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Fo Make Good Kine Choices

Fo Make Good Kine Choices

All us get choices fo make, aah? Plenny of dese choices can change who us an how tight we stay wit Jehovah. Maybe we gotta pick wea fo live, how fo make money, o if we goin get married. Wen we make good kine choices, we can live good an make Jehovah happy.

1. How da Bible can help you make good kine choices?

Befoa you make one choice, pray fo Jehovah help you an look good inside da Bible fo see wat he tink. (Read um Smart Guys 2:3-6.) Sometimes, easy fo see wat Jehovah like us do. Wen dat happen, da bes ting is fo lissen an do um.

Wat if is not easy fo see wat Jehovah stay tell you fo do? Jehovah still goin “show you guys da way fo go.” (Isaiah 48:17) How can? Maybe goin get one basic trut inside da Bible dat show how God tink an feel dat can help you. Plenny times, we learn how God feel about someting wen we read um in da Bible. Wen we figga how Jehovah feel, we can choose da tings dat make him happy.

2. Wat you gotta do befoa you choose fo do someting?

Da Bible tell: “Da akamai peopo, dey tink firs bout wat dey goin do.” (Smart Guys 14:15) Dis mean dat befoa we choose fo do someting, we gotta tink about wat kine choices get. Fo each one, try ask yoaself: ‘Wat trut inside da Bible goin help wit dis? Which one goin help me have peace? Wat I pick goin bodda oddas o wat? An da mos importan one, goin make Jehovah happy o wat?’—Da Rules Secon Time 32:29.

Jehovah get da right fo tell us wat stay good an bad. Wen we get fo know his rules an da trut real good, an like follow um, dass how we get fo know wat is ok an not ok. (Fo Da Rome Peopo 2:14, 15) Knowing dat goin help us choose wat stay good.


Learn how da truts inside da Bible an fo know wass good an bad can help us fo choose good kine tings.

3. Let da Bible show you wat fo do

How da truts inside da Bible can help us fo choose wat fo do? Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • Wat spesho kine gif Jehovah wen give us?

  • How come Jehovah wen let us choose wat fo do?

  • Wat he wen give fo help us fo choose da bestes ting fo do?

Fo check out one Bible trut, read um Fo Da Efesus Peopo 5:15, 16. Den talk story about how you can “get chance fo do good kine stuff” fo . . .

  • read da Bible all da time.

  • be one betta husban, wife, faddah, maddah, son o daughtah.

  • go meetings wit da local hui.

4. Learn wass good an wass bad so you can choose wass good

Wen da Bible stay supa clear about someting, is easy fo choose wass good. But wat if no moa? Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • Inside da video, wat da sistah wen do fo know wass good an wass bad moa betta so she can choose wat goin make Jehovah happy?

How come az no good fo ask oddas fo choose fo us? Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 5:14, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Even if moa easy fo ask oddas fo choose fo us, wat we gotta figga out on oua own?

  • Wat get fo help you know wass good an wass bad moa betta so you can choose wass good?

Jalike one map, knowing wass good an wass bad can help us know wea fo go in oua life

5. Respeck wat oddas tink stay good an bad

Not erybody goin choose fo do da same ting. How us can show respeck fo wat oddas tink is ok o not ok? Try look two exampos:

Exampo 1: One sistah who like wear plenny makeup move to one local hui wea doing dat bodda da sistahs ova dea.

Read um Fo Da Rome Peopo 15:1 an 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 10:23, 24, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How dese scripchas can help dis sistah choose wat fo do? Wat you goin do if you stay wit somebody who tink az not ok fo do wat you tink is ok?

Exampo 2: One braddah know dat da Bible tell az ok fo drink alcohol, but he choose not fo drink um. He stay at one get togedda wea braddahs stay drinking.

Read um Da Teacha 7:16 an Fo Da Rome Peopo 14:1, 10, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How dese scripchas can help dis braddah choose wat fo do? Wat you would do if you see somebody doing someting dat you no would do?

 How fo choose wass good

1. Ask Jehovah fo help you choose wat fo do.—From James 1:5.

2. Go check out da Bible an odda tings dat talk about um fo find truts dat can help you. Go talk story wit odda Christians who undastan wat you stay goin thru.

3. Tink good how wat you choose, can change wat you an oddas tink is ok an not ok.

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Who kea wat odda peopo tink? Do wat you like.”

  • How come we gotta kea how God an odda peopo feel?


We choose fo do good tings wen we figga how Jehovah feel about someting an tink if goin help oddas o goin jam dem up.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How you can choose fo do wat make Jehovah happy?

  • How you can get fo know wass good an bad moa betta?

  • How you can show respeck fo wat oddas tink az ok an not ok?

Someting Fo Do


How you can choose fo do tings dat make you moa tight wit God?

“Make Decisions That Honor God” (The Watchtower, April 15, 2011)

Undastan moa betta how Jehovah help you fo know wat fo do.

Jehovah Guides His People (9:50)

Learn wat wen help one braddah wen he had hard time fo choose wat fo do.

Jehovah Guarantees All That Is Good (5:46)

Learn about how fo make Jehovah happy even wen he no tell exackly wat suppose to do.

“Do You Always Need a Bible Command?” (The Watchtower, December 1, 2003)