Appreciate the Gift of Life

Appreciate the Gift of Life
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Life can be full of wonderful experiences. Even when we face problems, we can usually enjoy some aspects of life. How can we show that we appreciate the gift of life? And what is the most important reason for doing that?

1. Why should we appreciate life?

We should appreciate life because it is a gift from our loving Father, Jehovah. He is “the source of life”​—he created all life. (Psalm 36:9) “He himself gives to all people life and breath and all things.” (Acts 17:25, 28) Jehovah gives us what we need to stay alive. But more than that, he sustains our life in a way that allows us to enjoy it.​—Read Acts 14:17.

2. How can we show Jehovah that we appreciate the gift of life?

From the moment you were conceived, Jehovah cared about you. Under divine inspiration, one of God’s worshippers, David, said to him: “Your eyes even saw me as an embryo.” (Psalm 139:16) Jehovah greatly values your life. (Read Matthew 10:29-31.) It would hurt him deeply if anyone deliberately put an end to someone’s life, even his or her own. a (Exodus 20:13) It would also hurt Jehovah if we needlessly put our life in danger or did not take precautions to protect the lives of others. When we take care of our life and respect the lives of others, we show that we appreciate the marvelous gift of life.


Consider some ways that you can show your appreciation for the gift of life.

3. Take care of your health

Dedicated Christians use every aspect of their life to serve Jehovah. It is as if they present their bodies as a sacrifice to God. Read Romans 12:1, 2, and then discuss these questions:

  • What should motivate you to care for your health?

  • What are some ways that you can do so?

4. Take precautions to prevent injury or death

The Bible encourages us to avoid practices that are dangerous. Play the VIDEO to learn some things that you can do to be safe.

Read Proverbs 22:3, and then discuss how you and others can be safe . . .

  • in your home.

  • at your workplace.

  • when playing sports.

  • when operating a vehicle or riding in one.

5. Respect the life of an unborn child

In poetic language, David spoke of Jehovah’s interest in the life and development of an unborn child. Read Psalm 139:13-17, and then discuss this question:

  • In Jehovah’s eyes, does a person’s life begin at conception or at birth?

Jehovah’s laws for ancient Israel protected mothers and their unborn children. Read Exodus 21:22, 23, and then discuss these questions:

  • How did Jehovah view a person who accidentally ended the life of an unborn child?

  • How would he feel if someone intentionally did that? b

  • How do you feel about God’s view?

Play the VIDEO.

Even a woman who appreciates the value of life may feel that an abortion is her only option. Read Isaiah 41:10, and then discuss these questions:

  • If a woman is facing pressure to have an abortion, to whom should she turn for help? Why?

SOME PEOPLE SAY: “A woman has the right to choose whether to have an abortion​—it’s her body.”

  • What convinces you that Jehovah values the lives of both a mother and her unborn baby?


The Bible teaches us to love, respect, and safeguard Jehovah’s gift of life. This includes both our own life and the lives of others.


  • Why is human life valuable to Jehovah?

  • How does Jehovah feel when someone deliberately puts an end to a human life?

  • What do you appreciate about the gift of life?



a Jehovah cares deeply about those who are brokenhearted. (Psalm 34:18) He understands painful feelings that can lead to suicidal thoughts, and he wants to help. To see how his help can make a difference, read the article “I Want to Die​—Can the Bible Help Me When I Have Suicidal Thoughts?” that is listed in the Explore section of this lesson.

b Those who have had an abortion do not need to be overwhelmed with guilt​—Jehovah can forgive them. For more information, see the article “What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?” that is listed in the Explore section of this lesson.