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Who Preaching the Good News Today?

Who Preaching the Good News Today?

Jehovah will soon use his Kingdom to solve all our problems. Because that good news, everybody need to hear it. Jesus wanted his disciples to tell everybody about this good news! (Matthew 28:​19, 20) How Jehovah Witnesses doing what Jesus command them to do?

1. How the thing Matthew 24:14 say happening today?

Jesus said: “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth.” (Matthew 24:14) Jehovah Witnesses happy to do this important work. We preaching the good news all over the world in more than 1,000 languages! This work that not small work, it need real effort and good planning. We not able to do this work without Jehovah help.

2. What effort we can make to preach to people?

We can preach anywhere we find people. Like the Christian them way back, we can preach from “house to house.” (Acts 5:42) This way of preaching can help us to preach to plenty people every year. Since people can’t be home all the time, we can also preach to some areas where plenty people can be. We can always look for ways to tell other people about Jehovah and about the things that he want do.

3. Who responsible to preach the good news?

All true Christians suppose to preach the good news to other people. We take this preaching work very serious. Each person can do what they able to do to preach the good news because we know it will save people lives. (Read 1 Timothy 4:16.) We not taking pay for this work, because the Bible say “You received free, give free.” (Matthew 10:7, 8) That not everybody will listen to us, but we still continue to preach because it part of our worship and it can make Jehovah happy.


Learn more about how Jehovah Witnesses preaching all over the world and see how Jehovah helping them.

4. We can work hard to preach to everybody

Jehovah Witnesses can try their best to preach to people everywhere. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • Wetin touch your heart when you see the effort Jehovah Witnesses making to preach the good news?

Read Matthew 22:39 and Romans 10:13-15, and answer the question them together:

  • How our preaching work show that we care for other people?

  • How Jehovah feel about those who preaching the good news?​—See verse 15.

5. We working together with God

Plenty examples show that Jehovah directing our work. For example, one brother in New Zealand name Paul, was preaching from house to house. He met one woman that afternoon. That same day in the morning, the woman pray using God name, Jehovah. She ask God to send someone to preach to her. When the woman finish praying, after three hours, Paul reach to her house and preach to her.

Read 1 Corinthians 3:​9, and answer the question together:

  • How some example them, like the one in New Zealand show that Jehovah directing this preaching work?

Read Acts 1:8, and answer the question together:

  • Why we need Jehovah support to do this work?

You na hear this one before?

During the midweek meeting every week, we can get training to help us to preach. If you na go to any of this meeting before, what you think about the training?

6. We can obey God command to preach

Way back, people who were against Jesus disciples try to stop them from preaching. But the way back Christians use the law to defend their right to preach the good news. (Philippians 1:7) Jehovah Witnesses doing the same thing today. a

Read Acts 5:​27-42, and answer the question together:

  • Why we will not stop preaching?​—See verses 29, 38, and 39.

IF SOMEBODY ASK: “Why Jehovah Witnesses can preach from house to house?”

  • How you will answer them?


Jesus gave the direction to his disciples to preach the good news to all nations. Jehovah helping his people to do this work.


  • Who preaching the good news all around the world?

  • How the preaching work show that we care for other people?

  • You think this preaching work can make people happy? Why?

Try This


See how Jehovah Witnesses can preach to people in big-big cities.

Special Metropolitan Public Witnessing in Paris (5:11)

Wetin Jehovah Witnesses na do to help refugees?

Preaching to Refugees Who Really Want to Learn About God (5:59)

Listen to how one woman explain why it make her happy to use all her life preaching.

I Happy that I Chose This Work (6:29)

Learn about some important decisions that the court na make that make it easy for Jehovah Witnesses to preach.

“Jehovah Witnesses Carry Their Case to Court” (God’s Kingdom Rules!, chapter 13)

a That God himself tell us to preach. So Jehovah Witnesses will continue to preach even if any human government say they must stop preaching.