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Da Guys You Love Can Come Back Alive!

Da Guys You Love Can Come Back Alive!

Wen somebody mahke, can make peopo feel so sad dey like give up. Dass how come da Bible tell, fo mahke, az anodda ting agains us guys. (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 15:26) In Lesson 27, you wen learn dat Jehovah goin wipe dat out foeva. But wat goin happen to da guys who wen mahke awready? Inside dis lesson, you goin learn some moa about one odda awesome promise Jehovah wen make—he goin make uku million peopo come alive one moa time so dey can live good foeva! Dass fo real o wat? Dey goin come back alive fo live in heaven o on top da earth?

1. Da guys we love who wen mahke, wat Jehovah like do fo dem?

Da guys who wen mahke, Jehovah no can wait fo make dem come alive one moa time. One guy who wen trus God, Job, wen know dat garuntee God no goin foget him wen he mahke. He wen tell God: “You goin call, an I goin ansa you [from da Mahke Peopo Place]”.—Read um Job 14:13-15.

2. How we know dat da mahke guys can come back alive?

Wen Jesus was on top da earth, God wen give him da powa fo make peopo come back alive. Had one 12-yea-ol girl an one widow’s boy who he wen make come back alive. (Mark 5:41, 42; Luke 7:12-15) Bumbye, Jesus’ fren Lazarus wen mahke. Dey wen bury him fo four days awready but Jesus wen make him come back alive. Afta he wen pray to God, Jesus wen yell out to da tomb: “Lazarus, come outa dea!” An “da mahke guy come outside”—an he stay alive! (John 11:43, 44) Brah, try tink how stoked Lazarus’ ohana an frenz was!

3. Da guys we love who had mahke, wat kine hope get fo dem?

Da Bible promise: “Guys . . . goin come back alive from mahke.” (Jesus Guys 24:15) Da guys who Jesus wen make alive befoa time neva go heaven. (John 3:13) Dey was happy fo come back alive right hea on top da earth. Pretty soon, Jesus goin make uku billion peopo come back alive fo live good foeva on one cherreh paradise earth. He wen tell all da mahke guys—even da guys peopo no rememba who dem but God rememba dem—goin come back alive.—John 5:28, 29.


Check out da proof inside da Bible dat da mahke guys can an goin come back alive. Try learn how dat can make you feel good inside an give you hope.

4. Jesus wen prove dat he can make da mahke guys come back alive

Learn some moa about wat Jesus wen do fo his fren Lazarus. Read um John 11:14, 38-44, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How we know fo shua dat Lazarus had mahke?—Go look verse 39.

  • If Lazarus wen go heaven, you tink Jesus would make him come back alive on top da earth o wat?

Play um da VIDEO.

5. Choke peopo goin come back alive from mahke!

Read um Songs Fo God 37:29, an Matthew 5:5. Den talk story about dis question:

  • Da uku billion peopo who goin come back alive, wea dey goin live?

Jesus no ony goin bring back alive da ones who wen worship Jehovah. Read um Jesus Guys 24:15, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Who you like see come back alive?

Try tink: Jalike one faddah can wake up his keiki, Jesus can make somebody come back alive

6. Can make you feel good inside an give you hope fo know dat da mahke peopo can come back alive

Peopo who stay all sad inside wen feel betta afta dey read da Bible story about Jairus’ daughtah. Read um da true story at Luke 8:40-42, 49-56.

Befoa he wen make Jairus’ daughtah come back alive, Jesus wen tell her faddah: “No sked, ony trus.” (Go look verse 50.) How fo know dat da dead can come back alive can help you . . .

  • wen somebody you love mahke?

  • wen you sked you goin mahke?

Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • How da chance fo come back alive wen kokua Phelicity’s maddah an faddah fo stay good inside?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Aah, dass hard fo believe dat somebody can come back alive an live on top da earth.”

  • Wat you tink?

  • Wat scripcha you can use fo prove dat da mahke peopo goin come back alive?


Da Bible promise dat da uku billion peopo who wen mahke goin come back alive. Jehovah no can wait fo dem live again an he wen give Jesus da powa fo make dem come back alive.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How Jehovah an Jesus feel about making da mahke guys come back alive?

  • Wea da uku billion peopo who goin come back alive goin live—in heaven o on top da earth? How come?

  • How you know da ones you love goin live again?

Someting Fo Do


Learn wat you can do wen you feel sad cuz somebody you love wen mahke.

“Help for Those Who Grieve” (Awake! No. 3 2018)

Wat da Bible tell can help somebody who stay sad inside o wat?

When a Loved One Dies (5:06)

How da keikis can hando wen somebody dey love mahke?

The Ransom (2:07)

Anybody goin come back alive an go heaven o wat? Who not goin come back alive?

“What Is the Resurrection?” (Web article)