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God’s Govament Stay Ruling Now!

God’s Govament Stay Ruling Now!

God’s Govament wen start fo rule up in heaven in da year 1914. Dat wuz also da start of da time wen human rulas was goin come pau too. How we know dat? We go look at wat da Bible tell was goin happen, wat stay happening in da world from 1914, an how peopo stay acking since den.

1. Wat da Bible tell was goin happen?

Da Bible book of Daniel wen tell dat God’s Govament would start fo rule at da end of one time called “seven year.” (Daniel 4:16, 17) Long time afta dat, Jesus wen call dat same time “dea time,” an he wen tell dat neva pau yet. (Luke 21:24) We goin see dat da seven year wen pau in 1914.

2. Since 1914, wat stay happening in da world an how peopo been acking?

Jesus guys wen ask him: “Tell us wen dese tings goin come an da way tings stay right now, wen goin pau.” (Matthew 24:3) Jesus wen tell um plenny stuff dat was goin happen bumbye wen he was goin rule az da King of God’s Govament. Goin get stuff like war, no moa nuff food, an earthquakes. (Read um Matthew 24:7.) Da Bible also wen tell befoa time dat how peopo was goin ack “befo da world goin come pau” was goin make um so dat “erybody goin presha out.” (2 Fo Timoty 3:1-5) We wen see all dis even moa since 1914.

3. How come stuffs come moa worse since God’s Govament wen start fo rule?

Ony litto while afta Jesus wen come da King of God’s Govament, he wen war in heaven agains Satan an da demons. Satan wen lose. Da Bible tell dat “him an his angel messenga guys get throw down on top da earth.” (Jesus Show 12:9, 10, 12) Satan stay real huhu cuz he know he goin get wipe out. So he da one who make erybody all ova da earth come soa an suffa. Dass how come eryting stay all jam up. God’s Govament goin fix all dis.


Check out how us guys know dat God’s Govament wen start fo rule in 1914 an wat dis mean fo all us.

4. Wat tell inside dat Bible show dat God’s Govament wen start fo rule in 1914

God wen make King Nebuchadnezzar, who wen live long time ago in Babylon, have one dream. God wen show him wat was goin happen in da future. Wat Daniel wen tell about wat mean, wen show was about Nebuchadnezzar’s rule an God’s Govament.—Read um Daniel 4:17. a

Read um Daniel 4:20-26, an den look da chart fo talk story about da questions afta:

  • (A) Wat Nebuchadnezzar wen see in his dream?—Go look verses 20 and 21.

  • (B) Wat was goin happen to da tree?—Go look verse 23.

  • (C) Wat was goin happen wen da “seven year” pau?—Go look verse 26

Wat Da Dream About Da Tree Gotta Do Wit God’s Govament

WAT WEN TELL BEFOA TIME (Daniel 4:20-36)

Somebody in charge

(A) One mangus tree

Somebody stop being in charge

(B) “Cut down da tree,” an let “seven year pass”

Somebody stay in charge again

(C) “God goin let you come da king one mo time”

Da firs time all dis wen come true . . .

  • (D) Who da tree wen rep?—Go look verse 22.

  • (E) How he wen stop being in charge?—Read um Daniel 4:29-33.

  • (F) Wat wen happen to Nebuchadnezzar wen “seven year” wen pau?—Read um Daniel 4:34-36.


Somebody in charge

(D) Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon

Somebody stop being in charge

(E) Afta 606 B.C.E., Nebuchadnezzar wen go pupule an no could rule fo seven years

Somebody stay in charge again

(F) Nebuchadnezzar wen come normal an was in charge again

Da secon time dis wen come true . . .

  • (G) Who da tree wen rep?—Read um 1 Records 29:23.

  • (H) How dey wen stop being in charge? How we know dat wen Jesus was on top da earth, still yet nobody was in charge?—Read um Luke 21:24.

  • (I) Wen an wea somebody stay in charge again?


Somebody in charge

(G) Israel kings who rep God being in charge

Somebody stop being in charge

(H) Jerusalem stay wipe out an da Israel kings no was in charge fo 2,520 years

Somebody stay in charge again

(I) Jesus start fo rule in heaven az King of God’s Govament in 1914

How long da seven year?

Some parts of da Bible help us fo undastan odda parts. Da Bible book Jesus Show tell dat three an half year, dass 1,260 days. (Jesus Show 12:6, 14) Times um by two, seven year, dass 2,520 days. Sometimes, da Bible use one day fo mean one year. (Ezekiel 4:6) So den, da seven year in da book of Daniel, dass 2,520 years.

5. Da world wen change since 1914

Jesus wen tell wat da world was goin be like afta he wen come King. Read um Luke 21:9-11, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Which one of dese tings you wen see o hear about?

Da aposal Paul wen tell how peopo would ack in da time right befoa da human rulas was goin be pau. Read um 2 Fo Timoty 3:1-5, an den talk story about dis question:

  • You wen see peopo acking like any of dese tings today? Which ones?

6. God’s Govament being in charge suppose to make us like do someting

Read um Matthew 24:3, 14, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat importan kine work show dat God’s Govament stay in charge now?

  • How you can have one part in dis work?

God’s Govament stay in charge now an pretty soon goin take ova da whole earth. Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 10:24, 25, an den talk story about dis question:

  • So wat us guys gotta do den?

If you wen find out someting dat could help oddas an save dem, wat you would do?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “How come Witnesses Fo Jehovah erytime talk about 1914?”

  • Wat you goin tell um?


Wat da Bible tell an wat goin on in da world show dat God’s Govament stay in charge now. We show us guys believe dis by preaching about um an goin meetings wit da local hui.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Wat wen happen afta da seven year pau dat da Bible book of Daniel tell befoa time?

  • How you know fo shua dat God’s Govament wen start fo rule in 1914?

  • How you can show dat you believe God’s Govament stay in charge now?

Someting Fo Do


Try look wat da history guys an oddas tell about how da world wen change since 1914.

“When Morals Declined Dramatically” (Awake!, April 2007)

Try read how wat da Bible tell was goin happen at Matthew 24:14 wen change one guy’s life.

“I Loved Baseball More Than Anything!” (The Watchtower No. 3 2017)

 How we know dat da prophecy in Daniel chapta 4 stay talking about God’s Govament?

“When Did God’s Kingdom Begin Ruling? (Part 1)” (The Watchtower, October 1, 2014)

Wat show dat da “seven year” dat Daniel chapta 4 wen talk about wen pau in 1914?

“When Did God’s Kingdom Begin Ruling? (Part 2)” (The Watchtower, November 1, 2014)

a Go look da  las two articles in da Learn Some Moa part of dis lesson.