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How Da Hui Stay Put Togedda

How Da Hui Stay Put Togedda

Jehovah is one God dat do eryting da right way. (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 14:33, 40) So make sense his peopo would do eryting do da right way too, aah? How da Christian hui stay put togedda?

1. Who is da head of da hui?

“Christ, he da head” of da hui. (Fo Da Efesus Peopo 5:23) From up inside da sky, he get da kuleana fo watch ova wat Jehovah’s peopo stay doing all ova da world. Jesus wen put togedda “da akamai worka guy dat da boss trus,” one small group of akamai braddahs also called Jesus Luna Guys. (Read um Matthew 24:45-47) Jalike Jesus guys an da eldas in Jerusalem in da firs century, Jesus Luna Guys tell da hui all ova da world wass good. (Jesus Guys 15:2) But dese guys, dey not da leada guys of oua hui. Dey read da Bible fo find out wat Jehovah like dem do an dey like follow wat Jesus tell.

2. Wat da eldas do?

Eldas, dey solid Christian braddahs who teach from da Bible an take kea Jehovah’s peopo by helping dem an giving dem good kine words. Dese guys no get paid fo da work dey do. Dey do um “cuz [dey] like do um. Do um da way God like. [Dey] no do um fo money, but [dey] go all out fo help God peopo.” (1 From Peter 5:1, 2) Helpa guys kokua da eldas. Dese helpa guys maybe can come eldas bumbye.

Jesus Luna Guys make um so some eldas come braddahs fo da circuit. Dese braddahs visit da local huis fo tell dem wass good an give dem good kine words. Dey give da ok to braddahs who line up wit wat da Bible tell fo come eldas an helpa guys.—1 Fo Timoty 3:1-10, 12; Fo Titus 1:5-9.

3. Wat ery Witness do?

Erybody in da hui “tell good tings bout Da One In Charge,” Jehovah, by taking part in da local hui’s meeting an working in da field service az much az dey can.—Read um Songs Fo God 148:12, 13.


Learn wat kine leada Jesus stay, how da eldas try copy him, an how us can work togedda wit Jesus an da eldas.

4. Jesus is one nice kine leada

Jesus give us da chance fo him be oua leada. Read um Matthew 11:28-30, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Wat kine leada Jesus an how he like make us feel?

How eldas copy wat Jesus wen do? Play um da VIDEO.

Da Bible tell straight up wat da eldas suppose to do.

Read um Isaiah 32:2 an 1 From Peter 5:1-3, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How dat make you feel fo know dat da eldas make nice to oddas jalike Jesus?

  • Wat odda kine ways dat eldas try copy Jesus?

5. Eldas teach by da tings dey do

How Jesus like eldas fo ack? Play um da VIDEO.

Da guys dat show wea fo go in da local hui, gotta make like Jesus. Read um Matthew 23:8-12, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How da Bible tell da eldas gotta ack? You tink da religious guys today follow wat da Bible tell o wat?

  1. Eldas make shua dem an dea ohana stay tight wit Jehovah

  2. Eldas take kea erybody in da local hui

  3. Eldas preach all da time

  4. Eldas teach. Dey even help clean an do odda tings

6. Us can work togedda wit da eldas

Da Bible tell how come az importan fo work togedda wit da eldas. Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 13:17, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Da Bible tell us gotta lissen to da guys dat show da way fo go. Dat make sense? How come?

Read um Luke 16:10, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come az importan fo work togedda wit da eldas even in da small kine stuff?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “You no need worship God wit odda peopo.”

  • Wat good kine tings can happen wen somebody worship God wit oddas az one hui?


Jesus is da head of da hui. Us guys happy fo work togedda wit da eldas who working fo Jesus cuz dey treat us nice kine an teach us by da tings dey do.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Who is da head of da hui?

  • How da eldas kokua da local hui?

  • Wat all da guys who worship Jehovah gotta do?

Someting Fo Do


Try look how much love an aloha Jesus Luna Guys an da eldas get fo Christians today.

Strengthening the Brothers Under Ban (4:22)

Learn some moa about da kine work dat braddahs fo da circuit do.

The Life of a Rural Circuit Overseer (4:51)

Find out moa about wat da wahines get fo do in da local hui.

“Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Have Women Ministers?” (The Watchtower, September 1, 2012)

How da eldas work hard fo tell good kine tings to odda Witnesses Fo Jehovah?

“Christian Elders—‘Fellow Workers for Our Joy’” (The Watchtower, January 15, 2013)