back, Christians not only use to preach to the place where they use to worship. They use to preach anywhere they find people. They even use to go to people houses to preach to them. (Read Acts 5:42; 17:17.) That the same way today true Christians can preach to people anywhere they find them. They love their neighbors, so they happy to use their time and strength to share the Bible message that can give hope and comfort.​—Mark 12:31.


Learn how you can know the difference between true Christians and people who not following Jesus teachings and his example.

4. They can look for Bible truth

Way back, the Christian them show that God Word was important

That not everybody who say they Christian can make effort to study the Bible and apply it. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • Wetin some people who say they Christians na do to stop people from learning the truth?

Jesus use to teach the truth from God Word. Read John 18:37, and answer the question together:

  • From what Jesus said, how you can know the Christians who “on the side of the truth”?

5. They can preach the truth from the Bible

Way back, the Christian them preach to other people

Before Jesus went back to heaven, he gave his disciples work to do and they still doing it today. Read Matthew 28:19, 20 and Acts 1:8, and answer the question together:

  • How far the preaching work will go and what time it will finish?

6. They can do what they preach

What make Tom to believe that he na find true Christians? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • In the video, what make Tom to give up on religion?

  • What convince him that he na find the truth?

We can’t just be Christians in the mouth. Read Matthew 7:21, and answer the question together:

  • Which one more important to Jesus​—for us to say we believe in him or to do what he say?

7. They love one another

Way back, the Christian them show love to one another

Christians na put their life in danger for one another before? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • In the video, why Lloyd risk his life for Brother Johansson?

  • You think he acted like real Christian?

Read John 13:34, 35, and answer the question them together:

  • How Jesus disciples, or true Christians, suppose to treat people with different skin color or people from different country?

  • How they can do this one in war time?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “It not matter which religion you in, the important thing that to believe in Jesus.”

  • Which scripture you can use to show how we can know true Christians?


True Christians can follow what the Bible say, they can show real love, and preach what the Bible say.


  • Where true Christians can take their beliefs from?

  • Wetin can help people to know true Christians?

  • What the main work true Christians can do?

Try This


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Jehovah Witnesses That What Kind na People? (1:13)

See how one woman who was Catholic nun before, find her “true spiritual family”

“They Use the Bible to Answer All My Questions!” (The Watchtower, April 1, 2014)

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How We can Help Our Brother Them When Bad Things Happen​—Short Part (3:57)

Learn how true Christians today doing the same things that the Christians use to do way back. Jesus say, it will show that they are his true disciples.

“What Can Help You to Know True Christians?” (The Watchtower, March 1, 2012)