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Hao Nao for Luksavve lo Olketa Tru Christian?

Hao Nao for Luksavve lo Olketa Tru Christian?

Staka billion pipol sei olketa Christian. Bat olketa no bilivim sem samting and olketa no followim olketa sem standard. So hao nao for iumi luksavve lo olketa tru Christian?

1. Hu nao olketa Christian?

Olketa Christian hem olketa disaepol, or olketa follower blo Jesus Christ. (Readim Acts 11:26.) Wat nao olketa duim wea showim olketa disaepol blo Jesus? Hem sei: “Sapos iufala followim teaching bilong mi, iufala barava disaepol bilong mi nao.” (John 8:31) Diswan minim olketa tru Christian mas obeyim olketa teaching blo Jesus. Hem evritaem teachim samting wea Bible talem. Olketa tru Christian duim sem samting tu.​—Readim Luke 24:27.

2. Wat nao olketa tru Christian duim for showim love?

Jesus talem olketa follower blo hem: “Iufala lovem iufala evriwan olsem hao mi lovem iufala tu.” (John 15:12) Wat nao Jesus duim wea showim hem lovem olketa disaepol blo hem? Hem spendem taem witim olketa, encouragem, and helpem olketa. Hem dae for olketa tu. (1 John 3:16) Olketa tru Christian tu followim wei blo Jesus for showim love and no storyim nomoa. Samting wea olketa talem and duim showim olketa lovem each other.

3. Wat kaen waka nao olketa tru Christian busy for duim?

Jesus givim waka for olketa disaepol blo hem. “Hem sendem olketa for preach abaotem Kingdom bilong God.” (Luke 9:2) Olketa Christian lo first century no preach nomoa lo ples blo olketa for worship, bat olketa go preach tu lo olketa pablik ples and lo haos blo pipol. (Readim Acts 5:42; 17:17.) Olketa Christian distaem tu go lo eni ples wea pipol stap for preach abaotem truth wea stap lo Bible. From olketa lovem pipol, olketa hapi for iusim taem and strong blo olketa for sharem message lo Bible wea givim hope and comfort lo olketa.—Mark 12:31.


Bae iumi storyim samting wea mekem olketa tru Christian difren from pipol wea no followim teaching and example blo Jesus.

4. Olketa lukaotem truth wea stap lo Bible

Olketa Christian lo first century tinghae lo Bible

No evriwan wea sei olketa Christian followim truth wea stap lo Bible. Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta kwestin hia.

  • Wat nao samfala church wea sei olketa Christian duim for stopem pipol for lanem teaching blo Jesus?

Jesus teachim truth wea stap lo Bible. Readim John 18:37, then discussim tugeta kwestin hia:

  • Olsem Jesus talem, hao nao for luksavve lo olketa Christian wea “followim tru samting”?

5. Olketa preach abaotem truth wea stap lo Bible

Olketa Christian lo first century preach lo nara pipol

Bifor Jesus go bak lo heven, hem givim waka lo olketa follower blo hem for duim wea gohed kam kasem distaem. Readim Matthew 28:19, 20 and Acts 1:8, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Disfala preaching waka gohed kasem wat taem, and bae hem kasem wea?

6. Olketa followim wat olketa preach abaotem

Wat nao mekem Tom for bilivim hem faendem olketa tru Christian? Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia.

  • Wat nao mekem Tom for givap lo religion?

  • Wat nao mekem hem bilivim hem faendem truth?

Samting man duim hem important winim samting hem talem. Readim Matthew 7:21, then discussim tugeta kwestin hia:

  • Wat nao important lo Jesus? Samting iumi sei iumi bilivim, or samting iumi duim?

7. Olketa lovem each other

Olketa Christian lo first century lovem each other

Hao, olketa tru Christian willing for dae for each other? Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia.

  • Olsem iumi lukim lo video, wat nao mekem Brata Lloyd willing for dae for Brata Johansson?

  • Iu tingse wat hem duim showim hem wanfala tru Christian?

Readim John 13:34, 35, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Hao nao olketa disaepol blo Jesus (olketa tru Christian) treatim pipol from difren ples or kantri?

  • Hao nao olketa showim love lo taem blo war?

SAMFALA SAVVE TALEM: “Hem no important which religion iu joinim. Important samting hem for iu biliv lo Jesus Christ.”

  • Iu tingim eni scripture wea iu savve iusim wea savve helpem man olsem for luksavve lo olketa tru Christian?


Olketa tru Christian followim samting wea Bible talem, garem trufala love wea mekem olketa willing for dae for each other, and preach abaotem truth lo Bible.


  • Olketa biliv blo olketa tru Christian kam from wea?

  • Wat nao wanfala wei blo olketa tru Christian?

  • Wat nao waka blo olketa tru Christian?



Lanem samfala samting moa abaotem wanfala grup wea traem best for followim example and olketa teaching blo Jesus Christ.

Hu Nao Olketa Jehovah’s Witness? (1:13)

Read abaotem wanfala woman wea nun bifor hem faendem “wanfala spiritual famili.”

“Olketa Iusim Bible for Ansarem Evri Kwestin blo Mi!” (The Watchtower, April 1, 2014)

Lukim hao olketa tru Christian showim love lo olketa nara Christian wea needim help.

Helpem Olketa Brata and Sista lo Taem blo Disaster​—Part blo Video (3:57)

Read abaotem hao olketa Christian lo first century and tru Christian distaem duim sem samting wea Jesus talem wea bae showim olketa nao follower blo hem.

“Hu Nao Olketa Tru Christian?” (Wastaoa, April 1, 2012)