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Hao for Mekem Gud Disison

Hao for Mekem Gud Disison

Iumi evriwan mas mekem olketa disison. Staka lo olketa disison hia savve spoelem or helpem iumi. Olketa savve helpem or spoelem tu frenship blo iumi witim Jehovah. Example nao, maet iumi mas disaedem ples wea iumi bae stap, waka wea iumi bae duim for kasem selen, or sapos iumi bae marit or nomoa. Taem iumi mekem gud disison, iumi hapi and iumi mekem Jehovah hapi tu.

1. Hao nao iu savve iusim Bible for helpem iu for mekem gud disison?

Bifor iu mekem eni disison, prea lo Jehovah for helpem iu and studyim Bible for savve lo tingting blo Jehovah abaotem datwan. (Readim Provebs 2:3-6.) Lo Bible, Jehovah givim olketa law for samfala samting. Sapos law stap for samting wea iu bae disaedem, best samting for duim hem for obeyim datfala law.

Bat hao sapos no eni law stap lo Bible wea talem iu wat for duim? Jehovah bae still ‘lidim iu long wei wea iu mas falom.’ (Aesaea 48:17) Hao nao hem duim datwan? Olketa principle stap for helpem iu. Olketa Bible principle hem olketa teaching lo Bible wea savve helpem iumi for savve lo tingting and feeling blo God. Staka taem iumi lanem tingting blo God abaotem wanfala samting taem iumi readim wanfala story lo Bible. Taem iumi luksavve lo tingting blo Jehovah, iumi savve mekem disison wea hem hapi lo hem.

2. Wat nao iu shud tingim firstaem bifor iu mekem eni disison?

Bible sei: “Man garem gudfala save, bae hemi tingim wei fo falom.” (Provebs 14:15) Diswan minim bifor iumi mekem eni disison, iumi need for tingting gud firstaem abaotem olketa samting wea iumi laek for disaedem abaotem datwan. Bifor iumi disaedem eni samting, tingim diswan: ‘Wat nao olketa Bible principle wea fitim diswan? Wat nao stret samting for duim? Hao, disison blo mi bae mekem olketa narawan hapi or sorre? And winim evri samting hia, hao, Jehovah bae hapi lo disison blo mi?’​—Diutronomi 32:29.

Jehovah nao garem raet for talem iumi samting wea stret and samting wea no stret. Taem iumi savve gud lo olketa law and principle blo hem, and tingting strong for followim, iumi trainim konsens blo iumi. Konsens savve helpem iumi for luksavve lo samting wea stret and samting wea no stret. (Rome 2:14, 15) Konsens wea iumi iusim Bible for trainim bae helpem iumi for mekem gud disison.


Bae iumi lanem hao olketa Bible principle and konsens blo iumi savve helpem iumi for mekem olketa disison.

3. Hem gud for followim samting wea Bible talem

Hao nao olketa Bible principle savve helpem iumi taem iumi mekem disison? Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia.

  • Wat nao spesol present wea Jehovah givim lo iumi?

  • Why nao Jehovah givim iumi freedom for disaed seleva?

  • Wat nao Jehovah givim for helpem iumi mekem olketa best disison?

For lukim example blo wanfala Bible principle, readim Ephesus 5:15, 16. Then discussim tugeta samting wea iu savve duim for “iusim gud taem bilong [iu]” for . . .

  • readim Bible evriday.

  • duim samting wea bae mekem iu gud hasband or waef, dadi or mami, son or dota.

  • go lo olketa meeting.

4. Trainim konsens for helpem iu mekem gud disison

Taem law stap lo Bible for wanfala samting, datwan savve mekem hem isi for disaedem stret samting. Bat hao sapos no eni law stap for samting wea iu bae disaedem? Pleim VIDEO, then discussim tugeta kwestin hia.

  • Olsem iumi lukim lo video, wat nao sista duim for trainim konsens blo hem and for mekem disison wea Jehovah bae hapi lo hem?

Why nao iumi mas no askem narawan for mekem disison wea iumi nao shud mekem? Readim Hebrew 5:14, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • Maet hem isi for askem narawan for disaed for iumi, bat wat nao iumiseleva shud luksavve lo hem?

  • Wat nao samfala samting wea stap wea savve helpem iu for trainim konsens and for mekem gud disison?

Konsens blo iumi hem olsem wanfala map wea savve leadim iumi lo laef

5. Respectim konsens blo narawan

Samting wea narawan disaedem bae no semsem witim narawan. Wat nao iumi savve duim for respectim konsens blo narawan? Tingim tufala situation hia:

Situation 1: Wanfala sista wea savve laek for putim mekap muv go lo wanfala kongregeson wea staka sista savve feel nogud taem olketa lukim eniwan putim mekap.

Readim Rome 15:1 and 1 Corinth 10:23, 24, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • For followim olketa scripture hia, wat nao maet datfala sista disaedem? Wat nao bae iu duim sapos iu stap witim samwan wea konsens blo hem no letem hem for duim samting wea konsens blo iu letem iu for duim?

Situation 2: Wanfala brata savve Bible no stopem iumi for drinkim alcohol, bat sapos man drinkim hem mas no ova tumas. Nomata olsem, hem disaed for no drinkim eni alcohol. Hem kasem invitation for go lo wanfala party and hem lukim samfala brata drinkim alcohol.

Readim Eklesiastes 7:16 and Rome 14:1, 10, then discussim tugeta olketa kwestin hia:

  • For followim olketa scripture hia, wat nao maet datfala brata disaedem? Wat nao bae iu duim sapos iu lukim samwan duim samting wea konsens blo iu no letem iu for duim?

 Wat nao man savve duim for mekem gud disison?

1. Askem Jehovah for helpem iu disaedem wat for duim. —James 1:5.

2. Duim research lo Bible and olketa Bible pablikeson for faendem olketa principle wea savve helpem iu. Iu savve story tu witim eni Christian wea garem experience.

3. Tingim firstaem hao disison blo iu bae affectim konsens blo iu and konsens blo olketa narawan.

SAMFALA SAVVE TALEM: “Iu garem raet for duim eni samting iu laekem and no warim tingting blo pipol.”

  • Why nao iumi shud tingim feeling blo God and olketa nara pipol tu?


Iumi savve mekem gud disison taem iumi luksavve lo tingting blo Jehovah abaotem samting and taem iumi tingim sapos wanem iumi duim bae helpem or spoelem narawan.


  • Wat nao iu savve duim for mekem olketa disison wea Jehovah bae hapi lo hem?

  • Wat nao iu savve duim for trainim konsens blo iu?

  • Wat nao iu savve duim for respectim konsens blo nara pipol?



Wat iu savve duim for mekem olketa disison wea bae helpem iu for fren gud witim God?

“Disaedem Samting wea Bae Mekem God Kasem Praise” (Wastaoa, April 15, 2011)

Lanem samfala samting moa abaotem hao Jehovah givim iumi advaes.

Jehovah Leadim Pipol blo Hem (9:50)

Lukim samfala samting wea helpem wanfala man for mekem wanfala hard disison.

Jehovah Promisim Evri Gud Samting (5:46)

Lanem samfala samting moa abaotem hao for mekem Jehovah hapi taem no eni law stap lo Bible for talem iu wat for duim.

“Waswe, Iu Evritaem Needim Wanfala Bible Komand?” (Wastaoa, December 1, 2003)