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Hao Kongregeson Hem Organize

Hao Kongregeson Hem Organize

Jehovah hem God wea laekem evri samting for organize. (1 Corinth 14:33) So hem mek sense for pipol blo hem tu for organize. Hao nao Christian kongregeson hem organize? Wat nao iumi savve duim for mekem kongregeson organize?

1. Hu nao hed blo kongregeson?

“Christ hem hed bilong kongregeson.” (Ephesus 5:23) Jesus stap lo heven and leadim waka wea pipol blo Jehovah duim evriwea lo world. Jesus markem “datfala wakaman wea faithful and wise,” wea hem wanfala smol grup blo olketa experience elder, wea nara nem blo hem tu Governing Body. (Readim Matthew 24:45-47.) Governing Body duim sem waka wea olketa aposol lo first century and olketa elder lo Jerusalem duim. Olketa givim direction lo olketa kongregeson evriwea lo world. (Acts 15:2) Bat olketa no leader lo organization blo Jehovah. Olketa depend lo Jehovah and advaes lo Bible, and olketa willing for followim direction blo Jesus.

2. Hu nao olketa elder, and wat nao waka blo olketa?

Olketa elder hem olketa experience Christian man wea iusim Bible for teachim, helpem, and encouragem pipol blo Jehovah. Olketa no kasem pei for waka wea olketa duim. Bat, olketa “willing” for duim datwan, no “for kasem samting for [olketa] seleva” bat olketa “laek for helpem narawan.” (1 Peter 5:1, 2) Olketa ministerial servant nao helpem olketa elder insaed kongregeson. Gogo olketa savve qualify tu for kamap elder.

Governing Body markem samfala elder for circuit overseer. Olketa savve visitim olketa kongregeson for encouragem and strongim olketa. Circuit overseer savve appointim wanfala brata for ministerial servant or elder if hem kasem olketa mark wea Bible storyim.

3. Wat nao waka blo each wan wea worshipim Jehovah?

Evriwan lo kongregeson savve “preisim nem blong [Jehovah].” Olketa duim best blo olketa for tek part lo olketa meeting and lo ministry.​—Readim Sams 148:12, 13.


Bae iumi storyim Jesus hem wat kaen leader, hao olketa elder trae for followim example blo hem, and wat iumi savve duim for obeyim Jesus and olketa elder.

4. Jesus hem leader wea kaen

Lukim toktok blo Jesus for iumi. Readim Matthew 11:28-30, then discussim tugeta kwestin hia:

  • Jesus hem wat kaen leader, and hem laekem pipol for hao?

Hao nao olketa elder savve followim example blo Jesus? Pleim VIDEO.

Bible talem klia hao olketa elder shud duim waka blo olketa.

Readim Aesaea 32:2 and 1 Peter 5:1-3, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Hao nao tingting blo iu taem iu savve olketa elder followim wei blo Jesus for strongim narawan?

  • Wat moa olketa elder savve duim for followim example blo Jesus?

5. Olketa elder showim example

Wat kaen tingting nao Jesus laekem olketa elder for garem abaotem waka blo olketa? Pleim VIDEO.

Jesus givim instruction for olketa wea lead insaed kongregeson for followim. Readim Matthew 23:8-12, then discussim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Wat nao standard lo Bible for olketa elder? Iu tingse olketa leader blo religion followim datwan?

  1. Olketa elder strongim spiritual saed blo olketa seleva and famili

  2. Olketa elder lukaftarem evriwan lo kongregeson

  3. Olketa elder preach evritaem

  4. Olketa elder teachim Bible. Olketa duim tu klining and eni nara waka

6. Iumi shud waka tugeta witim olketa elder

Bible storyim why hem important for waka tugeta witim olketa elder. Readim Hebrew 13:17, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Why nao Bible sei iumi shud willing for obeyim olketa wea lead? Hao nao tingting blo iu lo datwan?

Readim Luke 16:10, then discussim tugeta kwestin hia:

  • Why nao iumi shud evritaem obeyim olketa elder nomata lo olketa samting wea iumi tingse hem no important?

SAMFALA SAVVE TALEM: “Man no need for joinim eni religion.”

  • Why nao iu tingse hem gud for joinim organization blo God for worshipim Hem?


Jesus hem hed lo kongregeson. Iumi hapi for waka witim olketa elder wea followim direction wea kam from hem, bikos olketa strongim and showim gud example for iumi.


  • Hu nao hed lo kongregeson?

  • Wat nao olketa elder duim for helpem kongregeson?

  • Wat nao waka blo each wan wea worshipim Jehovah?



Lukim samting wea Governing Body and olketa elder duim wea showim olketa tingim olketa brata and sista.

Strongim Olketa Brata and Sista Taem Waka Hem Tambu (4:22)

Lukim waka blo olketa circuit overseer.

Laef blo Circuit Overseer lo Rural Area (4:51)

Read abaotem hao olketa elder waka hard for encouragem olketa brata and sista.

“Olketa Elder ‘Waka Tugeta Witim Iumi for Mekem Iumi Hapi’” (Wastaoa, January 15, 2013)